Page 138 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 138
sPatial localization & Prism training
tEst WhilE sEatEd oR staNdiNg
Bernell sPatial locatioN BoaRdTM (slB)
hEight adjustaBlE modEl BSMAPB2 (comPlete kit) $999.95
The Bernell Spatial Location BoardTM (SLB) was developed for in-office testing and training of spatial concepts. The main purpose of this device is to assess the spatial localization skills of TBI or mTbi patient. Quite often after an acquired brain injury, regardless of the cause, the ability to properly locate an object accurately in space is altered. There is often a mid-line shift that occurs as well. The purpose of this instrument is to
determine the direction and amount of this problem, and to see how lenses or prisms of various powers may be used in treatment. Prisms can be found on page 124. The unit has a 360 pivot so that you can test horizontal shifts or vertical shifts. By having the patient face the board, you can also test spacial awareness.
Magnetic Sheet with Dry Erase Board Underneath
Metal Rolling Stand
The SLBTM Includes: Magnetic Whiteboard and Stand, (2) Magnetic Sheets, Set of 6 Dry Erase Markers with Erasers on Caps, Pkg. of 8 Colored Magnets, (2) 25 Sheet Recording Forms, Clear Acetate cm Measurement Gauge, and Instruction Manual.
This device was designed to be a multi-functional tool for any VT practice. In addition to the wide range of testing actives for spacial concepts, the SLBTM can also be used for tracing activities with dry erase markers or for holding charts or other VT training materials with magnets.
REPlacEmENt REcoRd foRms
BSLBFM (Pad oF 25) $8.95
PRism tRial lENs sEt - 18 PiEcE PTLS9 $154.95
Set of 9 pairs of glass prisms ranging from 1PD to 14PD. Comes in a deluxe carrying case for easy access and storage. Lens rings are 38mm diameter. Includes lens cloth. Case includes individual slots for each prism with reference labels.
Set comes in 9 pairs (18 total prisms) with the powers: 1 PD, 2PD, 3PD, 4PD, 6PD, 8PD, 10PD, 12PD, 14PD
dEluxE tRial PRism lENs sEt - 48 PiEcE
Set of 24 pairs of glass prisms ranging from 0.25PD to 10PD. Comes in a deluxe carrying case for easy access and storage. Lens rings are 38mm diameter, but the aperture of the glass lenses are
25mm x 20mm. Includes a empty variable PD flipper for holding the prisms.
3m PREss-oNTM PRisms Ultra-thin, 1mm Fresnel prisms are ideal for trial fittings.
Adhesive backing firmly holds prism to lenses. Easily removed.
A+ (PoWER)
$24.95 Each
Available in PD: 1-10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 35, & 40
Size: 2-3/4” x 2-3/4” *Specify prism diopter size when
ordering such as A5 for 5PD prism.
10+ $23.95 Each
fREsNEl PRism tRial sEts
• Allow accurate testing of large oculomotor imbalances in the trial frame. • Fits all standard trial frames.
• Made of thin optical quality acrylic and are lightweight.
• Each set includes a display box.
7 Rings with handles per set.
• Available as two sets providing a full range of prisms.
loW dioPtER sEt (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10)
FRSET1 $172.50
high dioPtER sEt (12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40)
FRSET2 $172.50
BishoP dual PRism aligNmENt systEm
The Bishop Dual Prism Alignment System to aid in measuring large angle strabismus.
Includes: magnetized prisms, metal alignment plate, and a convenient carrying case.
BDPAS $299.95
Developed by Dr. John
E. Bishop, MD, fixes the prisms in place, helping
to eliminate measurement errors. The Bishop tool allows simultaneous placement of prisms in front of each eye with proper positioning. The system is designed to also work
well on patients wearing trial frames. A portion of each sale of the Bishop tool is donated to the Children’s Eye Foundation.
135 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
magNEtic stick PRism sEts PRism sEt of 16 oR 22
*Set-16 Shown
Set-16 Magnetic Prism Set - 16 magnetic prisms and a red lens. Magnetic handles (2) and a durable storage case. Includes Sizes: 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, & a Red Lens.
Magnetically attached handles.
Set-22 Magnetic Prism Set- 22 magnetic prisms and a red lens. Magnetic handles (2) and a durable storage case. Includes Sizes: 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, & a Red Lens.
GMSPSET16 $249.95
GMSPSET22 $299.95
Individual Magnetic Stick Prisms also available. Visit for more info.