Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-13-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                                                                         News                                                                         Nov. 13, 2015                    9                                                                                                                                                          

 PEOPLE                                                only three weeks from the time companies                                     you don’t currently have coverage when               or become severely ill in the line of duty,
   FIRST                                               demonstrate their capabilities to the time                                   using the portal.                                    your unit must issue a Line of Duty deter-
                                                       the winner is funded and doing work.                                                                                              mination.
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                                        When using the portal, go to the “Indi-
compiled from information from the Air Force              Thinking outside of the box and in the                                    YLGXDO DQG )DPLOLHVµ WDE RQ +HDOWK&DUH
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support          spirit of innovation, the Air Force launched                                 gov, and click the “Get Coverage” tab.
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,          the largest cash prizes ever conducted by                                                                                          ticle/628050/november-is-warrior-care-month.aspx
9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVWKHFLYLOLDQSHUVRQQHORIÀFHDQG    one of the military services called Air Force                        
armed forces news services. For the complete story,    Prize — worth $2 million to the entity                                                                                            75,&$5(\RXQJDGXOW
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.  that can produce a lightweight, mid-sized                                    $UWLFOHZKDWWULFDUHEHQH¿FLDULHVQHHGWR
                                                       turbine engine.                                                                                                                   premiums to increase
6HFXULQJIXWXUHE\                                                                                                                     know-about-open-enrollment-marketplace.aspx
bending cost curve                                                                                                                3UHPLXPV IRU WKH 0LOLWDU\ +HDOWK
                                                          Article/627140/securing-the-future-by-bending-                            Warrior care month                                   6\VWHP·V EHQHÀW SODQ IRU DGXOW FKLOGUHQ
   %HQGLQJ WKH &RVW &XUYH RQH RI WKH                                                                                                                                          between 21 and 26 years old have been
0DNH(YHU\'ROODU&RXQWFRVWLQLWLDWLYHV                                                      the-cost-curve.aspx                     TRICARE is a health care program for              announced. The premiums for TRICARE
launched by the Air Force, includes a                                                                                               XQLIRUPHG VHUYLFH PHPEHUV 1DWLRQDO              Young Adult program will increase on Jan.
growing and evolving set of more than                  7LPHIRU75,&$5(                                                             Guard and Reserve members, retirees,                  WR  SHU PRQWK IRU 7<$ 3ULPH DQG
20 acquisition reform activities. These                open enrollment                                                              survivors and their families around the              $228 per month for TYA Standard.
DFWLYLWLHVDUHIRFXVHGRQÀQGLQJZD\VWKH                                                                                          ZRUOG:HHQVXUHRXUEHQHÀFLDULHVUHFHLYH
Air Force can be more effective at how it                 It’s time for open enrollment; the time of                                care that is proven both safe and effective.            “Offering the option to have young adults
spends money to get better capabilities to             year when people can enroll in or change                                     This month, make time to learn about all             covered under these plans falls in line with
WKHZDUÀJKWHUIDVWHU                                  their health insurance plan. The open en-                                    the health care benefits, programs and               what all Americans are able to do with their
                                                       UROOPHQWSHULRGIRU+HDOWK&DUHJRYLV1RY                                  resources available to our service members           adult children under the Affordable Care
   One program, Open Systems Acquisi-                  WR-DQIRUFRYHUDJH                                              and their families.                                  $FWµ VDLG 0DU\ .D\H -XVWLV WKH GLUHFWRU
tion, has reached a level of success. The                                                                                                                                                RI WKH 75,&$5( +HDOWK 3ODQ ´:H ZDQW
concept is to move Air Force weapons                      +RZGRHVWKLVDIIHFW\RX"0RVW75,&$5(                                      Active-duty service members mainly                to make sure those wanting this coverage
systems toward a more open architecture,               EHQHÀFLDULHVGRQ·WQHHGWRZRUU\DERXWRSHQ                                 receive their primary care at military hos-          know all the facts as they go into the open
allowing traditional and non-traditional               HQUROOPHQW+RZHYHUIRUEHQHÀFLDULHVZKR                                   pitals and clinics. If stationed in a remote         enrollment season for health care plans in
LQGXVWU\ SDUWQHUV PRUH ÁH[LELOLW\ IRU IX-         are not eligible for TRICARE coverage, have                                  location, active-duty service members                this country.”
ture improvements.                                     lost or are losing coverage, or may qualify                                  may receive primary care with a civilian
                                                       to purchase a TRICARE premium-based                                          network provider. If you are injured on                 Justis explained the increase is due to
   As part of this program, the Air Force              health plan you can utilize this open enroll-                                active duty, there are additional programs           WKH UHTXLUHPHQW LQ WKH 1DWLRQDO 'HIHQVH
Research Laboratory created its own ac-                ment period to see if there are other health                                 DQG UHVRXUFHV DV ZHOO DV VSHFLDO EHQHÀWV      Authorization Act of 2011 that TRICARE
quisition vehicle tailored to the new OSA              coverage options that work best for you and                                  like respite care for primary caregivers of          set TYA premiums to cover the full cost of
model. With this new system, it will take              your family.                                                                 injured service members.                             health care received by the program’s ben-
                                                                                                                                                                                         HÀFLDULHV 3UHYLRXV \HDUV· SUHPLXPV ZHUH
                                                          If you want to explore your local coverage                                   1DWLRQDO *XDUG DQG 5HVHUYH PHPEHUV           lower because TRICARE did not yet have
                                                       RSWLRQVRXWVLGHRI75,&$5(JRWR+HDOWK-                                    ZKR DUH RQ DFWLYH GXW\ IRU PRUH WKDQ      VXIÀFLHQWFRVWGDWDWRVHWDQQXDOSUHPLXPV
                                                       &DUHJRY<RXFDQÀQGRXWLI\RXTXDOLI\IRU                                GD\VUHFHLYHWKHVDPHEHQHÀWVDVDQDFWLYH
                                                       ÀQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH DQG UHYLHZ FRYHUDJH                                 duty service member. While serving on        
                                                       plans offered in your area without having                                    DFWLYH GXW\ IRU  GD\V RU OHVV IRU DFWLYH
                                                       to submit an application. Just indicate that                                 duty training, an annual tour, individual              Article/627837/tricare-young-adult-premiums-to-
                                                                                                                                    duty training or drill and you are injured

