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BULLSEYE                                                                                News                                                              9September 4, 2015                                                                                                                  

SEPARATION, from page 8 __________________________                                      CAREERS, from page 5 _____________                  for about a year now,” says Senior Airmen
                                                                                                                                            Andrew Ingersoll, 432nd WG/AEW executive
and submit their application. Once they submit their application on the                 and offers a piece of advice to all those that may  administration.
virtual to leave active duty they have to put a requested date of separation.           face similar challenges.
                                                                                                                                               “His leadership and mentorship have guid-
   That requested date of separation cannot be any earlier than 90 days from               “Always pursue your passion,” he said.           ed me in the right direction in not only with
that application date and no further out than 180 days. They’re looking at              “There are so many people that join the Air         career decisions but also in life decisions.”
a requested date of separation in a three to six month window.”                         Force and are given an Air Force Specialty
                                                                                        Code, given a job. A lot of people grow into           Impacting the Airmen beneath him isn’t
   The initial eligibility for Palace Chase is a member has to have com-                loving their job. Some people don’t and if you      the only task that Stamps is focused on.
pleted or be within six months of completing half of their initial active               don’t grow into loving what the Air Force has
duty contract.                                                                          given you then you need to find something              “It is easy to see how Tech. Sgt. Stamps’
                                                                                        that is going to help you pursue your passion.”     diverse career and breadth of experience has
   “Each member is different when they come in,” said White. ”If they know                                                                  made him such a resilient leader,” said Chief
they are ready to apply, get the process started, I often ask them how soon                Stepping out of his comfort zone proved          Master Sgt. Michael Ditore, 432nd WG/432nd
they want to leave active duty. That will determine the timeframe that we               beneficial to his career development into an        AEW command chief. “It is an awesome sight
have to work with. Some members want to separate right away once we                     NCO and whole person concept.                       to watch him engage with Airmen of all ranks
get everything situated. Others could be looking at the other end of the                                                                    as he provides mentoring, counseling, and
spectrum, the 180 day mark then we work it accordingly.”                                   “Teaching PME made me a better NCO, a            many other wingman fundamentals. Noah is
                                                                                        better leader, a better man... I’m grateful for     an NCO that leads by example and exempli-
   Master Sgt. Sharlene Lockhart, 99th Force Support Squadron Air Force                 the opportunity I had to be a part of their         fies our core values of integrity, service, and
Reserve in-service recruiter stated that Airmen should know that this is an             lives as they added significant value to mine,”     excellence.”
opportunity to take back control.                                                       he said.
                                                                                                                                               One thing is certain, no matter where the
   “This is an opportunity to continue your service and to be a part of                    Experiencing multiple special duty assign-       road may lead Tech. Sgt. Noah Stamps will be
something bigger and still focus on you,” said Lockhart. “It is very difficult          ments and two AFSC’s, three deployments,            continue to inspire Airmen to pursue what
to pursue personal goals on active duty. Working part-time with the Reserve             graduating 22 ALS PME classes and holding           brings them the greatest satisfaction.
and having full-time benefits all while you pursue your personal goals is an            a total of four jobs in his 13 year career that
amazing opportunity.                                                                    have prepped him to give advice to help other          “I will keep pursuing my passion, as long
                                                                                        Airmen that may be wondering what the Air           as I can wear this uniform and take care of
   “My advice for anyone thinking about switching is to see us out. Master              Force has in store for them as well.                people with excellence and integrity,” Stamps
Sgt. White and I are here to support the Airman assigned. We are here to                                                                    said. “My advice to people is pursue your
educate everyone on their options.”                                                        “Tech. Sgt. Stamps is full of immense            passion don’t accept what was given to you if
                                                                                        knowledge and has been a key mentor of mine         that’s not what fits you.”
   For more information on Palace Chase and similar programs, contact
Master Sgt. White at 702-652-4965 or Master Sgt. Lockhart at 702-652-9423.

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