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Vol. 65 No. 35
                                                                                                                                                                                     September 4, 2015

Defense Secretary Ash Carter visits Nellis

By Staff Sgt. Jack Sanders

99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs


Defense Secretary (Dr.) Ash Carter vis-

ited the base Aug. 26 to observe Red Flag

15-4 operations and speak to Airmen and

coalition partners about the future of the

force and innovation.

While at Nellis Air Force Base, the

secretary visited the 414th Combat Train-

ing Squadron, toured the Combined Air

Operations Center, visited the Strike

Aircraft Maintenance Unit to see F-15E

Strike Eagle maintenance Airmen at

work, and held an all-call at the Lightning

AMU hangar.

“It was a huge honor for us at Strike

AMU that he would take the time out of

his day to invest such a personal inter-

est in us,” said Capt. Christopher Bright

757th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

Strike AMU officer in charge. “He seemed

like someone who generally cares.”

During the secretary’s visit he actively

sought out Airmen and had them explain

to him their role in the squadron.                                                                                                                                                                                                 U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Joshua Kleinholz
   “Every time I come here I’m so im-
                                             Defense Secretary (Dr.) Ash Carter addresses Nellis Airmen and Coalition partners during an all-call inside the Lightning Aircraft
pressed,” Carter said. “I’m impressed by     Maintenance Unit hangar Aug. 26 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Carter, the nation’s 25th Defense Secretary, was sworn into the position
how realistic the training that is done      earlier this year Feb. 17, and visited Nellis to observe Red Flag 15-4 and speak to Airmen and Coalition partners here about innovation.
here is.”                                    During the all call, Carter took questions from service members and addressed issues relating to budgets, force retention, morale, and
_____ See SECRETARY, on page 3               operational priorities.

Bogdan shines light on F-35 program

By Airman 1st Class Jake Carter              coinciding to each other full of eager Air-       As Bogdan enters the room, the first      “The fact that the U.S. Marine Corps, on July
                                             men and civilian contractors as they wait for  thing he lets Airmen know is that he is      31 went IOC [Initial Operational Capabil-
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs            Lt. Gen. Christopher Bogdan, the program       proud of them for everything they have       ity], which was a right step in this program
                                             executive officer for the F-35 Lightning II    done and all the accomplishments that have   and it takes an entire team to get this done.
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. —             Joint Program Office in Arlington, Virginia    been made at Nellis AFB.
The American Flag hangs from the drapes      as he will update them on the future of the                                                    “To be able to come from where we were
over two F-35 Lightning II’s as fluorescent  program.                                          “I want to say thank you and congratula-
light fills the hangar. Two grandstands sit                                                 tions to the whole team here,” Bogdan said.  ____________ See F-35, on page 3

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