Page 13 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-26-16
P. 13

February 26, 2016                                                                                                                                               Desert Wings  13

ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 12                                               Wednesday, 4-5 p.m., and Thursday, 7-8 p.m. Not sure how        Youth Programs
                                                                     to use equipment or what it does for you? Stop by the front
Call Outdoor Recreation for more details.                            desk and sign up for this one-hour class. We are here to help     24 Lathrop Dr., 661-275-5437
  Overnight Camping at Branch Park: Cost is $5 for a                 \RXJHWWKHPRVWRXWRI\RXU¿WQHVVURXWLQH
                                                                                                                                       Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project Learn: Monday-
campsite for up to four people. Come and get a “wilderness           Teen Center                                                     Thursday, 2:45-4 p.m. Power Hour: making minutes count
experience” right here on base. This will be primitive camping                                                                       helps club members (ages 6-12) become successful in school
(no potable water, no telephones, and no RVs).                         100 Kincheloe Ave., Bldg. 7211, 661-275-8336                  by providing homework help/ tutoring while encouraging
                                                                                                                                     members to become self-directed learners. See Ms. Jasmine
  Private Parties: Rod & Gun, Paintball, and other Outdoor             YES (Youth Employment Skills): The YES Program began          for details and to sign up.
Recreation activities are available for squadron functions and       in the 2015-2016 school year and helps teens earn money for
private parties. In addition to using our facilities, let us plan a  college. The program is open to teens whose parent is active      Torch Club: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Torch Room.
trip for you! Interested in going somewhere with your squad-         duty Air Force. Teens can earn up to a $1,000 towards their     Torch clubs are charter, small-group leadership and service
ron or a group of friends? Tell us and we’ll do the legwork for      post high school education. Contact the Teen Center for more    clubs for boys and girls ages 9-12. It is a powerful vehicle
you. Let us know how many people, where you want to go,              information.                                                    through which club staff can help meet the special character
and what your budget is and we’ll do the rest!                                                                                       development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage
                                                                       Congressional Award: The Congressional Award is the           in their development. See Mr. Andrew for details.
  Team Building:'RHV\RXURI¿FHHOHPHQWRUJURXSQHHG             United States Congress’ award for young Americans. It is
some team building? Come talk to us! We have instructors             non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program         Youth & Teen Centers Memberships: For about a dollar
and the facilities to make it a great afternoon/day for you and      is open to all 14- to 23-year-olds; young people may register   a day, you could have peace of mind knowing that your son
your staff. Prices vary depending on the activity and group          when they turn 13 1/2 years old and must complete their ac-     or daughter is in a safe environment—an environment that
size. Call us today and let’s plan an event!                         tivities before their 24th birthday. Participants earn Bronze,  fosters development in many different areas and offers con-
                                                                     Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and            stant supervision, tutoring and fun! Did you know that the
  RV Storage: Numerous openings are available in RV Stor-            Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Medals. Each        most dangerous time for youth, especially teens, are between
age! Come over and park your equipment for our low prices            level involves setting goals in four program areas; Volunteer   the hours of 3 and 6 p.m.? The Youth and Teen Centers offer
and have access to them anytime you need! 20’ Active Duty            Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and     social opportunities and struc Pre-Teen Valentine Dance: Feb.
and Retiree—$20; 20’All Others—$25; 25’-30’Active Duty               Expedition/Exploration. Earning the Award is a fun and in-      5, 7-10 p.m. at the Youth Programs Gym. Cost is $5 for mem-
and Retiree—$25; 25’-30’ All Others—$30; 35’-50’ Active              teresting way to get more involved in something you already     bers, $7 for non-members. Open to youth aged 9 to 12 years.
Duty and Retiree—$30, 35’-50’ All Others—$35.                        HQMR\RUVRPHWKLQJ\RX¶GOLNHWRWU\IRUWKH¿UVWWLPH<RX
                                                                     move at your own pace—on your own or with your friends.           Boys & Girls Club Power Hour/Project Learn: Monday-
Rod & Gun                                                            This is not an award for past accomplishments. Instead, you     Thursday, 2:45-4 p.m. Power Hour: making minutes count
                                                                     are honored for achieving your own challenging goals after      helps club members (ages 6-12) become successful in school
  210 Adams Way, 661-275-CAMP                                        registering for the program.                                    by providing homework help/ tutoring while encouraging
                                                                                                                                     members to become self-directed learners. See Ms. Jasmine
  Big 50 Thursdays: The “Big 50” is an ATA Registered                  Regardless of your situation, you can earn the Congressio-    for details and to sign up.
shoot in which each participant shoots 50 single. Targets, 50        nal Award. The Congressional Award has no minimum grade
double targets and 50 targets from their handicapped position.       point average requirements. It accommodates young people          Torch Club: Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Torch Room.
                                                                     with special needs or disabilities who are willing to take the  Torch clubs are charter, small-group leadership and service
Rosburg Fitness Center                                               challenge. For more information about the Congressional         clubs for boys and girls ages 9-12. It is a powerful vehicle
                                                                     Award, see Mr. Paul or call 661-275-TEEN.                       through which club staff can help meet the special character
  210 W. Popson Ave., 661-275-GYM1                                                                                                   development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage
                                                                       Teen Council: A Teen Council is being formed to give a        in their development. See Mr. Andrew for details.
  Tae Kwon Do: Children’s monthly pass is $65, adult                 voice for teens within the community. The Teen Center is
monthly pass is $70, and a daily pass is $9. For more infor-         looking for teens associated with other teen youth groups i.e.  Youth Sports
mation, call Kumye Moore at 661-860-9292.                            Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Chapel Youth Groups, NHS, ASB,
                                                                     Home Schooled, and any other teen youth groups. Repre-            24 Lathrop Dr., Bldg. 5210, 661-277-8961
  Personal Trainers: Cost is $40 for a 60-minute session,            sentatives will meet once a month and discuss teen issues on
$25 for a 30-minute session. To schedule your appointment,           base. If interested, contact Anthony Quinnert at Desert High      Youth Baseball/Softball: Register by March 4, season starts
call Jennifer Pottinger at 757-810-5734.                             School or Mr. Paul at the Teen Center.                          in April. Open to ages 5-15. Cost is $75 for members, $85 for
                                                                                                                                     non-members. $10 discount for siblings. A $10 late fee will
  Massage Therapy: Cost is $40 for 30 minutes, $70 for                 Teen Center Membership: Parents—memberships at the            be assessed after March 4. All baseball teams will be co-ed,
60 minutes, and $100 for 90 minutes. Avaialble 10 a.m.-9             Teen Center are available year round. Cost is $360 for an an-   softball will be girls only. For more information, call Emil
p.m., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (advance appointments             nual membership. One of the worst times for a teen to make      Graves at 661-277-8961.
only). Couples massage also offered. For more information,           a bad decision is between the hours of 3 pm and 6 p.m. For a
call Brittni Albrechti at 661-317-2139.                              dollar a day you can have peace of mind knowing that your         Umpires needed for Youth Baseball and Softball: For
                                                                     son or daughter is in a safe, fun and developmental envi-       more information, call Emil Graves at 661-277-8961.
  Lunchtime Disc Golf at Mojave Greens: Wednesdays,                  ronment with a caring staff that will make sure your son or
noon, Mojave Greens Disc Golf Course, Hole 1. Join us for            daughter feels right at home and have a great experience.
a round of lunchtime golf. Players of all skill levels are invited
to attend. Experienced golfers will be on hand to offer advice
and work with beginners. Equipment will be available for
loan. Take this opportunity to meet other disc golfers on base
and challenge each other on the course!

