Page 46 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 46

dePth PercePtion
stEREo fly tEst-“the standard” SOM150 $229.95
The Stereo Fly is recognized as the standard for stereo depth-perception testing, evaluating both
Stereo depth perception tests
Now with LEA Symbols
Combining the Gold Standard for depth perception testing with LEA Symbols®
Tests include: • 1 pair of Standard 3-D Viewers • Answer key on back cover
stEREo ButtERfly tEst
SO1000 $229.95
  stEREo ButtERfly With lEa symBols
SO1000LEA $229.95
The Stereo Butterfly tests and evaluates random dot stereo depth perception for both gross stereopsis (2500 to 1200 seconds of arc) and fine depth perception. The figures
  present on the test cannot be identified without viewing glasses. Helps identify amblyopia, suppression & strabismus without
monocular cues.
The Tests Include: Fly Test for stereopsis, Graded circle test (800 to 40 seconds of arc), Animal test for children (400 to 100 seconds of arc), and One pair of standard 3-D viewers.
    The Tests Include: Graded circle test
(800 to 40 seconds of arc), Animal test for children (400 to 100 seconds of arc) and One pair of standard 3-D viewers.
  Paul haRRis RaNdot® tEst sPEcial EditioN
SORDTPH $229.95
This test is recommended in lectures by Baltimore Academy for Behavioral Optometry. Special run by Stereo Optical exclusively for Bernell. Test down to 20 sec. Includes: Polarized Goggle
The Tests Include: Graded circle test (400 to 20 seconds of arc), Animal test for children (400 to 100 seconds of arc) and one pair of standard 3-D goggles.
   distaNcE RaNdot® SOPRS $1,199.95
The Distance RandotTM Stereotest is the ideal tool for the eye care professional who deals with strabismus, amblyopia, intermittent deviations. The Distance RandotTM Stereotest is more likely to detect abnormalities in distance stereopsis and thus can give an earlier indi- cation of the need for surgery. The Distance RandotTM Stereotest can also be used as an outcome measure following surgical intervention.
     RaNdom dot E tEst
By: stEREo oPtical
SORDE $229.95
The Random Dot “E” Stereo Test is designed specifically for use with children 3 & up. The patient is asked to distinguish between a “raised E” and a non-stereo target. Figures can not be identified without the viewing goggles in order to discourage guessing. Comes with two sizes of glasses.
RaNdom dot E dEPth PERcEPtioN tEst
fRom Vac
VA1015 $174.95
• Choice of dot size acuity
• New Improved test frames • Includes Adult & Pediatric
Polarized Viewers
RaNdom dot distaNcE tEst The Random Dot Distance Test has a 3 meter testing distance for intermittent exotropia forced choice methodology. Stereopsis levels of 400, 200, 100, and 63 seconds of arc with matching blank card. Random dot pattern with no monocular clues.
fRom Vac
VA1006 $579.95
    fly acuity tEst ButtERfly
 With gEomEtRic shaPEs
fRom Vac
Fly - (4800 to 20 sec of arc)
VA1000S $209.95
acuity tEst
With gEomEtRic shaPEs
Butterfly - (2500 to 20 sec of arc)
VA1010S $209.95
RaNdom dot 1s tEst With gEomEtRic shaPEs fRom Vac
RaNdom dot 2s tEst With gEomEtRic shaPEs fRom Vac
 fRom Vac
Test Includes: Pediatric & Adult Polarized Viewers, Instructions & Record Forms, & Carrying Pouch.
       VA1005S $209.95
 VA1007S $209.95
   VA1009S $209.95
Both sets test gross disparity at 900, 650, 500 and 400 seconds of arc. Test children at 400, 200, 100 seconds of arc. Graded circle test now down to 12.5 seconds with no monocular clues. Uses geometric shapes.
this test uses a raNdoM dot PatterN for testiNg extra fiNe stereo discriMiNatioN (dePth PercePtioN) to raPidLy test for aMBLyoPia, straBisMus aNd other BiNocuLar acuity ProBLeMs iN aduLts, earLy & NoN-verBaL, chiLdreN & aduLts.
   tests desigNed to raPidLy test for aMBLyoPia & straBisMus usiNg gross through fiNe stereoPsis. graded circLe test froM 800 sec Now dowN to 20 sec.
raNdoM dot tests are desigNed to raPidLy test for aMPLyoPia & straBisMus iN earLy & NoN-readers aNd NoN-verBaL chiLdreN aNd aduLts. Graded circle test now down to 12.5 seconds with no monocular clues. Uses geometric shapes.
RaNdom dot tEst 3s With gEomEtRic shaPEs
    REPlacEmENt PolaRizEd gogglEs
available on Page 88
VAC Books
• No monocular cues • Answer Key on back cover
• New improved booklets • Includes both adult & pediatric polarized viewers
43 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
      gross stereopsis (2500 to 1200 seconds of arc) and fine depth perception.
stEREo fly With lEa symBols
      RaNdot® tEst SORDT $229.95
The Randot® tests and evaluates stereo depth perception by requiring patients to identify six geometric forms from random dot backgrounds (500 to 20 seconds of arc).
stEREo RaNdot® With lEa symBols
SORDTLEA $229.95

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