Page 53 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 53

visual & non-visual skills
   tEst of Visual PERcEPtual skills - 4th EditioN
The TVPS-4 is the latest update of the standard comprehensive assessment of visual analysis and processing skills. The TVPS-4 remains an easy-to-use assessment for determining visual-perceptual strengths and weaknesses. Norms are based on a nationally representative sample. Additional lower-level items were added to address the needs of younger or more impaired individuals, and norms now extend through 21 years of age, making the TVPS-4 useful for a wider range of examinees.
The TVPS-4 now includes 18 items in each of seven perceptual areas. Ceilings minimize fatigue and ensure that more difficult items do not unduly tax younger students, while allowing for reliable and accurate assessment across the age range. The TVPS-4 is consistent with current methods of visual information processing used in occupational therapy and optometry.
 Part #
 comPlEtE kit
 scoring Forms
 test Plates
  The TVPS-4 also measures the following Cattell-Horm-Carroll theory narrow abilities:
• Visualization
• Flexibility of Closure • Visual Memory
• Memory Span
  Kit Includes: Includes Record Forms (pack of 25), Test Plates, and Manual
 motoR fREE Visual PERcEPtual tEst - 4th EditioN By Ronald P. Colarusso, EdD/ Donald D. Hammill, EdD
An updated and streamlined version of the classic visual-perception test.
The MVPT-4 is the most recent revision of the only non-motor visual perceptual assessment that can be used throughout the lifespan. The MVPT-4 provides a quick, reliable, and valid measure of overall visual perceptual ability in children and adults. The MVPT-4 includes 45 items from the MVPT-3 which have been reorganized and grouped for easier administration.
Stimuli are comprised of black-and-white line drawings and designs, with answer choices presented in an easy to record multiple-choice format. No motor involvement is needed to make a response, making the test particularly useful with those who may have motor disabilities. The MVPT-4 is one of the most widely used visual perceptual assessment for recertifying adult drivers
 Part #
 comPlEtE kit
 test Plates
 rePlacement manual
       25 recording Forms
after head injury or stroke.
The MVPT-4 is designed to be used for screening and
research purposes by psychologists, occupational therapists, educational specialists, optometrists, and others $49.95 who may need to determine a person's overall ability to discern and understand visual stimuli.
   thE REVERsals fREQuENcy tEst
joRdaN lEft-Right REVERsal tEst (3Rd EditioN)
 The Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test-3rd Edition helps clinicians identify students who have difficulty with reversals, and what types of reversals are problematic: objects, let- ters, numbers, words, or letter sequences. Reversals are a major stumbling block for students learning to read. The Jordan-3 may be beneficial to add to a battery of test when assessing AD/HD.
The Jordan-3 has two parts (children ages 5-8 take on Part 1) consisting of five subtests, in developmental sequence. The first and last subtests are new. Included in the Test Kit are a Laterality Checklist (an informal survey to determine preferential use of one side of the body) and a Remedial Checklist that provides suggested remediation activities.
Kit Includes: Test Kit (Manual, 25 Record Forms, 25 Remedial Checklists, 25 Laterality Checklists)
ATP2538A (kit) $149.95 ATP2538BU (record Forms) $44.95
JorDan 3rD eDition Features:
►Visual Reversals
►Individual or Group Administration ►Ages 5 thru 18
►Testing/Scoring Time: 20-30 minutes ►Qualification Level B
  Written by Richard Gardner MD. Useful in diagnosis of children with learning disabilities. It offers an objective assessment of letter and number reversal frequency. The test is helpful to differentiating neurologically based and psychogenic learning disabilities. It is standardized on both normal and learning-disabled children.
Three tests: reversals execution; reversal recognition; reversals matching.
     GRFT $79.95
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