Page 14 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 2, 2020
P. 14


                                                          Friday, October 2, 2020

   Employment Opportunities         Services                                          13 MILLION ACRES…AND COUNTING
                                                                                            For more information, go to
                                                                                            F or mor e inf ormation,  g o to www
     The best applicant       DIRECTV NOW. No Satel-                                                                                    A CFC participant -
        is out there.        lite Needed. $40/month. 65                                              1-800-45-DUCKS                  provided as a public service
                             Channels. Stream Breaking
     *****************************  News, Live Events, Sports &
         Place An Ad for
      Your Business Today!   On Demand Titles. No Annual
         Aerotech News        Contract. No Commitment.
                               CALL 1-833-970-0413
      or email: classifi eds@   Garage & Yard Sales                                                                                                 When life throws you a financial challenge,
                                                                                                                        you’ve proven you have what it takes to ace it.
        Cars & Trucks         PCSing? Or just got                                                                       Now it’s time to tackle your retirement savings
                              Too much stuff???                                                                         at
       Got a new ride?        ******************************
        Selling a car?       GARAGE/YARD SALE
       ************************  Attract More Customers

          Call Today           With a Classified Ad!
        to place your ad         Call 877-247-9288
         Aerotech News        Aerotech News & Review
         877-247-9288           or email classifi eds@
       or email: classifi eds@            PLUMBER AND PIPEFITTER & HVAC/SERVICE TECHNICIAN
                                  Real Estate                                APPRENTICESHIP OPPORTUNITIES
                              All real estate advertised  The Pipe Trades Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee sponsored by the UA Local #525 Plumbers/
          DEADLINE           in this publication is subject

      for all classified ads is  to the Federal Fair Housing  Pipefitters  and  the  Mechanical  Contractors Association  of  Las  Vegas  will  accept  applications  for  the
       TUESDAY @ NOON       Act of 1968, which makes it ille-  Plumbers and Pipefitters and HVAC Apprenticeship programs November 2, 2020 through February 11,
     the week of publication.  gal to advertise any preference,   2021 for the September 2021 school year. Applications will only be accepted the first 10 business
                              limitation or discrimination
           Services         based on race color, religion, or   days of each month with the exception of any holidays. Applications must be filled out and submitted
                             national origin, or an intention   in person  at the Pipe Trades Training Center located  at 750 Leigon Way. Applications are  available
                              to make such preference
   AT&T Internet. Starting at $40/                     Monday through Thursday afternoons from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM only.  APPLICATIONS WILL NOT
                              limitation or discrimination.
   month w/12-mo agmt. Includes   Real estate advertisements that   BE ACCEPTED ON FRIDAYS. The deadline for applying is February 11, 2021.  Applicants must
    1 TB of data per month. Get   are in violation of the law shall
     More For Your High-Speed                          have all required documents before receiving an application. You may only apply once per application
    Internet Thing. Ask us how to   not be accepted for publication.   period. This program is a minimum five-year commitment which does not guarantee employment. This is
                            All dwellings advertised in this
    bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc
   restrictions apply. Call us today   publication are available on an   not a job opportunity; it is a career path.
                                 equal opportunity
        1-888-415-0766.                                The sponsor will not discriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices based on race,
    DIRECTV - Switch and Save!                         color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity) sexual orientation,
    $49.99/month. Select All-In-  JDRF is committed to   genetic information, or because they are an individual with a  disability or a person 40 years or older.
    cluded Package. 155 Chan-  accelerating life-changing
    nels. 1000s of Shows/Movies   breakthroughs to     The sponsor will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and operate
   On Demand. FREE Genie HD                            the apprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 30,
   DVR Upgrade. Premium movie   CURE  PREVENT  TREAT
   channels, FREE for 3 mos! Call   type 1 diabetes and   as amended.
                                 its complications           APPLICANTS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: (NO EXCEPTIONS)
     ENJOY 100% guaranteed,
                                      A CFC participant.
    delivered-to-the-door Omaha   Provided as a public service.
    Steaks!  Get 4 FREE Burgers                        1.  Minimum age — 18 years.  No maximum age limit.
    Order The Griller’s Bundle -                       2.  Must possess the natural aptitudes essential to acquiring the skills of the trade.
   ONLY $79.99. Call 1-866-269-    
       6052 mention code:                              3.  Must be physically able to perform all work of the trade.
          64185VSF                                     4.  Must be legally residing in the United States, genuinely interested in learning the trade, and willing
   or visit                           to comply with all terms and conditions of the Apprenticeship  Standards, Rules, and Regulations.
           meals06            Families never receive a bill
     Two great new offers from   from St. Jude for treatment,   5.  Possess a High School Diploma, G.E.D. Certificate or Certificate of High School Equivalency
     AT&T Wireless! Ask how to   travel, housing or food –   6.  Provide copies of the following documents at the time of application:
   get the new iPhone 11 or Next   because all a family should   NO EXCEPTIONS
    Generation Samsung Galaxy   worry about is helping their   a.  Birth Certificate or Passport
    S10e ON US with AT&T’s Buy   child live.
       one, Give One offer.                                   b.  High School Diploma or a Certificate of High School Equivalency or G.E.D
       While supplies last!   Treatments invented at          c.  Legible High School Transcripts from graduated High School or Certificate of High
      CALL 1-877-378-1175     St. Jude have helped push
                              the overall childhood cancer        School Transcripts if available.
                              survival rate from 20 percent    d.  Photo ID- (A valid Driver’s license will be required if you are indentured into the
                              to more than 80 percent since       program)
                              we opened 50 years ago.
                              And we won’t stop until no      e.  Social Security Card
       Creative Real          child dies from cancer.         f.  Military DD-214 Release Papers and Military Transcripts (If Applicable)
    Estate Associates                                         g.  Transcripts of Trade School, College, Work Investment Program etc. (optional)
    • North Las Vegas                                  7.  Take a mandatory basic math exam administered by the Committee on the day assigned. *Please note:
    • Las Vegas                                            In order to test, you must have submitted the application and all the required documents.*
    • Henderson                                        8.  Appear before the J.A.T.C. Committee for an oral interview.
                                                       9.  All Applicants  selected are subject to a  Substance Abuse  Test prior  to being indentured into the
      Rents from $750                                      September 2021 Plumbers and Pipefitters Apprenticeship Program.
         Contact us          Call 800-822-6344 or visit
      702-450-5778  to learn more.         Pipe Trades Training Center, 750 Leigon Way, Las Vegas, NV  89110       A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.              Phone: 702-459-3473
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