Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-13-15
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Nov. 13, 2015                                                            Spotlight                                                       Thunderbolt

ALS graduates 47 airmen                                                                              Holloman F-16s first in AF
                                                                                                     for aircraft purification
   The 56th Fighter Wing Airman Leadership School    and Jazz Schools III
graduated 47 senior airmen Oct. 29 from class 15-7:                                                     HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE                  “Previously, every time we had
                                                     WK(06                                        BASE, N.M. — The F-16 Fight-        GLUW\ ÁXLG ZH KDG WR GR D GUDLQ
   The award winners are:                                                                            LQJ )DOFRQV DW +ROORPDQ $LU    DQG ÁXVKµ +DOO VDLG ´7KDW LQ-
John L. Levitow Award: Sharonda Walker,              James Bryant Jr., Genevieve Copeland, Donnie    )RUFH%DVHEHFDPHWKHÀUVW)V   cludes all of our AGE (aerospace
56th Fighter Wing                                    0F&DU\-UDQG*UHJRU\6DUDELD                  in the Air Force to go through the  ground equipment) as well. So,
Distinguished graduates:6KDQH+LQWRQWK                                                         DLUFUDIWSXULÀFDWLRQSURFHVV1RY  if our old hydraulic test stands
'HQWDO6TXDGURQ-R$QQH%DXPWK0HGLFDO           WK$LUFUDIW0DLQWHQDQFH                      $LUFUDIWSXULÀFDWLRQKDVEHHQ   were contaminated, we had to
Support Squadron, Philemon Sehne, 56th Force         6TXDGURQ                                       performed on other airframes,       GUDLQDQGÁXVKWKHV\VWHPWKUHH
6XSSRUW6TXDGURQDQG7HUHVD$QD\D+HUQDQGH]                                                       EXWWKLVZDVWKHÀUVWWLPHLWZDV  times and change the filters.
56th Operations Support Squadron                     -RVHSK%HHEH7DQQHU*RDWOH\1JX\HQVDQ/H    performed on F-16s.                 1RZZHFDQMXVWUXQLWWKURXJK
Commandant’s Award: 7HUHVD$QD\D+HUQDQ-             $VKOH\/HH1HJXVD/HH$QWKRQ\0RJDYHURDQG                                       the new hydraulic test stand and
dez, 56th OSS                                        Phillip Thompson                                   “Aircraft purification is re-    purify our equipment. It’s the
Academic Achievement Award:6KDQH+LQWRQ                                                           moving all of the moisture,         same for the jets — we cycle their
56th DS                                              WK$0;6                                      air and particles out of the        ÁXLG WKURXJK WKH K\GUDXOLF WHVW
                                                                                                     K\GUDXOLF ÁXLG LQ WKH V\VWHPV  stand, and it’s as good as new.
Physical training accomplishments                    Isaiah King, Andrew Pasion and Jonathan Picher  of the aircraft,” said Senior
Fire breather:1LFKRODV9DOHQWLQHWK(TXLS-                                                       0DVWHU6JW,DQ+DOOWK$LU-        “This eight-hour process saves
PHQW0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQ                            WK&LYLO(QJLQHHU6TXDGURQ                    FUDIW0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQDLU     the Air Force time and money,
Run: 8:56                                                                                            JURXQG HTXLSPHQW ÁLJKW FKLHI   as well as environmental waste.
3XVKXSV                                          $OH[DQGHU*HUHQDQG.\OH0LWFKHOO               “It’s important because it will     Every time the hydraulic test
6LWXSV                                                                                           increase system reliability on      stands are used they save more
                                                     WK&RPPXQLFDWLRQV6TXDGURQ                    the aircraft, and it will greatly   WKDQJDOORQVRIÁXLG
   Other graduates are:                                                                              reduce the long-term mainte-
                                                     $QWKRQ\1DYDUUD                                 nance costs.”                          “In the big picture, you’d never
56th FW                                                                                                                                  have to do a drain and flush
                                                     WK6HFXULW\)RUFHV6TXDGURQ                      7KHWK$0;6UHFHLYHGWKH      DJDLQµ +DOO VDLG ´$V ORQJ DV
Grace Lee                                                                                            Air Force’s three hydraulic test    you’re hooking up that system
                                                     1DWKDQLHO0F1XWW                                stands that are equipped with       when doing routine maintenance,
WK266                                                                                            onboard purification systems,       LWLVVWLOOSXULI\LQJWKDWÁXLGµ
                                                     WK/RJLVWLFV5HDGLQHVV                       making it more efficient overall.
$XPLD$XZDO$QGUHZ&RXVLQ0DUFXV+LOWRQ          6TXDGURQ                                                                                                       Courtesy of
drick Thibodeaux                                     Joshua Congzon, Jimryan Orines and Trevor Wil-
Derek Demyanovich
                                                     Eileen Grizzard, Zacharia Schmitz and Sergey
VW)LJKWHU6TXDGURQ                                Voytov

Britney Carter Grimes                                WK0HGLFDO2SHUDWLRQV
56th Maintenance Group
-RQDWKDQ0DKODQ                                      nie Shorts

WK&RPSRQHQW0DLQWHQDQFH                          WK/56
                                                     Akili Proctor


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