Page 52 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 52

visual & non-visual skills
  Wachs aNalysis of cogNitiVE stRuctuREs (Wacs)© tEst kit WACSKIT $869.95
 Developed By: H. Wachs, OD & L.J. Vaughn, MA
coMPLete kit with MaNuaL
Standardized inventory based upon Piaget’s theories of measuring cognitive development in terms of body and sensory thinking in children ages 3 years to 5 years 11 months. Individually administered and easily scored in 30-45 minutes by assessment profes- sionals or classroom teachers. Focuses on period during which child begins to acquire symbolic thinking and has been used successfully with both verbal and non-verbal children, as well as adults, whose development age ranges in the 3-6 age period.
A product of 30+ years of clinical research and 5 years of data collection, this inventory is a valuable tool for assessing appropriate type and level of activities to produce effective devel- opmental and learning growth. Valuable instrument for all working in child development and especially useful with learning disabled, autistic, mentally challenged, culturally disadvantaged and as a predictor of school readiness. The test comes as a complete kit with manual. Blocks are made of Corian material (except for green) which is very rugged and safe for teething. Easily cleaned between testing unlike the older wooden blocks which could harbor bacterial growth.
The kit consists of: 15 clusters of task divided into subtext made up of a variety of manipulative, visual and sensory materials, as well as body movement tasks grouped into 4 areas of assessment: Identification of Objects, Object Design, Graphic Design, and General Movement.
(WACS)© Test Kit - Profile Sheets - Pad of 25 Manual
     Extras and/or Replacements:
(WACS)© Test Kit - Additional 15 Workbooks
      tEst of iNfoRmatioN PRocEssiNg skills (tiPs) Executive Function, retention, recall, and memory capacity are easily detailed. Author: Raymond E. Webster, PhD
The TIPS provides clinicians with quick and reliable measures of how well a person processes information (letter strings) presented visually and auditorily.Although TIPS had its genesis in the Learning Efficiency Test (R. Webster, 1981, 1992, and 1998), it features new items, new subtests (Delayed Recall and Word Fluency), new scoring procedures, and new national norms (N=3,314).
 • Visual & Auditory Memory/Sequencing
• Ages 5 through Adult (90+)
• Individual Administration
• Nationally Norm-Referenced on 3,314 individuals • Administration Time: 30 minutes
• Qualification: Level B
Test Kit Includes:
• Manual
• Stimulus Card Booklet • 25 Protocols
 Part #
TIPS - Complete Kit
 TIPS Manual
  TIPS 25 Protocols
  TIPS Stimulus Card Booklet
      tEst of haNdWRitiNg skills-R (ths-R)
Visual-motor integration difficulties can foreshadow learning problems. Author: Michael Milone, PhD
The THS-R is an untimed, clinical assessment of neurosensory integration skills evident in handwriting (both manuscript and cursive) that are often disrupted in students with learning difficulties. The THS-R provides standardized assessment of children’s handwriting ability for both manuscript and cursive styles that can be used with any of the popular handwriting programs (such as Palmer, Zaner-Bloser,
D’Nealian). The THS-R is not a classroom assessment of penmanship.
 Part #
 THS-R - Complete Kit
 THS-R Manual
  THS-R 15 Manuscript Test Booklets and 15 Record Forms
 15 Cursive Test Booklets and 15 Record Forms
THS-R Training Video
     • Visual-Motor (sensory) Integration • Ages 6-0 through 18-11
• Individual or Group Administration • Norm-Referenced
• Testing/Scoring Time: 25 minutes • Qualification: Level B
Test Kit Includes:
• Manual
• 15 manuscript test booklets • 15 cursive test booklets
• 30 Record Forms
• Training Video
     haNdBook of diagNostic tEsts
Written By: R.W. Lowry, Jr., O.D.
RL9513 $84.95
Perceptual skills program tests for outstanding char- acteristics in children ages 2-1/2 to 10 years. Shows manual skill, symmetry, proportions and orientations.
coPy foRm caRds BC11985 (Set) $14.95
  These cards provide a special test for eye-hand and visual motor coordination, visual organization and form reproduction.
   This book is also referred to as the Monroe III Test.
 49 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
Includes: 7 cards and pad of 50 score sheets BC11986 (Pad of 50) $4.95
REPlacEmENt scoRE Pads

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