Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2021
P. 3
2 January 2021 PeoPle of luke Thunderbolt How luke adaPted to 2020 3
January 2021
PHONE NUMBERS Ambassador Luke welcomes Luke Airman’s story Chapel hosts drive-thru flightline feast
Airman and Family Readiness Center .................... 623-856-6550 is tale for big screen
Airman’s Attic ......................................................... 623-856-6415 tours base new commander Senior Airman Jacob
Armed Forces Bank ................................................ 623-535-9766
Base Exchange main store ...................................... 623-935-2671 Ozman, 56th Fighter
Base taxi .................................................................. 623-856-6866 Wing Command Post
Beauty shop ............................................................. 623-536-1897 specialist, delivers
Chapel ..................................................................... 623-856-6211 food May 7, 2020, dur-
Chapel (after duty hours) ........................................ 623-856-5600 ing the flightline feast
Child development center ....................................... 623-856-6338 at Luke Air Force Base.
Clothing sales .......................................................... 623-856-6310 The chapel hosts
Club Five Six .......................................................... 623-856-6446 monthly flightline
Command post ........................................................ 623-856-5600
Commissary ............................................................ 623-935-3821 feasts to boost morale
Community center ................................................... 623-856-7152 and give Airmen a
Computer IT service desk ..................................... DSN 945-2900 Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder home-cooked meal.
Crime Stop .............................................................. 623-856-6666 Senior Airman Leala Marquez Staff Sgt. Oleksandr Kalinin, 56th
Dental clinic ............................................................ 623-856-2273 Senior Airman Caroline Burnett Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder, 56th Force Support Squadron Airman
Dermatology ........................................................... 623-856-2273 Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder, Fighter Wing commander, provides
Dining hall .............................................................. 623-856-6396 56th Fighter Wing com- remarks after assuming command Leadership School instructor,
Dorm management .................................................. 623-856-7841 poses for a portrait while holding
Education center ...................................................... 623-856-7722 mander, greets Trevor Traina, from Brig. Gen. Todd Canterbury, a family heirloom Aug. 26, 2020.
EMERGENCY ONLY ............................................................. 911 United States Ambassador 56th Fighter Wing outgoing com- Kalinin brought the amulet with him
Equal opportunity .................................................... 623-856-7711 to Austria during a base tour mander (far right), during the 56th from Ukraine when he moved to the
Eye clinic ................................................................ 623-856-7965 Nov. 12, 2020. Traina vis- FW change of command ceremony, United States in 2010. The amulet
Falcon Dunes Golf Course ...................................... 623-535-9334 ited many agencies on base May 27, 2020, at Luke Air Force is traditionally kept in a household
Family health clinic ................................................. 623-856-2273 including the Titan Arena, Base. Changes of Command are and is thought to bring an abundant Sandy Harris, 56th Fighter Wing
Family housing ........................................................ 623-388-3515 Airman and Family Readi- historic ceremonies that honor the Chapel volunteer, sets out food pack-
Fire station .............................................................. 623-856-6641 harvest, good luck and keep spir-
Firestone Car Care .................................................. 623-271-8104 ness Center and 61st Fighter achievements of outgoing com- its away. “My story is almost like ages May 7, 2020, to be delivered
Fitness center .......................................................... 623-856-6241 Squadron. Traina visited manders and pass leadership to in- a movie,” Kalinin said. “Born and to Airmen during the flightline feast
Flight medicine ....................................................... 623-856-2273 Luke to learn more about coming commanders. The 56th FW raised in Ukraine, I lived there until I at Luke Air Force Base. The chapel Photos by Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler
Food court ............................................................... 623-935-2671 Luke’s mission of training the commander oversees the opera- was close to 15 years old. The 2008 hosts monthly flightline feasts the Justyna Lagang, chapel volunteer, packages food
