Page 20 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye June 17, 2016_Neat
P. 20


                                                 Friday, June 17, 2016

Homes for Rent                   Employment Opportunities               Real Estate

     CENTENNIAL HILLS             LOOKING for the                          All real estate advertised
20-Mins from Nellis/Creech!      BEST APPLICANT?                         in this publication is subject
                                                                         to the Federal Fair Housing
    3-Bedroom+Loft/Office         *****************************           Act of 1968, which makes it
         (Double Master)                Place An Ad for
                                                                            illegal to advertise any
    3.5 Bath, 2 Car Garage          Your Business Today!                   preference, limitation or
       Gorgeous Kitchen                 Aerotech News                   discrimination based on race
                                         877-247-9288                     color, religion, or national
  Stainless Steel Appliances                                               origin, or an intention to
        Granite Counters!              Cars & Trucks                        make such preference
           $1150/Month                                                   limitation or discrimination.
          702-349-1783           SELL or BUY YOUR                        Real estate advertisements
                                   WHEELS HERE!                         that are in violation of the law
         Near NellisAFB                                                    shall not be accepted for
  4BR/2.5BA, 2 car garage,        Call Today, Place an Ad!                 publication. All dwellings
office, storage room, all appli-         Aerotech News                   advertised in this publication
   ances included. no pets.              877-247-9288                     are available on an equal

        $1000/mo + dep.              Announcements                                  opportunity
      1yr lease. Avail Now.

           Call for appt
702-994-3575 - Mrs. Hankins.

   Decatur/215 - 15 minutes         DON’T FORGET!                          
   from Nellis! Pool, 3 bdrm,
 2 ba, 2 car garage, beautiful   CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE                  Warning Signs
 stainless steel kitchen, hard-       TUESDAY @ NOON
wood & tile, beautiful backyard           EACH WEEK!                            Warning signs of
                                                                         type 1 diabetes may occur
       to entertain. $1250.                 Services
        Call 702-349-1783                                                    suddenly and include
                                                                                 • Extreme thirst
       Condos for Rent                ULTIMATE BUNDLE from                                                Only YOU Can Prevent Wildfires.  NATIONAL ASS  OCIATION OF STATEFORESTERS
                                  DIRECTV & AT&T. 2-Year Price                • Frequent urination                                                       FOUNDED 1920
   1 bedroom, Close to Nellis     Guarantee -Just $89.99/month             • Drowsiness or lethargy       SMOKEYBEAR.COM
          215/N. Decatur,          (TV/fast internet/phone) FREE
         Aliante/Terrasini,        Whole-Home Genie HD-DVR                    • Increased appetite
                                  Upgrade. New Customers Only.               • Sudden weight loss
  attached garage, patio, W/D,                                            • Sudden vision changes
     frig, stove. Nonsmoker.                    Call Today                    • Sugar in the urine
                                            1- 800-609-0109              • Fruity odor on the breath
No pets. Near shopping. Com-                                            • Heavy or labored breathing
   munity Pool. $800/month.      TRAVELSwitch to DIRECTV and get a      • Stupor or imconsciousness
          Military discount
         Call 702-395-3210         $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-                    A CFC participant.
                                  Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade.              Provided as a public service.
        Rooms for Rent
                                     Starting at $19.99/mo. New         WANTED!!!                                            Exciting Career Opportunity
     Centennial Hills 89149                 Customers Only.                                                                        Immediate Openings
        Gated Community,                                                Protestant Parish Coordinator:
                                         Don’t settle for cable.                                                                 Attn: Military Spouses
   room w/private bathroom.                                             This Chapel Tithes and Offerings Fund (CTOF)     Busy Financial Services office is looking
  Access to entire house and          TOCall Now                        Non-Personal Service Contract is available       for Military Spouses for various positions
garage. Must like dogs, 2 shep-                                         for bid (June 3, 2016 - June 24, 2016). This     in our Las Vegas office. To qualify,
  herds live here. $500/month               1- 800-609-0109             contractor coordinates the Protestant Worship    you must possess the following traits:
                                                                        Services at Nellis AFB. The contractor will      outgoing personality, great people skills,
      contact 636-675-0270            Garage & Yard Sales               have strong administrative skills, experience    and a can-do attitude. Good personal
                                                                        leading people, and coordinating volunteer       credit, the ability to multitask and provide
  Room For Rent/Private bath     BEAUTIFULMOVING SALE                   support. Statements of Work, bid schedule,       exceptional customer service is a must.
          Cathedral Falls           4814 Bartley Circle Saturday        and basis for award are available at the Chapel  These positions are filling up fast.
            N. Las Vegas            June 17th 7am - 2pm. Furni-         Support Center, Bldg. 616, 4302 N. Washington    Please email your resume & cover letter
                                       ture, clothes, collectible       Blvd, Nellis AFB NV 89191. Interviews will be
     3800 sqft home w/pool,          & new items. 808 729-0206          scheduled prior to opening of bids on June 24,   
         gated community.                                               2016 at 1600 at the Chapel Office Bldg. 616,    
                                    MOVING?...PCSing?                   conference table. Contract will be awarded
   $575 mo. including utilities   GARAGE/YARD SALE?                     using the “Best Value” award basis. The                        equal opportunity employer
           702-767-2473                                                 contractor also requires a background checks:
                                  PLACES******************************  installation record check, federal & state
                                      Attract More Customers            background check, and a childcare national
                                        With a Classified Ad!            agency check and inquiries background check.
                                          Call 877-247-9288             For additional information please contact
                                      Aerotech News & Review            Ch, Capt, David Jenkins at (702) 652-2950.

    Creative Real
Estate Associates

• North Las Vegas
• Las Vegas
• Henderson

   Rents from $750
       Contact us

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