Page 137 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 137

solaN BluE filtER shEEts Special blue vinyl sheets as used in the work on
Scotopic Stress Syndrome by Dr. Harold Solan.
Includes: Six Sheets SOLB1156 $30.95 Size: 8-1/2” x 10-1/2”
  dEluxE fcftEstER softWaRE PackagE
 The Computerized Functional Color Field Tester (FCFTester) software system provides for quick, efficient, and reliable testing of the functional color visual fields. The software allows for the measurement of Form Fields (functional campimetry), the Color Fields (Red, Blue, & Green), and Blind Spot.
A key benefit to this system is the vast number of settings and customizations which allow you to create uniform test conditions for your patients, as well as the ability to store test parameters to ensure testing accuracy and consistency with patients when retesting. A built-in calibration module allows you to run the software on monitors 15” up to 24”. A variety of new enhancements now are included with the new Deluxe FCFTester software package, including the ability to monitor eye position during testing. For existing FCFTester customers, you can purchase this module as an upgrade. Contact us for details.
In addition to ongoing software enhancements, the viewing hardware for the FCFTester is now constructed of high-impact ABS, which provides a durable, professional appearance. Also, the viewer now features a trial lens well, as shown in the image to the right.
Save time and improve accuracy by upgrading from your manual color field testing equipment to this professional software system, which is quickly becoming the new standard in color visual field testing for both its ease of use and value in the exam room!
Interested in upgrading your old viewer hardware?
The new deluxe software packages will include the new ABS plastic viewer (shown in the picture). If you are a customer who purchased the original RFFT software with the original acrylic viewer and are interested in upgrading your viewer, then you can purchase the new deluxe viewer individually.
DFCFTVO (Viewer Hardware Only) $349.95
Visit us online or contact our Customer Service Team to learn more information.
     Fits 38mm trial lenses (lenses not included).
  cERium PREmium oVERlay tEstiNg sEt
CWRTPT $189.95
 The Cerium Premium Overlay Testing Set consists of 2 sets of A5 overlays in each of the 12 colours equally positioned around colour space. The color is selected by process of elimination. Assessment should be carried out only in the manner indicated on the record sheet. Full instructions and assessment sheets are included. The pack is supplied in a high quality presentation folder.
The Wilkins Rate of Reading Test and DVD training by Professor Arnold Wilkins is also included. The Wilkins Rate of Reading Test was designed to objectively measure the benefits obtained by individuals who suffer with Visual Stress, viewing text through Cerium Coloured Overlays. It is not a measure of cognitive ability or intelligence but compares the effects of reading simple words with and without the selected overlay. The patient is simply required to read words aloud while reading times and errors are noted. The test uses simple words, familiar to young children. The words appear in each line of a block of text but in a random order as we are not assessing the child’s comprehension skills but purely the reading speed.
Practitioners find the test easy and quick to administer and the results reliable and repeatable.
  NEW agE gogglEs With solaN BluE filtER lENsEs
SOLBG (Single) $7.95 SOLBG6 (Pkg. of 6) $37.95
        Colors Include:
• Aqua (AQS)
• Lilac (LIS)
• Magenta (MS)
• Yellow (YS)
• Orange/Amber (OS) • Leaf (LS)
• Rose (RS)
• Purple/Violet (PS)
• Turquoise (TS)
• Apple (AS)
• Blue (BS)
• Neutral (NS)
coloREd oVERlays The overlays consist of a robust transparent
   sheet that has a non-reflective surface, but one that allows the print to be clearly seen. The overlays may be superimposed on each other, but no more than two overlays should be used any one time due to the increasing density of tint. The edges are rounded for safety.
CPO+ (sinGLe a4 FuLL size oVerLays)
$12.95 each
CPO+ (buy 5 or more)
$10.95 each
  Order Now by Phone at (574) 259-2070 or Go To 134

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