Page 56 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 56

suPPlies & equiPment
   PuPilomEtER BREath shiEld
 diREct digital PuPillomEtER
LY18 $99.95
The Direct Digital Pupil Gauge is a simple and inexpensive way to measure both monocular and binocular distances between eyes. This is necessary for accurate fitting of various ophthalmic lenses, especially multi-focals. It works by simply aligning the vertical stripes over the center of each pupillary reflex.
VigoR PuPillomEtER
Do you dispense invisible bi-focals?
Look more modern while improving your accuracy and decreasing remakes with your PALs. This pupillometer is easy to use. Necessary product for any practice that dispenses invisible bifocals. Fewer remakes should pay for the unit in a short time.
   Designed to easily attach to most pupillometers, creating an additional breath barrier between the optician and patient, while not interfering with the use of the pupillometer. This design features an adhesive clip that attaches to the bottom of your pupillometer. The breath shield then slips into the clip and is secured by the clip’s pressure. The plastic shield can then be easily removed, cleaned and replaced.
A rigid, yet flexible, 30mil polycarbonate composition allows for easy installation and removal for cleaning. Polycarbonate can be cleaned with most disinfectants, as well as warm soap and water, to sanitize between patients. This breath barrier will last for years!
BCPUPSHIELD $11.50 Each 3 or More $10.25 Each
Data range:
• Binocular PD 44-83mm
• Monocular PD 22.5-41.5mm
Measuring range:
• Binocular PD 45-82mm • Monocular PD 22.5-41mm
List price is $390, Save over 20% when you buy from Bernell!
CNSDP $299.95
Requires 4 AA batteries (not included).
      53 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
sEgmENt gaugEs
SG32540 $11.95
 Sturdy, yet flexible gauge is transparent with embossed millimeter scales on both sides for quick and accurate segment measurements.
Gauge is 3.25" long and measures up to 40mm. Sold in pairs. Gauge is clear with red markings.
  hot aiR fRamE WaRmER
LY6B $174.95
This hot air frame warmer is specially designed to warm ophthalmic frames to fit them on patients. The cut-out directs heating of end pieces, temples and rims. This model is great for either lab use or in the exam room for those quick and simple frame adjustments. This instrument is inexpensive enough to get one for each room! No more messy beads!!!
 glass BEads 5lBs foR hot fRamE WaRmER
 VBD169 $21.95 Small size beads for frame warmer. Comes in a plastic canister.
   6” staiNlEss stEEl RulER
VA6 $3.95
    With millimeters on top edge and inch measurements on bottom edge. Scale begins at edge, with no border.
 WhitE Plastic RulER
Ruler is 7” by 3/8” wide. Features a millimeter and 1/16” graduated scale.
 BC7 $2.95
  clEaR Plastic RulER BCPDC $3.95
Features a 2mm scale and is 7” long. A second scale offers the capability to measure out from the middle of nose to the center of the pupil or corneal reflex. Semi-circles on ruler help you accurately determine pupil diameter.
     multi-RulE RulER
BC71MR $5.95
   Measures monocular and binocular pupillary distance, palpebral fissure, corneal diameter and pupil diameter. Inches and mm scale. 7” long. Rests on patient’s nose as they look through ruler for measurements.

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