Page 42 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 42

binocular skills
  WoRth 4-dot tEst lEd flashlight
  BCBS538 (Blue Plastic) $24.95
For testing and training of fusion, suppression and/or diplopia.
New Age Red/Green goggle included. Requires 1 D battery (not included).
 WoRth lEttERs tEst lEd flashlight
 BCBS548 (Blue Plastic) $24.95
Similar test to Worth but with letters. “What letters do you see?”
Is an easier way for the doctor to know what the patient really sees. New Age Red/Green goggle included. Requires 1 D battery (not included).
 3-figuRE tEst BS528FL $64.95 This test is used for determining diplopia, suppression or fusion in children.
    The flashlight is made from hard, durable anodized metal and rubber, the LED Three Character is virtually unbreakable.
• LED 3-Figure Flashlight • Deluxe Reversible Model
Red/Green Glasses • D Batteries
• Instruction Manual
 WoRth sliP-oN
PR4759 $29.95
  Back Front
This cover fits on your transilluminator, so it doesn't need its own batteries. Easy slip on and off.
 BERNEll toRsioN tEstTM
This test measures the number of degrees of clock-wise or counter-clockwise cyclotorsion of the two eyes compared to each other. This is not a test of absolute torsion of one eye. Therefore, it does not matter if the card is slightly tilted while
testing. If the test result shows cyclotorsion, then the Bernell Torsion Training Cards may be used (See pg. 113).
  Includes: Torsion Test, New Age R/G Glasses & Manual
   BRock PostuRE BoaRd
This classic test is also a great demonstration for the parent to show esophoria/exophoria of the patient. Imagine a parent watching their child say the light is 3 squares (prism diopters) over when the parent without the R/G glasses sees the light is exactly on the center spot! Mazes are also good for demonstration.
• 1 Clear Clipboard
• 1 Red MFBF Trainer
• 1 Medical Penlight w/ Pupil Gauge • 4 Mazes
• 1 Posture Grid
• 1 Pair of Blanco R/G Glasses
Replacement Red Mazes
& Graph Paper for Brock Posture Board
 school Bus tEst BCSBS $19.95
This quick and
simple pass/
fail test for eye
alignment is ideal
for screening
both pre-school
and school
age children.
The size of the
school bus at 14
inches matches
the criteria established in the Orinda study for vertical and horizontal phorias. Comes with the Maddox rod & penlight. The child simply responds that the red line touches the bus or not!
        BPB (Kit)
BPBMZG $14.95
39 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
BERNEll 3-dot gRadEd suPPREssioN slidE
The BC35 slide is a black background anaglyphic slide that is designed for use in testing graded visual suppression. This suppression is most commonly caused by amblyopia, or a misalignment of the eyes. Test and train suppression elimination in true space. The red, green and white targets have excellent cancellation and are printed on a black background frosted vinyl.
 When testing it is recommended to use a uniform backlit illumination source.
BC35 $24.95
 Includes: Slide, R/G Flipper & Manual
  BERNEll NiNE PositioNs of gazE chaRt
This test is used for fixation to measure the amount of disparity which appears at each of the 9 cardinal positions of gaze. Using these measurements, one can determine the paretic muscle. One can also measure changes due
to therapy.
BC9PGC1 $19.95

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