Page 6 - March ARB Beacon 11-13-15
P. 6
6 November 13, 2015
The 315th Engineers Vertical Construction
Company Soldiers return home
U.S. Air National Guard photos/Master Sgt. Julie Avey
Army National Guard Sgt. Danny Martinez, Army National Guard Sgt. Michael Williams, Army National Guard Sgt. Marc Altamirano,
who is a San Diego resident and serves as a 315th Engineers Vertical Construction Com- 315th Engineers Vertical Construction Com-
medic for the 315th Engineers Vertical Con- pany, California NG, March Air Reserve Base, pany, California NG, March Air Reserve Base,
struction Company, California NG, March Air and his wife, Amy, share a kiss after his is welcomed home with open arms and lot of
Reserve Base, is welcomed home Nov. 5, long-awaited homecoming while their children hugs from his son, Aaron, 8, who was ready
by his girlfriend, Michaela Kimball, after his Christian, 7, and Kaeliana, 4, hold tight to their for his dad’s arrival after a year-long deploy-
almost year-long deployment to Kuwait. parents during the happy reunion. More than ment to Kuwait.
60 Soldiers from the 315th Engineers VCC
returned home to hundreds of loved ones
anxiously waiting to provide hugs, kisses, and
Family members scream with delight as the bus carrying their returning Soldier arrives Nov. 5 at the Army National Guard Armory, March Air Reserve
Base. Sgt. DeLeon surprised his girlfriend of two years (brunette holding the sign) with an engagement ring at the celebration. She said yes!