Fort Tuthill .............................................................. 623-856-3401 world’s greatest fighter pilots tions of the base including training, recession hit, my parents owned first Thursday of the Month to boost Justyna Lagang, 56th Fighter Wing Chapel volunteer, and Airman 1st for the flightline feast May 7, 2020. The chapel
Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................... 623-856-6149 and combat-ready Airmen. safety and wellbeing of Airmen. a business which was struggling. morale and give Airmen a home- Class Kimberly Barns, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron muni- hosted a drive-thru flightline feast to serve Airmen
Hobby shop ............................................................. 623-856-6722 cooked meal. Luke is following the tions stockpile technician, prepare food packages May 7, 2020, for the during the COVID-19 pandemic. Luke is following
Housing assistance section ...................................... 623-856-7643 So my parents, out of despera-
Housing facilities section ........................................ 623-856-3007 tion, started looking for ways out.” Centers for Disease Control and Pre- monthly flightline feast at Luke Air Force Base. The chapel hosted a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Housing maintenance .............................................. 623-935-2676 Airman uses Senior Airman volunteers, Kalinin’s parents discovered and vention self-distancing guidelines to drive-thru flightline feast to serve Airmen during the COVID 19 pan- self-distancing guidelines to minimize the
Identification cards .................................................. 623-856-7832 creativity to fill aids veterans amidst applied for the Diversity Immigrant minimize the spread of COVID-19. demic. spread of COVID-19.
Information, tickets and travel ................................ 623-856-6000 Visa Program, also known as the
Law enforcement desk ............................................ 623-856-5970 void in workplace COVID-19 “green card lottery.”
Legal assistance ...................................................... 623-856-6901
Library ..................................................................... 623-856-7191
Lodging office/switchboard .................................... 623-856-3941 Back to School Bash
Maintenance control center ..................................... 623-856-5469 Thunderbolt becomes AF’s Luke reinforces healthy
Marine Corps .......................................................... 623-856-2417 first PTA to bypass techni- drive-thru worksite, earns platinum award
Marine Corps 24-hour duty desk ............................ 602-421-5806
Marketing ................................................................ 623-856-3245 cal school Jimbo Norton, Back to School Bash vol-
Medical appointments ............................................. 623-856-2273 unteer and 56th Communication Squad-
Military equal opportunity ...................................... 623-856-7711
Military pay ............................................................. 623-856-7028 ron resource advisor, loads a car dur-
Navy Operations Support Center ............................ 602-353-3008 ing the Back to School Bash drive-thru
OB/GYN clinic ....................................................... 623-856-2273 July 23, 2020, at the Gila Bend Arena in
Office of Special Investigations .............................. 623-856-6821 Glendale, Ariz. The drive, organized by
Optometrist ............................................................. 623-856-2273 Senior Airman Leala Marquez the 56th Fighter Wing Chaplain Corps,
Orthopedic clinic ..................................................... 623-856-2273 Senior Airman Montana McCormick, Back to School Clothing drive and the
Outdoor recreation .................................................. 623-856-6267 Courtesy photo Fighter Country Partnership, distributed
Pass and registration ............................................... 623-856-4880 56th Force Support Squadron lead 278 bags and backpacks with school
Patient advocate ...................................................... 623-856-8968 Senior Airman Psalm Sim- recreational specialist, trims a tree
Pediatric clinic ........................................................ 623-856-2273 mons, 944th Civil Engineer in Avondale. McCormick regularly supplies and toys for Luke members and
Pharmacy refill call-in ............................................. 623-856-3969 Squadron operations man- volunteers in the communities sur- their families. Despite COVID-19, Luke
Photo services ......................................................... 623-856-6168 agement specialist, poses in rounding Luke Air Force Base. Luke Airmen continue to give back to the base
Post Office ............................................................... 623-935-1343 front of a mural she painted, employs more than 6,900 active- Photos by Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder community and prepare children for the
Public affairs ........................................................... 623-856-6011 Dec. 7, 2019, at Luke Air duty and Reserve members, and Airman 1st Class Emily Perina, 56th Senior Airman Leala Marquez upcoming school year.
