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Bernell actiVity/thERaPy WoRkBooks
CMB (Color Maze Book) $24.95
avaiLaBLe iNdividuaLLy or as a set of aLL four:
BWMB (B/W Maze Book) CWSB (Color Word Search Book) BWSB (B/W Word Search Book)
saVe oVer 15% WSMSET (Set of All 4 Books) $59.95
Bernell is excited to offer these workbooks designed to make vision therapy a little more fun and interesting. The word search and maze books are extremely useful in the treatment of amblyopia and suppression. They are fun and interesting for the child to do, yet designed to get progressively more challenging with each page. The word search and maze books have puzzles that get smaller and smaller to train the weaker eye to see better and better. Both workbooks are available in a black print version for use with active patching or a Red/Green version that allows the subject to do monocular training in a binocular field with Red/Green glasses. Also can be used for Figure-Ground work.
childREN’s REd liNE coloRiNg Book 2018 EDITION
detaiLs: 8-1/2” x 11”, soFt coVer, 12 PaGes.
A red inked activity book for children that can be used for suppression training and tracking.
BC721PK4 (4 Books to a Pack) $12.95 BC721 (12 Books to a Pack) $29.95
WoRd sEaRch Book 1 aNd 2
Book 1 contains 13 word
searches which cancel with
Red/Green glasses. Both
the word searches and the
word keys alternate between
right and left eyes so you
can get some good binocu-
lar training here! Plus, you
could invent other activities,
such as scanning, saccadics,
or filling in “bubble” letters.
The book folds out easily to be slid into standard non-glare page protec- tors, so they can be used over and over again. Book 2 is a collection of Anaglyphic Word Searches your patients are sure to enjoy! – 5-Pack
Book 1 hdWsB1 Book 2 hdWsB2
5 Pack - Book
PaRt #
$64.95 Each
detaiLs: 8-1/2” x 11”, soft cover
a). word trackiNg: high freQueNcy words workBook AT8706 $22.95
High frequency tracking of commonly used words in the English language. Provides visual training in tracking, left-to-right directionality, spelling, recognition, matching & selecting. Writing exercises using these words reinforce vocabulary development & written language skills. 64 pages.
B). seNteNce trackiNg: workBook AT7483 $22.95
Designed to teach scanning a line of type to improve reading, word recognition and discrimina- tion skills. Sentence Tracking aids in vision training by correcting problems with left to right eye movement, omissions and reversals. 3rd to 4th grade reading level. Type size ranges from 16 to 10 point. Reproducible.
c). seNteNce trackiNg: high freQueNcy words workBook AT9214 $22.95
Uses the same model sentence approach as the time-honored Sentence Tracking program but includes the Francis-Kucera word list that is used in the best-selling Word Tracking: High Frequency Words. 2nd to 3rd grade level. Type size ranges from 18 to 10 point. Reproducible.
d). Letter trackiNg: workBook AT7351 $27.95
Letter Tracking is designed to improve visual discrimination in students. Problems that may be caused by the lack of good visual discrimination include reversals, skips, left to right directionality, omissions, substitutions, and excursions over the page with the eyes. For beginning readers, remedial cases at all levels, and adults. 24 to 19 point font size
e). syMBoL discriMiNatioN & seQueNciNg workBook AT85157 $27.95
Designed to improve visual discrimination, visual memory for sequence, noting likenesses and differences, visual matching, and left-to-right progression. For pre-school/kindergarten level. Will help to develop important skills of visual memory and left-to-right progression.
f). syMBoL/Letter trackiNg workBook AT7327 $22.95
Enables each learner to track symbols, numbers, lower case and upper case letters in groups of six through 20. The book is designed to improve visual discrimination, symbol memory, and left-to-right directionality while correcting problems with reversals, omissions, substitutions, and additions. Appropriate for non-readers and beginning readers. Type size ranges from 24 to 12 point. Reproducible.
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