Page 10 - Aerotech News Luke AFB Holiday Edition 11-25-15
P. 10
Luke military working dogs
Air Force photographs by SrA. James Hensley Staff Sgt. Justin Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron
military working dog handler, and Boss, 56th SFS MWD,
Staff Sgt. Justin Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron search for explosives during training with local police
military working dog handler, waits for Wax, 56th SFS departments at Scottsdale, Ariz., Nov. 18, 2015. Gonzalez
0:' WR ¿QG H[SORVLYHV GXULQJ WUDLQLQJ ZLWK ORFDO SROLFH stayed back to allow Boss to search freely. Boss detected
departments in Scottsdale, Ariz., Nov. 18, 2015. Wax found nearly 260 pounds of explosives during the training.
approximately 260 pounds of explosives during the training.
Staff Sgt. Justin
Gonzalez, 56th
Security Forces
Squadron military
working dog handler,
guides Wax, 56th
SFS MWD, over
obstacles during
training with local
police departments
in Scottsdale, Ariz.,
Nov. 18, 2015.
Handlers and MWDs
have to prepare for
any obstacles they
may encounter on
SSgt. Justin Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron military working dog
during training with local police departments in Scottsdale, Ariz., Nov. 18, 2015.
drugs or explosive
Above: Staff Sgt. Justin Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, carries Rango, MWD,
at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., Nov. 18, 2015. MWD handlers have to train and condition their bodies to be able to carry
both a full ruck sack and their dog. Handlers need to be prepared to carry their dogs in the event of an injury or if the dog
becomes too tired. Above Left: SSgt. Justin Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler,
and Boss, 56th SFS MWD, search vehicles for explosives during training with local police departments in Scottsdale,
Ariz., Nov. 18, 2015. The training evaluated how the dogs react to different kinds of explosive odors. Left: SSgt. Justin
Gonzalez, 56th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, and Rango, 56th SFS MWD, search a vehicle
at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., Nov. 17, 2015. MWD handlers and their dogs have to search various types of vehicles
in a thorough manner before the vehicles can gain access to the base.
10 Aerotech News and Review November 25, 2015 ........