Page 5 - Aerotech News and Review 9-4-15
P. 5

Special tactics Airmen killed in hostile incident

   Two special tactics airmen, who        the 21st STS, Pope Army Airfield,                                                                               Courtesy photograph                                                                      Courtesy photograph’
were deployed in support of Operation     N.C. He was a four-time Bronze Star
Freedom’s Sentinel, were killed near      medal recipient, once with the valor       SSgt. Forrest B. Sibley, 31, was killed at a vehicle                                      Capt. Matthew D. Roland, 27, was killed at a vehicle
Camp Antonik, Afghanistan, Aug. 26.       device, and he deployed four times to      checkpoint near Camp Antonik, Afghanistan, Aug.                                           checkpoint near Camp Antonik, Afghanistan, Aug. 26,
                                          sensitive locations around the world in    26, 2015. Sibley was a combat controller at the 21st                                      5RODQGZDVDVSHFLDOWDFWLFVRI¿FHUDWWKHUG
   Capt. Matthew D. Roland, 27, and       his nearly seven years of service. He      6SHFLDO7DFWLFV6TXDGURQ3RSH$UP\$LU¿HOG1&                                        Special Tactics Squadron, Hurlburt Field, Fla. He was
SSgt. Forrest B. Sibley, 31, were at a    is survived by his parents.                He was deployed in support of Operation Freedom’s                                         deployed in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.
vehicle checkpoint when two individ-                                                 Sentinel.
uals wearing Afghan National Defense         Due to their extensive special opera-
and Security Forces uniforms opened       tions training, both were military quali-
                                          in joint terminal attack control.
   “The losses of Matt and Forrest are
a terrible blow to everyone who knew         Special tactics airmen integrate,
them,” said Col. Wolfe Davidson, the      synchronize, control air and space
24th Special Operations Wing com-         power to enable global access, preci-
mander, Hurlburt Field, Fla. “These       sion strike and personnel recovery for
two combat controllers were incredi-      special operations.
ble warriors who not only volunteered
to join our nation’s special operations      “The risks that these men and their
forces, but earned their way to the tip   teammates endured in combat and in
of the spear in defense of our nation.”   training are all too well known to the
                                          special tactics community, but it does
   5RODQGZDVDVSHFLDOWDFWLFVRI¿FHU   not make this great loss any easier to
at the 23rd Special Tactics Squadron      bear,” Davidson said. “We will honor
at Hurlburt Field, Fla. He graduated      Matt and Forrest for the legacy they
from the U.S. Air Force Academy in        left behind, embrace their families as
2010. Upon completing the rigorous        our own, and thank them eternally for
STO training program in 2012, he was      WKHLUXOWLPDWHVDFUL¿FHIRU$PHULFDQ
a team leader who supervised real-        freedom.”
world combat preparedness training
of a 35-member team. He deployed             The 21st and 23rd STS fall under
WKUHHWLPHVLQKLV¿YH\HDUVRIVHUYLFH  the 720th Special Tactics Group, 24th
to multiple locations around the globe.   SOW, the only wing solely dedicated
He is survived by his parents.            to special tactics in the Air Force.

   Sibley was a combat controller at

September 3, 2015                                   Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                                                                                                             5

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