SOUND                                                                    “‘Buca di                                                  “‘Kabuki,’                           “‘Grimaldis.’    “‘Gus’s New
 OFF!                                                                    Beppo.’ It                                                 because I love                       It’s the best    York Pizza.’
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What’s your favorite       Civilian                                                                               Airman 1st class                     Senior Airman                      Airman 1st Class
restaurant and why?        MARCI CUMMINS                                                                          JUSTIN MROZ                          SCOTT GILES                        KEVIN DAWSON
                           56th Force Support Squadron                                                            56th Contracting squadron            56th FSS                           56th Comptroller Squadron

SAVINGS FOR YOU, HELP FOR OTHERS                                                                                                               Ashton Pointe is truly a      YGMJ=AFNAL=<&
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To learn more or find a store nearest you, please visit our website:

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  9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345                                                                            GLENDALE COMFORT SUITES

                         Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor                                                                      9824 WEST CAMELBACK ROAD
                                Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady                                                                  GLENDALE, ARIZONA, 85305

                           Service Times:               7:30 am                                                                            PHONE: 623.271.9005    
                           Sunday:                      8:00 am                                                                              FAX: 623.271.9808           800-45-DUCKS
                           Prayer                       9:45 am
Phone: 623-486-9007        Worship Service             11:15 am                                                   BY CHOICE HOTELS                     Continental Conservation:
Fax: 623-486-0246          Sunday School                                                                                                                                                     You Make it Happen  Worship Service              6:30 pm                                                                      Just 7 miles from Luke AFB       Wednesday:                   7:00 pm                                                                     Ask for the “Luke AFB Rate”                                 A CFC participant - provided as a public service
                           Bible Study
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