Page 57 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 57

suPPlies & equiPment
        hot Box fRamE WaRmER
W5060 $314.95
Flawless performance, proprietary design and construction have made this the most popular glass bead frame warmer on a earth. The injection molded housing allows for a small footprint on your counter but a large bath inside. Glass beads sold separately.
   Order Now by Phone at (574) 259-2070 or Go To 54
  mEtal distomEtER With casE By guldEN oPhthalmics
This product is used to accurately measures the vertex distance between a patient’s cornea and the lenses in eyeglasses or trial lenses. It is sold in a case with a conversion wheel for calculating lens power
relative to the distance from the eye.
A change in vertex distance of eyeglasses compared to that of the trial lenses results in a change in the effective power of the eyeglasses. This becomes especially important when the eyeglass prescription is greater than a plus/minus four or five diopter correction.
DST127 $124.95
   PRogREssiVE lENs idENtifiER
Very important tool that all optical labs need for fitting and testing progressive lenses. Greatly assists in the quick and easy location of the various manufactur- ers’ marks placed on progressive lenses by using the specially designed back- ground contrast and lighting provided. Also useful for checking the surface quality for scratching or bubbling when coating is applied to lenses.
PGLID3 $319.95
 lENs clock
Precise measurements with lens clock for glass or plastic lenses. Measures lenses +/– 20 diopters in 0.25 diopter steps.
SP100 $72.95
  VERtical fRamE stoRagE tRays
Stackable storage trays help display and store eyeglass frames.
Color: White
Frame Capacity: 12
19-1/2” H x 15-5/16” W 1-7/8” D
AM7113 $37.95
 REPlacEmENt PEgs foR youR fRamE BaR
You can now buy the plastic holders for your frame bars. Fix a broken display or use to make new dis- plays. May be glued on or screwed from behind.
JJPEGS $1.69 Each
Quantity Discounts Available. Call for Pricing!
 VigoR hot aiR fRamE WaRmER
A frame warmer with heat level that you can set. Has a cone to focus heat in one area or a closed or open chamber for heating frames more evenly. Vigor quality.
VWA100 $274.95
Provides accurate millimeter measurement for all types and sizes of lenses quickly. Tape is durable, easy-to-read White plastic with 0-300 calibrations. ABS plastic housing.
REPlacEmENt taPE
  Removable Lid
 USORT $3.95

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