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7UDLQWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)DQG)ÀJKWHUSLORWV                                                                                            Nov. 13, 2015
                                                                                                                                                           Vol. 15, No. 43

„ ALS grads, 4
„ CFC update, 5
„ 944th hosts bosses, 7
„ Phoenix Suns come to

    Luke, 12
„ LRS Wingman Day, 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Staff Sgt. Staci Miller


                                                      junction with the Royal Norwegian air force’s birthday.

                         Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan  Norway’s first F-35 sortie, jets arrive on air force’s birthday

ITALIANS FLY FIRST F-35 SORTIE                                    by Senior Airman                       partner aircraft into the squadron, we are        same and some new partners, will allow
                                         See Page 3                   GRACE LEE                          RQHVWHSFORVHUWRIXOÀOOLQJRXUPLVVLRQRI      XVWKHVDPHEHQHÀWV$OVRLWZLOODOORZXV
                                                                                                         WUDLQLQJ WKH EHVW ) SLORWV IURP DURXQG  to easily integrate and operate together as
COUNTING JETS                                                          56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  the world.”                                       one force. This is because we train together,
                                                                                                                                                           we know each other and we keep it very
F-35s....................................28 U.S.         7KHÀUVWWZR1RUZHJLDQ)/LJKWQLQJ             The day was a result of the combined           similar.”
F-35s ..........................2 Australian          II jets arrived Tuesday at Luke Air Force          HIIRUWV RI WKH 86 DQG LWV 1RUZHJLDQ
F-35s ........................ 2 Norwegian            %DVH 6KRUWO\ DIWHU D 1RUZHJLDQ SLORW       partners.                                            Eight other nations will be training along-
F-16s..............................79 at Luke         ÁHZWKH)IRUWKHÀUVWWLPH7XHVGD\LQ                                                          side the U.S. on the new airframe. Other
F-16s ........... 56 at Holloman AFB                  FRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKH5R\DO1RUZHJLDQDLU             “Over the past few months we have been         partner nations that will be joining the U.S.,
                                                      force’s birthday.                                  ZRUNLQJFORVHO\ZLWKRXU1RUZHJLDQSDUW-          1RUZD\DQG$XVWUDOLDLQWKH)WUDLQLQJ
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                                                                        ners to ensure that we are ready to receive       program here will be Turkey, Italy and the
   “For any team to achieve sus-                      ward integrating partner nations with the          aircraft the world has ever seen,” Frana          Sales countries Japan, Korea and Israel.
tained, ever-increasing success it                    DUULYDORIWKHÀUVW$XVWUDOLDQ)'HF      said. “Today is the result of a monumental
needs to do more than just work                       2014, at Luke. Almost a year later the next        team effort, but the effort will not stop here.      ´:KHQWKH)GHSOR\VLQWKHIXWXUHLW
well together. It needs a process                     big international step for the program came        The effort will continue as the U.S. and our      ZLOOEHDORQJVLGHRXU1RUZHJLDQSDUWQHUVµ
to refresh and grow leaders from                      ZKHQWZR,WDOLDQSLORWVFRPSOHWHGWKHLUÀUVW      SDUWQHUV EULQJ WKH ) WR LQLWLDO RSHUD-   said Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, 56th FW com-
within.”                                              ÁLJKWLQDQ)1RYKHUH                     tional capability and utilize this amazing        mander. “The relationships built here in
                                                                                                         machine to strengthen alliances and defend        the West Valley will be critical to both
                  Lt. Col. Scott Linck                   This marks the second international             our national interests.”                          our nations as we move forward. Building
                              71st Student            SDUWQHU WR KDYH )V DUULYH IRU WUDLQLQJ                                                     partnership activities is priceless as the Air
                                                      at Luke.                                              6LPLODUWRWKHSDUWQHUVKLS1RUZD\KDG         Force reinforces long-established bonds and
              Squadron commander                                                                         with the U.S. and other partner nations           cultivates new friendships through training
                                                         “Today is a great day for the 62nd Fighter      ZLWK WKH ) WKH ) SDUWQHUVKLS ZLOO   opportunities, exercises and military-to-
WEATHER                                               Squadron, the 56th Fighter Wing, and the           make for an unstoppable force.                    military events.”
                                                      86 DQG 1RUZHJLDQ DLU IRUFHVµ VDLG /W
                 Today                                Col. Gregory Frana, 62nd FS commander.                “When it comes to the partnership, we             /XNH FXUUHQWO\ KDV  )V DQG E\
                                                      ´6LQFH WKH QG )6 VWRRG XS DV DQ )    see a very good transfer from our experi-         /XNHLVVFKHGXOHGWRKDYHVL[ÀJKWHU
             77°/50°                                  squadron back in June of 2015, we have             HQFHZLWKWKH)WRWKH)µVDLG5R\DO      VTXDGURQVDQG)V1RUZD\ZLOOKDYH
                                                      been focused on training the world’s best          1RUZHJLDQDLUIRUFH0DM0RUWHQ+DQFKH          VHYHQ)VVWDWLRQHGDW/XNH
                       Sunny                          ) SLORWV 7RGD\ DV ZH DFFHSW RXU ÀUVW  62nd FS training pilot. “Working with the

                                                      Go to for Luke Facebook link           8VH\RXUVPDUWSKRQHWR
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