Page 28 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 28
• BCBS548 - Worth 4 Dot flashlight with Letters which is used to measure fusion & convergence abilities. • BCFIX - Fixation stick to test pursuits & accommodative skills & NPC.
• BCSALCD - Saladin test card quickly & easily measures vertical & horizontal phorias & fixation disparities. • BC1275VF - Vergence flipper with 6 Base-Out & 3 Base-In lenses equally before the eyes.
• BC1284150 - Hyperopia Flipper +1.50 for testing farsightedness
• DEMNV - DEM test of eye movements to assess visual processing & eye movement skills • Manual - Simple manual written for the technician
• BC11931 - Snellen 20 Ft Acuity Chart • BC1284150 - Hyperopia Flipper +1.50 • CVT1 - Color Vision Testing Made Easy • BC204P - Occluder
• BCDI - HOTV Distance Acuity Chart
• VA1010S - Butterfly Acuity Test
• BCNIE - HOTV Near Card with Elastic • DEMNV - DEM Test and manual
• BC200 - Bernell-O-Scope
• BCVTPK2G - Pre-Kindergarten Test Book • BCFIX - Fixation Stick
• BC816AMAE - AMA Near Test Card w/ Elastic • BSROD - 9” Brock String Rod
• BCF402 - Recording Forms
• Manual
BRokEN WhEEl tEstTM foR NEaR
This convenient test appears as a near rotary card for the phoropter, but is instead handheld. One can rotate the card to show two windows in a column. The patient simply selects which car has the broken wheel. The correct answer appears on the back of the card so that the administrator of the test can easily score the response. A chart that is included gives an approximate visual acuity based on the farthest distance at which the patient consistently and correctly responds.
fRoNtsidE BacksidE
BWTRC $39.95
shERidaN gaRdiNER tEst
These are sometimes referred to as the Cambridge Crowding Cards.
WOSGT $119.95
The Sheridan-Gardiner Test contains both near vision and distance vision tests accord- ing to the Faculty of Ophthalmologists and Snellen Standards. This Test also includes a reduced Snellen Test. Testing depends on
matching shapes rather than iden- tifying or naming letters. All are reversible. The Sheridan Gardiner Test is primarily designed for children but is also usable for deaf mute or other patients unable to interact with traditional letter based visual acuity tests. Results are more reliable than illiterate E or similar tests. A series of orthoptic booklets in washable plastic finish are included with the basic kit to augment
the range of letters in each size.
Advanced Guide for the Broken Wheel TestTM
BWTM $9.95
BWT $42.95
foR childREN Who haVE tRouBlE With thE tumBliNg “E” tEst
Easily administered, valid and reliable test of visual acuity in children 2 to 5 years of age, the visually or mentally handicapped, the multiple handicapped, deaf, or brain damaged, of any age. Uses a clinical approach of testing for visual acuity by incorporating the Landolt C. The Broken Wheel Acuity Test utilizes cards that have a familiar, non-threatening symbol (car), presented in a forced choice response. The simple recognition of the gap in a Landolt Ring is the critical feature. The acuity level in this test has been established to be equivalent to Snellen Letter optotype. No interpretation of the directional orientation of the optotypes is necessary, since both cards are the same except for the critical feature. Responses can be by finger pointing, hand pointing, or by eye pointing. Includes a pretest for response reliability. 18 cards. VA from 20/100 to 20/10.
Broken Wheel TestTM - Advanced Guide (Now Included with Broken Wheel TestTM) Detailed guide for utilizing the broken wheel test cards. Includes training exercises with accompanied illustrations. Letters, screening worksheets and glossary are also included.
vision screening
Bernell PRElimiNaRy tEst kit foR youR office Save Over $70 with this kit! BPTKIT $249.95
Often primary care optometrists are being forced into seeing more patients per hour or per day in order to survive economically with third party plans. Unfortunately, this sometimes means either foregoing certain tests or delegating them to technicians. Sadly, particularly with children, the assessment of the binocular system is one of the first things to be passed over in a routine exam. In order to free up the doctor’s time and yet get the necessary infor- mation of the binocular skills for the doctor, Bernell has developed a preliminary room test kit which may be used by a technician. It is designed around simple free space tests instead of an instrument such as a stereoscope to allow a more realistic test of real world demands.
Bernell dEluxE school scREENiNg kit
Save Over $200 with this kit!
BSSK $579.95
After years of working with different optometrists and ophthalmologists, Bernell has developed a kit with for screening of the major visual skills neces-
sary for the primary grade student. Tests cover visual acuity at dis- tance and near, convergence and accommodation, stereopsis, color testing, saccadic eye movements, phorias and fusion, suppression,
and hyperopia. Kit comes with instruction manual that explains how and why of each test. Designed for use by school nurses or persons with some vision screening training.
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