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Vol. 80, No. 45 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, November 13, 2015
NEWS BRIEFS Telling the Reserve story, it’s what we do
CORRECTION - AF by Master Sgt. Julie Avey
EXTENDS SARC 163 ATKW public affairs
CIVILIANS MARCH AIR RESERVE U.S. Air National Guard photo/Master Sgt. Julie Avey
BASE, Calif. – Public Affairs
In the October 30, 2015 issue (PA) can partly be defined as Staff Sgt. Katie Justen, 459th Air Refueling Wing public affairs, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland,
of The Beacon, page 6, we ran a issues that affect people. On and Tech Sgt. Benjamin Mota, 434th Air Refueling Wing public affairs, Grissom Air Reserve
photo to go with the story titled November 2-4, PA staff from Base, Indiana, take a look at new Canon technology at the Fourth Air Force Public Affairs Confer-
sexual assault prevention and the country came together at the civilians from across the numbered Air Force, as well as their Air National Guard counterparts, at-
response service to civilians.” numbered Air Force headquar- tended the conference to network, share best practices, and discuss ways to overcome obstacles
The photo caption should read, ters here to discuss their own ca- LQWKH3$FDUHHU¿HOG
“Civilian employees – both ap- reer field for a change. The 4AF
propriated and non-appropriated PA Conference was a time to provide leadership and support and hearing what his vision is Dover AFB, Delaware, and
– who are victims of sexual as- improve PA skills, enhance PA to their wing PA shops. “Now and the importance of PA,” said former journalist for ABC and
sault ARE allowed to file restrict- processes, network, and share more than ever, we need to tell Maj. Stan Paregien, public af- CBS News. “I knew it would
ed and unrestricted report with PA-community knowledge. our Air Force Reserve story loud fairs chief, 932nd Airlift Wing, be beneficial, but now that I’m
their installation’s sexual assault and proud,” Bender said. “It is Scott AFB, Illinois. “He under- here I am realizing you can’t
response coordinator.” We apolo- “One purpose of the pub- vital that commanders provide stands the importance of com- put a price on having face-to-
gize for the error. lic affairs Airman is to tell the the access and expertise as well munications through PA. He face interaction with other PA’s.
story of the Airmen assigned as leadership to subordinate is putting his money where his That alone is more than worth
BENFEDS OPEN to their unit and the Air Force,” commanders to enable an effec- mouth is and bringing us all out the trip across the country.”
SEASON BEGAN said Staff Sgt. Adam Borg- tive communication process.” here to be a part of this,” Par-
man of the 927th Air Refuel- egien continued. “This will help The conference included
NOVEMBER 9 ing Wing, MacDill Air Force During the conference us go back to our units and push training on scripting and pro-
The 2015 Federal Benefits Base, Florida. “Gen Flournoy Flournoy spoke to the public the key messages from Fourth duction of short video clips to
Open Season (for the 2016 plan (Maj. Gen. John C. Flournoy, affairs Airmen on several top- Air Force down to the bottom.” highlight Airmen and missions
year) runs from Monday, Nov. 9, Jr., 4AF commander) giving us ics to include the need for con- in order to share internal and
through Monday, Dec. 14. If you his time during the conference tinuously telling the story of In addition to communica- external information to several
are enrolled in the Federal Em- allowed us to ask questions and Airmen doing great things in tion, the public affairs pro- different audiences. They also
ployee Dental and Vision Insur- give him feedback on our abil- all career fields. He encouraged fessionals were provided the discussed the Unit Public Af-
ance Program (FEDVIP) plan, it ity to complete our missions,” them to reach out to each other opportunity to learn new tech- fairs Representative program as
will automatically continue into Borgman said. “With this line and share their expertise. niques to do their jobs and also a means of reaching out to ev-
the 2016 plan year, even if you of communication, it better al- network to continue commu- ery Airman to help tell the Air
retire.You must take action if you lows us all to understand the “The conference has been nity-building amongst their Force Reserve story. Other top-
wish to make changes or cancel. strategic communication plan very beneficial for the public strong public affairs teams ics of discussion were develop-
Visit to check from commanders, which helps affairs Airmen,” said Borgman. throughout the country. ing communication plans, and
the 2016 premium amounts, better tell our unit’s story while “With PA members from all crisis communication.
research plan coverage and/or supporting the big picture.” around the Fourth Air Force in “I wasn’t sure what to ex-
make changes. For general ques- one room, we were able to dis- pect when I was gearing up to Networking and sharing pro-
tions, visit the Education & Sup- Building stronger relation- cuss our best practices.” come here, to be honest,” said cesses were reoccurring themes
port section at ships between the Air Force Capt. Bernie Kale, public af- throughout the training. Social
Reserve Command PA office “Hearing straight from Gen- fairs chief, 512th Airlift Wing,
SARC HOSTS and the wing PA offices to bet- eral Flournoy, the two-star here, See STORY page 9
FREE MIND BODY ter tell the Air Force Reserve
RESILIENCY CLASSES story is the hope of Col. Bruce
Are you interested in learning Bender, AFRC Public Affairs
more about the Mind and Body director. “Through these rela-
connection and how this can pro- tionships will come greater col-
mote better overall health? Then laboration and synchronization
come join the interactive and in- of communication efforts to-
formational series of one-hour ward a common goal of greater
classes based on the Benson- public support and advocacy for
Henry Institute for Mind Body the Air Force Reserve,” he said.
Medicine’s Resilient Warrior.
Classes are scheduled on the A Bender added that it is criti-
cal for wing commanders to
See BRIEFS page 3