Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11
Retinoblastoma (RB) is a rare childhood eye cancer which
affects approximately 1/18,000 live births and usually prior to
the age of five. RB can be unilateral (one eye) or bilateral (both
eyes) in nature and maybe hereditary or an isolated, sporadic
Tumor visible through a dilated pupil
This malignant tumor is often first noticed by the parents as an unusual white reflection
seen through the child's pupil at certain angles. This is known as leukocoria. Immediate
consultation by an ophthalmologist specializing in oncology (cancer) must be sought.
There are several treatment modalities available for retinoblastoma. In certain
circumstances the complete removal (enucleation) of the eye may be necessary. In this
situation the child will require the services of an ocularist approximately six to eight
weeks after surgery for the placement of an artificial eye.