Page 15 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 1-22-16
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BULLSEYE                                                                                      Health and Wellness                                                                          15January 22, 2016                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                                                                  To add a family member’s SSN in
                                                                                                                                                                    DEERS, you need to:

                                                                                                                                                                    card office


                                                                                                                                                                    record must be updated separately.

By 99th Medical Group                                            tronically by using myPay.                                  ing minimum essential coverage.      To register family members in
                                                               t$MJDLPOUIFMJOLi5VSO0O0Č                            DEERS, sponsors must:
Proof of minimum essential cover-                                                                                            Care-Act/Individuals-and-Families/
  age for tax year 2015                                          Hard Copy of IRS Form 1095.”                                ACA-Individual-Shared-Responsi-      t$PNQMFUFB%%'PSN
                                                               t4FMFDUi&MFDUSPOJD%FMJWFSZ0OMZw                          bility-Provision-Exemptions          t1SPWJEFEPDVNFOUBUJPO	TFFCFMPX

tćF%FGFOTF'JOBODFBOE"D-                                   t*GZPVEPOUIBWFBNZ1BZBDDPVOU
  counting Service (DFAS) will                                                                                               Keep DEERS updated
  report your health care coverage                               you will get the form by mail.                              You must keep your information         ily members can update DEERS
  to the IRS                                                   t'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO
QMFBTFDBMM                          updated in DEERS. Add the Social       with:
                                                                                                                             Security numbers (SSN) for all fam-  t"%%'PSNTJHOFECZUIFJS
t:PVXJMMHFU*34'PSNXIJDI                              1-888-332-7411 or visit DFAS Cus-                           ily members. This is how DFAS will     sponsor within 90 days, or
  documents minimum essential                                    tomer Service.                                              report minimum essential coverage    t"WBMJE1PXFSPG"UUPSOFZ
  coverage for you and your family                                                                                           to the IRS.
  members                                                      Visit the Internal Revenue Service                                                                        Send your questions to
                                                               for more information. You may
t:PVDBOPQUUPHFUUIFGPSNFMFD-                            qualify for an exemption to hav-                                                           

HIGH PROTEIN ‡ LOW FAT ‡ LOW CARB                                                             Puppy Boutique

10%OFF YOUR NEXT                                                                                                             Puppies & Accessories
                                               Not to be combined with other offers.          BEST PRICES & LARGEST SELECTION OF
                                      Must present coupon when ordering. Expires /3/1.              BREEDS IN THE VALLEY

  331-099‡5705 Centennial Center Blvd. #190                                                BEST WARRANTIES                BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE                We are open year round
             (Across from In-N-Out Burger)
                                                                                              4343 N. Rancho Drive, Ste 244                 Ph : (702) 658-8820        Roni Kerfien        $20 OFF
725 W. Craig #132 (Between Big Lots & Party Pro)                                              Las Vegas, NV 89130            Email:
                                                                                              (N. Rancho & Craig Rd.)                                                    General Manager   for Military
                                                                                                                                                                  .PO'SJtBNQN  and Seniors

                                                                                                                                                    Financing     Office: 702-642-1040 | Fax: 702-312-1171
                                                                                                                                                                   4280 W Craig Road #102 North Las Vegas NV 89032


                                                                                              “Healthy Puppy . . . Natually Happy”                                 NEW VA PROGRAM IN EFFECT

                           WE BUY                                                               )DMLWDV‡7DFRV‡5LEV‡%XUULWRV                                 Effective immediately, there is a new VA program that contributes
                                                                                                                                                                  up to $5,000 in closing costs on home purchases for US Military
                                         ANY TYPE OF JEWELRY                                   )PNFNBEF.FYJDBO'BTU'PPE                                         9HWHUDQV 7KLV SURJUDP LV GHVLJQHG WR EHQH¿W 9HWHUDQV E\ KHOSLQJ
                                      *2/'ȏ6Ζ/9(5ȏ&26780(                                                                                                     them to easily qualify for *up to $5,000 towards their closing costs.
                                        'Ζ$021'6 1ct of larger                                   Open Daily 8 am - 8 pm – Mon. – Sat.                             The program is simple and designed to help make purchasing a home
                                    &2Ζ16ȏ%8//Ζ21ȏ&855(1&<                                                                                                    for Veterans even easier and more affordable.
                                                                                                           Just 5 minutes away North                              +RZWKHSURJUDPZRUNVIRU9HWHUDQVXVLQJWKHLU9$%HQH¿WV
702.776.7061 23(1'$<6$:((.Ȃ$030                                                         of the main gate at Craig & Lamb                            ‡ 1RGRZQSD\PHQWUHTXLUHG9HWHUDQVFDQ¿QDQFHRIWKH
                                                                                                        702-834-7998                                                    SXUFKDVHSULFHIRUXSWR
Neil F. Sackmary, G.G.                                                                                                                                            ‡ No private mortgage insurance (PMI) is required.
Graduate Gemologist (GIA)                                                                     &$SBJH3E4UFt-BT7FHBT
/7                     ‡ These loans are backed by the government, therefor banks assume
 email:                                                                                                                                         OHVVULVNDQGWKHUHDUHOHVVVWULQJHQWTXDOL¿FDWLRQVWDQGDUGVIRU9$
                                                                                                                                                                        loans, making them easier to obtain. In many cases, Veterans can                                                                                                                                                      qualify after a bankruptcy or foreclosure.
Because of you, there is St. Jude.                                                            — MILITARY DISCOUNT —                                               ‡ Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) can be applied as effective income
                                                                                                                                                                        for active military members, which means you can use BAH to pay
St. Jude patient Bailey with her father William, Marine Corps  800-822-6344                                                  4680 West Craig Road                       some or all of your monthly mortgage costs.
                                                                                                            North Las Vegas
                                                                   A CFC Participant.                                                    (North East Corner of    LQ &ODUN &RXQW\ LV 5DOSK 5RGULJXH] ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR EHLQJ YHU\ ZHOO
                                                               Provided as a public service.                                        Craig & Decatur behind 7-11)  YHUVHG LQ WKLV SURJUDP DQG 9$ %HQH¿WV 5DOSK SHUVRQDOO\ VHUYHG LQ
                                                                                                                                                                  the United States military for 20 years. He and his team are based
                                                                                                             702-648-0769                                         DW $ZDUG 5HDOW\ ORFDWHG DW  6 -RQHV %OYG LQ /DV 9HJDV
                                                                                                                                                                  While other lenders are requiring more and have tightened their
                                                                                                                         Ask about our Free Truck Usage           DSSURYDO UDWHV 5DOSK 5RGULJXH] KDV SDUWQHUHG XS ZLWK 0HOLVVD
                                                                                              Please Visit our Website                           )RVWHU%UDQFK0DQDJHUIRU(YHUJUHHQ+RPH/RDQVLQRUGHUWRPDNH
                                                                                                                                                                  the application and approval process for Veterans as easy, quick and
                                                                                              ‡OQVLWH0DQDJHPHQW‡Surveillance Cameras                          successful as possible.

                                                                                                                                                                  To learn more about the VA loan application process, contact Ms.
                                                                                                                                                                  Foster directly at 702-269-4362&RQWDFW5DOSK5RGULJXH]DQGKLV
                                                                                                                                                                  team at 702-416-3654 for more information on how the program
                                                                                                                                                                  works and on obtaining the additional contributions of up to $5,000
                                                                                                                                                                  being offered to Veterans.

                                                                                                                                                                    *This program is for a limited time and subject to approval. Restrictions apply.
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