Page 30 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 30

 Measure the range of a person’s peripheral vision.
 BCVDISC $59.95
Bernell VisioN disc
3mm thick disc Size: 19” Wide x 16” High Backside with rubber
 of Disc. protection strip.
Includes: Disc, Handle, Fixation Wand & Instructions
Disc is 3mm thick and has a rubber protection strip for soft touch against user’s nose. It also features a chrome handle. Disc comes assembled. The fixation wand has red and green wooden balls on a carbon wand. Wooden red and green balls
(0.55” Diameter) keeps attention well. Wand is made out of carbon and is 15” long.
 Fixation Wand
  taNgENt scREEN Great for Recording Central Fields!
Made of the finest quality black felt. Attached one meter ribbon and occluder establishes the test distance. No need for headrest or chinrest. Double hanging rod model insures flatness.
Screen Size: Approximately 47” x 50”.
    Kit Includes: Recording Charts, Wand & (8) Velcro Dot Targets.
haNd disk PERimEtER
Designed for professionals or business and industries under state or federal regulations which require employees to pass perimeter tests. Good for determining scotomas.
 Complete Kit
   BC4001 (Kit)
    Replacement Items Sold Separately
$5.95 $24.95
*Note: Tangent Screen image is a simulated design to better illustrate pattern. Product has stitching that matches the design, but is black not white.
 Recording Forms
8.5” x 5.5”
(Pkg. of 100)
     Complete Kit
Recording Charts 5” x 8”
BC4022 (Kit)
   Wand and Targets
    BCF502 (Pkg. of 100)
     mRm gRid Book
Amsler type Grid Book tests for metamorphopsia, maculopathy and retinopathy. Test book includes 8 tests printed on rigid white vinyl with black dividers in between. Instructions located on inner cover for each test, as well as table of values for viewing distance. Spiral bound. Includes one pad of Recording Forms and B/W grids.
$49.95 $4.95
amslER gRid Book With 7 tEsts
     Types of Amsler Grids found in this book:
• Standard black with White Grid
• Standard with Diagonals for Central Scotoma • Black with Red Grid
• Black with White Dots
• Parallel Lines on Black
• Parallel Lines with Central Lines
• Standard with Small Central Squares
   MRM Grid Book
 BC2245 (5.5” x 8.5”)
 Replacement Recording Forms
BCF553M (Pad of 50)
   AGH801 $89.95
     aRmd Pad size: 5” x 8”
Amsler grid pad for testing and monitoring macular problems. Ideal for patients to take home. Heavy, non-wrinkle paper.
aRmd siNglE magNEt
Similar design as the ARMD pad, but printed on a black magnet. Allows patients to stick to metal of refrigerator or medicine cabinet.
 aRmd Pad with refiNed ceNtraL fieLd
Amsler grid pad with additional lines at the central fixation point for testing and monitoring macular problems.
sizE: 5” x 8”
oRdERs of 500+ caN BE imPRiNtEd oN EithER Pad With youR NamE & PhoNE. PlEasE call foR PRiciNg.
        Pad of 50 Sheets
1. Hold card at approximately 12” from eye.
2. Test right eye first, by covering left eye. Then repeat procedure on left eye (by covering right).
3. Look or concentrate at center dot.
4. Notice any waves, distortion or blind spots in the lines. If problems are noticed, inform your licensed vision care specialist immediately.
 $3.50 Each
 $2.95 Each
5” x 6.5”
Pad of 50 Sheets
1. Hold card at approximately 12” from eye.
2. Test right eye first, by covering left eye. Then repeat procedure on left eye (by covering right).
3. Look or concentrate at center dot.
4. Notice any waves, distortion or blind spots in the lines. If problems are noticed, inform your licensed vision care specialist immediately.
                 Field & macular degeneration tests
Low cost, simple-to-use direct measurement device. Accurately tests and measures peripheral visual fields for each eye, as well as full field. Fixation wand provides a multi-color target for measurement.
• Aids in detecting and measuring scotomas.
• Use to detect field loss due to ptosis prior
to requesting surgery approval
• Allows for quick and easy testing of patients
to see if they meet the minimum visual field requirements for driving in some states.
                    27 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
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