Page 44 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 44
binocular skills
The card can be used by technician in a workup lane or by the vision practitioner to quickly and easily assess the near point function of patients ages five years and older. It enables the measurement of nearpoint horizontal and vertical heterophoric angles, horizontal and vertical neutralization of fixation disparity, and the development of forced vergence fixation disparity curves. It aids in the measurement
BCSALCD $119.95
Quantity Discounts Available -- Call Today!
of the lag of accommodation, accommodative and vergence
facility, and cyclophoria. It also includes a near point Bailey-
Lovie visual acuity chart. It provides the physical platform for a
general assessment/ screening battery for near point function. back
thE saladiN NEaR PoiNt BalaNcE caRdTM
Front side oF card
back side oF card
this is thE tEst REQuiREd at maNy of thE oPtomEtRy schools.
saladin card shoWn With backlight (sallt)
comPlEtE kit aNd Backlight foR thE saladiN caRdTM
Comes with a red maddox occluder, new age polarized goggle, penlight and manual. This is a very durable, professionally finished card. Comes with clips for use in phoropter or can be handheld.
Due to the request of many users, we have developed this professional looking box for this popular near card. Can test for phoria and fixation disparity without removing from backlight. A laminated scoring sheet comes with the device. Use only a 25W bulb (included). Also, built into the side of the box is a Worth 4-Dot Test.
The Saladin Near Point Balance Card and Backlight Kit A.) Saladin Card Backlight Only
$249.95 SALLT $174.95
WEssoN fixatioN caRdTM ExclusiVE PRoduct! imPRoVEd matERial, ENhaNcEd taRgEts
Measurements include horizontal and vertical fixation disparity, associated phoria, and forced vergence fixation disparity curves used for fixation typ- ing and the effects of visual therapy. In addition, accommodative lag may be measured with the high frequency and very low frequency targets.
WFC (6” x 4” Card) $59.95
Kit Includes: Fixation disparity card, new age polarized goggles, vergence graph (Pad of 25), instructions and storage box.
storage box
BoRish VEctogRaPhic NEaR caRd iitm
Features the following tests in a Binocular Format: Cross Cylinder, Refraction, Visual Acuity, Vertical & Horizontal Phorias, Accommodative Range,and Associated Horizontal and Vertical Phoria. Also includes tests for Fixation Disparity, Monocular Cross Cylinder, Monocular Visual Acuity, Random Dot Stereopsis, and Real Contour Stereopsis. Does not include PCCLIP or Rod.
SO9501 $399.95
NEaRPoiNt VEctogRaPhic REadiNg caRd
Features test in binoculary acuity, suppression, and fixation disparity. Two Sided Test made of high quality photographic film.
SO9500 $399.95
Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
Clear acrylic stand not included.
PolaRizEd PhoRoPtER tEst PCARDPA $49.95
Clear acrylic stand not included.
These two cards attach to both sides of your phoropter card. When used with the polarized lenses in your phoropter, the patient can only see the right side of the card with the right eye & only the left side with the left eye. The top half of the 2nd card is seen by the right eye & the bottom half by the left eye. This card also tests for suppression during fusional measurements of the vertical and lateral associated phorias. Comes with clips to attach but does not include PCARD or PCCLIP. See pg. 33 for Phoropter Near Point Replacement Card (PCARD).