Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-13-15
P. 12

Nov. 13, 2015                                                                                                                                  Thunderbolt

                                                                                                          nothing but
                                                                                                          net at Luke

Sonny Weems, Phoenix Suns player, takes a group photo        Story and photos by Staff Sgt.               ant Fitness Center where they           The players threw into the cro
with children from Luke Air Force Base.                            MARCY COPELAND                         were met by members of the 56th      miniature basketballs and Phoen
                                                                                                          Security Forces Squadron, family     Suns shirts, while meeting fa
                                                                        56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  members of fallen heroes, and anx-   to-face with Thunderbolts to si
                                                                                                          iously awaiting Airmen in uniform.   memorabilia.
                                                                The Phoenix Suns basketball               The team performed a sample of
                                                             team visited Luke Air Force Base             their routine practice schedule,        “The men and women here a
                                                             and treated Airmen and families of           demonstrating different warm-up      the ultimate team,” Chandler sa
                                                             the Luke community to a training             exercises and shooting drills.       “They are our protectors, day
                                                             practice in support of personnel in                                               and day out allowing us to do wh
                                                             the armed services.                             At the end of practice, Airmen    we love. It is more inspiration
                                                                                                          were selected from the audience      for us to come out and be amon
                                                                Before practice, the team toured          to be matched with a player. Each    them. Any time you represent yo
                                                             Luke’s feature jet, the F-35 Light-          player was given two chances to      country, it is the highest honor
                                                             ning II. Lt. Col. Matthew Vedder,            score from the half-court line. If
                                                             62nd Fighter Squadron director of            the shot was made, the Airman           The Phoenix Suns practice ga
                                                             operations, escorted team members            would receive a signed jersey        players an opportunity to give ba
                                                             and staff to view the F-35 and an-           of that player. As every player      to the men, women and famil
                                                             swered questions for players about           stepped up to shoot, anticipa-       of Luke Air Force Base and sh
                                                             the importance of the F-35 program           tion was felt as the ball traveled   their gratitude for serving.
                                                             and what it means for the Air Force.         through the air. The crowd and
                                                                                                          players groaned with every missed       “This was great,” said Jeff H
                                                                “Seeing the F-35 was amazing,”            shot, but as the ball met the net    nacek, Phoenix Suns head coa
                                                             said Tyson Chandler, Phoenix Sun’s           with a swoosh, excitement and        “To come here and interact w
                                                             center. “I have never been that close        cheers sent both the player and      everybody has been a lot of f
                                                             to such a powerful plane before and          lucky Airman to congratulate one     for the guys. We appreciate all t
                                                             then hearing all the detail that goes        another with a rebuild of anticipa-  work that service members do
                                                             into it was just amazing.”                   tion for the next shot.              us in keeping this country safe a
                                                                                                                                               free for us to be basketball coach
                                                                After visiting the flightline, the                                             and players.”
                                                             Phoenix Suns arrived at the Bry-

Jeff Hornacek, Phoenix Suns head coach, leaves the court     Archie Goodwin, Phoenix Suns guard,          Jeff Hornacek, Phoenix Suns head coach, swooshed it in after t
after stating the rules for a half-court game. Players were  hugs Lt. Col. Shawn Ortiz, 944th Opera-      one shot from half-court.
matched to Airmen who won a signed jersey when the           tions Group intel officer.
played made a basket from half-court.
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