  Equipment Orientation Classes: Tuesday, 10-11 a.m.,

Chapel Corner

Gaining Altitude – Growth opportunities for the week
  This is a weekly segment in 'HVHUW:LQJV to highlight a spiritual focus for the

Edwards community:

  Through our character±DQRSSRUWXQLW\WRUHÀHFWRQLPSRUWDQWLVVXHV               Monday-Thursday                                Sunday
in our community:                                                                     11:30 a.m. – Catholic Mass,                    8 a.m. – Protestant Gospel Service,
                                                                                      Chapel 2                                       Chapel 1
  As a white child of the 1960s I cannot remember the violence of the Civil Rights    1 p.m. – Muslim Prayer, Chapel 1               9 a.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
efforts of that decade. I was not aware of death threats my father received when                                                     10 a.m. – Protestant Traditional
he spoke out for educational equality and the integration of Georgia public schools.  Friday                                         Service, Chapel 1
As a white young adult of the 1980s I celebrated the diversity in the University      1:15 p.m. – Muslim Prayer,                     11 a.m. – Protestant Contemporary
community, hoping society had left racism behind us. Now, as a white adult of the     Chapel 1                                       Service, Chapel 2
21st century, I weep because racially motivated violence continues in places like                                                    4 p.m. – Catholic Mass, Chapel 2
Ferguson, Mo., and Charleston, S.C. As this year’s annual celebration of African
American Heritage Month concludes, I, as a white male, a person of privilege in                                                      Small Groups
our society, understand that I cannot KNOW the repression and injustice felt by                                                      We also offer weekly small group
my brothers and sisters of color. I can but listen with an open heart, seek to un-                                                   studies. Please contact us for infor-
derstand, and cooperate as appropriate to build a better future for all.                                                             mation on times and locations.

  This week’s prayer request: God of hope, guide humanity to a fuller ex-
pression of “love for neighbor” and assist us all to truly do for others as we would
have them do for us. Amen
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