Page 48 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 48

color vision testing
ishihaRa PsEudo-isochRomatic tEsts
   The most widely used standard of color vision screening in a book form. Instructions included.
 WE Will match oR BEat aNy PRicE oN authENtic ishihaRa tEsts - BEWaRE of maNy chEaP imitatioNs sold oNliNE Which aRE Not accuRatEly PRiNtEd.
Quantity Discounts available! contact us toDay!
$139.95 $179.95 $209.95 $129.95
FARNSWORTH 100 HUE COLOR TEST is a special order item. Call and ask for the current price & availability of the LV355300
ciRculaR magNEtic faRNsWoRth d-15 tEst (satuRatEd) & laNthoNy d-15 tEst (dEsatuRatEd)
 10 Plate illiterate test (no letters)
      14 Plate test - adult
24 Plate test - adult
     4th EditioN, hRR staNdaRd PsEudoisochRomatic tEst Non-Laminated
RP396 $249.95 Laminated
RP396L $319.95
Includes 4 demonstra- tion plates, the 6 plates for screening and the 14 diagnostic series for a total
of 24 plates. Each of these plates has its own tab for easy and clean page selec- tion. The test also includes a set of instructions in English and a laminated copy of the score sheet. This test is good for detecting changes in vision as a side effect from pharmaceuticals.
  “c” daylight glassEs
"C" Daylight Glasses convert
incandescent light into the correct illuminant "C" for accurate color vision testing.
G15115 $49.95
 d-15 coloR tEst sEt
(saturated aNd desaturated)
This D-15 Color Test Set (Saturated and Desaturated) are two popular color deficiency tests (Farnsworth/Saturated and Lanthony/Desaturated). Comes complete with contemporary storage cases. When the patient replaces the caps, the tube is turned over to reveal a transparent plastic bottom, allowing the numbers on the bottom to be in clear view to facilitate quick and accurate scoring. The Munsell color system is used.
Included are instructions, score sheet, a pair of cotton gloves, and “C” Daylight Glasses.
  comPact magNEtic d-15 sEt (saturated aNd desaturated)
These tests are comprised of numbered colored discs housed in compact sealed plastic boxes that measure 16.75 inches by 4 inches. The desaturated test is much more difficult to correctly complete than the Saturated Farnsworth D-15. It is a much more sensitive test. These tests are easy to administer. Patients simply use a magnetic stylus to arrange the discs in the correct color order as they perceive it and the arrangement is then evaluated. Patients with color perception deficiencies (“color blindness”) will have difficulties trying to arrange the colored discs and will usually make mistakes. The kit includes a magnetic stylus, score sheet, and a pair of “C” daylight glasses.
MGD15F $239.95
MGD15L $239.95
   Saturated Desaturated
LF15PCF $189.95 LF15PCL $189.95
These tests are comprised of numbered colored discs housed in a compact sealed plastic cylinder that measures 7.75 inches in diameter. The kit includes
Front (Patient’s Test)
satuRatEd Rear Front dEsatuRatEd Rear tEst (Answer Key) CMFD15S $249.95 CMLD15D $249.95 (Patient’s Test) tEst (Answer Key)
38 Plate test - adult
   a magnetic stylus, score sheet, and a pair of “C” daylight glasses.
Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
The test is easy to administer. Patients simply use a magnetic stylus to arrange the discs in the correct color order as they perceive it and the arrangement is then evaluated. Patients with color perception deficiencies (“color blindness”) will have difficulties trying to arrange the colored discs and will usually make mistakes. The tests can be used for occupational evaluation and classification. A convenient snap-on cover protects the discs from fading due to sunlight and ambient light.

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