Recycling information ............................................ 623-856-4749 Force Base. The painting de- civilian employees who dedicate Healthcare Operations Squadron Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder
Retiree Activities office .............................................623-856-3923 physical therapist assistant, smiles Airman 1st Class Carlos Rodriguez, 56th Operational
Rodgers Travel ........................................................ 623-856-6894 picts her squadron mascot – their time to Luke’s mission while for a portrait July 10, 2020. Medical Readiness Squadron public health techni-
Safety ...................................................................... 623-856-6941 “Prime B.E.E.F.” also supporting the community. ALS innovates to cian, helped open the Virtual Healthy Arizona Work-
Security forces .........................................................623-856-5970
Security incidents .................................................... 623-856-7777 continue training site Awards ceremony with a group stretch June 11,
Service calls CE maintenance ................................. 623-856-7232 2020. Luke AFB earned the Healthy Arizona Worksite
Sexual Assault Prevention/Response ...................... 623-856-4878 NCOs Program award by having programs in place to help
Shoppette ................................................................. 623-266-0040 Thunderbolt editorial staff Luke Air Force Base website and social media and is the source for articles and John J. Rhodes Airman Lead- promote healthy lifestyles and worksites. The work-
Sick call ................................................................... 623-856-2273 Publisher ....................................................Aerotech News and Review photos published in the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt editor is authorized to use site wellness program focusses on the wellness of
South Gate VRC ...................................................... 623-856-4768 Editor ....................................................................................... Amy Lamb photos and articles from other .mil or .gov websites. ership School class 20-5 Luke Airmen and employees through fitness, diet and
Submission deadline is at noon the 15th day prior to the month of publication.
Straight-Talk line ..................................................... 623-856-7064 Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie Contributions for the Thunderbolt can be made via email to amy@aerotechnews. poses for a photo during their preventing diseases.
Telephone repair (Base) .......................................... 623-856-4400 Advertising sales ................................................................ 877-247-9288 com. The editor can be reached at 661-310-5712 or classroom video conference
Thrift store .............................................................. 623-935-5782 Luke Air Force Base The Thunderbolt uses material from the Armed Forces Information Service, Air on June 17 , 2020, at Luke Air
Ticket/tour office ..................................................... 623-856-6000 Commander.................................................Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder Force News Service, AETC News Service and other sources. All advertising is han- Force Base. This is the first
Travco ......................................................................855-896-7939 Public affairs chief ................................................Capt. Candice Dillitte dled by Aerotech News and Review. They can be reached by calling 877-247-9288. ALS class conducted online
Travel management office household goods ........... 623-856-6425 Command information ...................................... Tech. Sgt. Clint Atkins Contents of the Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or en- at Luke AFB due to COVID-19. ATTN ALL PERSONNEL:
TMO passenger travel ............................................. 623-856-7035 dorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department
Transient alert ......................................................... 623-856-6204 Editorial Information of the Air Force. Airmen at Luke AFB are do- Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder respectfully announces
Travel pay ............................................................... 623-856-7028 For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple- ing their part to mitigate the the death of Airman 1st Class Wes Charles. Anyone
Vehicle maintenance ............................................... 623-935-6576 and click on PDF edition ments, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by spread of COVID-19 by prac- having claims for or against the estate should con-
Veterinary services .................................................. 623-856-6354 The Thunderbolt is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no the DOD, the DAF or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this ticing social distancing and
Weather ................................................................... 623-856-6805 way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 56th publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard implementing innovative solu- tact 2nd Lt. Cameron Castleberry, Summary Court
to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
Wellness center ....................................................... 623-856-2273 Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. This civilian enterprise Air Force news- political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. All Courtesy photo tions to continue the mission. Officer, at (623) 856-6552 or cameron.castleberry.1@
paper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. military services.
Youth center ............................................................ 623-856-7470 The 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office prepares all editorial content for the photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.