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BULLSEYE                                              Feature                                                                  7January 22, 2016                                                                                     

A look back at Desert Storm, 25 years later

By Senior Airman Hailey Haux              further aggressiveness by the Iraqi      Airmen being rapidly deployed in             “Over time I have come to under-
                                          military and of course the Air Force     support of Desert Storm, there were       stand the enabling capabilities that
Secretary of the Air Force Public Affair  was the first on the list, along with    approximately 69,406 sorties flown by     came to us from space, came to us out
                                          the Navy and the aircraft carriers,      30 different types of aircraft.           of stealth (and) that came to us out of
   WASHINGTON — Twent y-f ive             to deploy in the region,” said retired                                             new weapons and ammunitions that
years ago, the Air Force participated     Lt. Gen. Bruce A. “Orville” Wright, a       “I remember thinking, ‘Saddam          allowed us to do things in ways that
in Operation Desert Storm, the larg-      Desert Shield/Storm veteran. “It was     Hussein has no idea what’s coming,’       we hadn’t done them before,” John-
est air campaign since the conflict in    a rapid deployment of forces from the    and after the first 60 minutes of the     son said. “Our ability to dynamically
Southeast Asia. The campaign’s pur-       continental United States (and some      war, he will be largely disconnected      command and control across an entire
pose was to drive the Iraqi military      forces from Europe) to put enough        from his tactical forces and he was.      theater there were things that, looking
out of Kuwait, release the country        airpower in place so the Iraqi military  They tried to reconnect, but in many      back now in hindsight, fundamentally
from Saddam Hussein’s invasion and        would be discouraged, if not deterred.   ways we began the decapitation of the     began the transformation of airpower.
reestablish its sovereignty.                                                       leadership within the first 15 minutes    There are so many things that we take
                                             “We took out their eyes and ears,     of the war,” said Maj. Gen. Paul T.       for granted today … that saw their
   On the morning of Aug. 2, 1990,        their control capability,” he contin-    Johnson, an operational capability re-    beginnings in Desert Storm.”
Iraq invaded nearby Kuwait. In less       ued. “The entire ground operations       quirements director and Desert Shield
than four hours, Iraqi forces occupied    lasted about 100 hours and that’s a      veteran. “I really hope we can remem-        As with any mission, operation or
the capital, Kuwait City, and Hussein     credit to the joint coalition airpower   ber how we came together as a joint       task, there are lessons learned. Desert
soon annexed the country as the 19th      that was employed against the Iraqi      and a coalition team, nations from all    Storm taught the Air Force that being
province of Iraq. The U.S. government     military. We were all excited, that’s    over the world, all of the services sup-  on the cutting edge of revolutionary
initiated Operation Desert Shield in      what we trained for our whole career.    porting each other, generating effects    technology is critical to success.
response.                                 To take 24 F-16s and a squadron of       for one another to achieve an effect in
                                          very capable highly-trained pilots       an incredibly short period of time.”         “That was the first time the invest-
   Several months later on Jan. 16,       and maintenance professionals …                                                    ments, that had been made in some
1991, following Congressional concur-     and defeat what was then the largest        Desert Storm marked the first con-     cases a decade or two decades earlier,
rence with United Nations efforts to      ground force.”                           flict in history to make comprehensive    came together on the battlefield and
enforce a resolution that demanded                                                 use of stealth and space systems sup-     for the first time the world saw what
Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait, Desert        The air campaign marked the ini-      port capabilities against a modern,       the United States Air Force could do,”
Storm was launched.                       tial phase of the war and for the Air    integrated air defense, allowing the      said Air Force Secretary Deborah
                                          Force, air superiority was the goal.     Air Force to succeed in their endeavor
   “The real mission, the immediacy       With more than 68,800 total force        of air superiority.                       _See DESERT STORM, on page 11
of that mission … was to deploy
as many forces as possible to deter

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