Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-13-15
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Thunderbolt News Nov. 13, 2015
Leadership … Are you up for the challenge Chaplain’s thoughts ...
by 2nd Lt. the case for two main reasons — time and human nature. 1RYHPEHULVWKHPRQWKLQZKLFKWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV
MARIANA TAMARIZ There is no doubt giving an order and demanding compli- celebrates Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a civil holi-
ance is faster, however, this approach takes away from the day, yet it has deep spiritual and religious roots. It is a
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron learning ability of every obstacle we encounter not only great time to express gratitude not only to the people
for the leader but for all those involved in the process. By whose lives have made a difference in our own, but more
/HDGHUVKLSLVRIWHQGHÀQHGDVWKHFDSDFLW\WROHDG7KRXJK explaining the thought process behind a decision you are importantly, it is a time to thank God for the blessings
WKLV GHÀQLWLRQ GHVFULEHV WKH DFWLRQV RI DQ LQGLYLGXDO LQ D building connections within the individual, which heightens we enjoy.
leadership position, it does not provide any insight on what their ability to reason and understand complex situations.
makes a good leader. Though there are hundreds of books This is a key contributor to enabling our people to make $PHULFDQSRHWDQGFLYLOULJKWVDGYRFDWH0D\D$QJH-
and guides that provide steps to becoming a better leader, smarter cognitive decisions and not automatic completion lou wrote, “Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you
I believe that true leadership is more than leading and of task requirements. kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the
getting the job done. It’s a tool for the success of others and bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”
the sustainability of our actions. Discussing the bigger picture allows the individual to
understand the circumstances that surrounded the tasking. These two gifts of gratitude and faith are founda-
We operate in an environment in which the only constant This empowers the individual to make relevant decisions tional to a healthy, vibrant and resilient life. Without
is change: change in situation, change in location, change in when the circumstances aren’t the same. These abilities are JUDWLWXGH RXU OLYHV WXUQ LQZDUG DQG ZH À[DWH XSRQ
people and change in leadership. It is for this reason current what lead to innovation and outside the box thinking, key ourselves. Gratitude looks outward and upward to
and future success depends on the ability of leaders to not attributes of stellar performers. DFNQRZOHGJH WKH EOHVVLQJV WKDW ÁRZ IURP RWKHUV DQG
only deliver clear and concise orders but to take the time from God. It softens the impact of every hardship and
to involve and explain the process to those around them. The second hindrance to this approach is the innate ne- setback, for it focuses upon what one has rather than
This involvement isn’t about decreasing responsibility, be- cessity of humans to feel needed. There is an abundance of upon what one does not have. Gratitude is the founda-
ing inclusive, or training our replacement. It’s a strategy psychological literature that discusses the need to belong tional attitude of Thanksgiving.
for sustainability. as an innate characteristic of human nature. Aiming to be
replaceable almost seems counterproductive. Perhaps that Faith welcomes good into our lives and circumstances.
Our people and their capability are what lead us to suc- is the hardest part of being a leader, going against human It sees what is true, noble, right, pure and lovely. Faith
cess. By exposing them to the bigger picture we further nature and putting yourself second — second to the mission, steps in when life tries to knock us down, it empowers
develop their reasoning skills and understanding. This in- VHFRQGWR\RXUSHRSOH²VHFRQGQRWÀUVW us to overcome the struggles and hardships of life in
vestment in the individual is what leads to the sustainability ways we cannot fully explain nor comprehend, yet for
of success because, despite the changes in environment or The reality is that true sustainability of success does not the faithful it is enough.
situation, they will be equipped to accomplish the mission. depend on one individual. Sustainability of success will
only occur when we invest in our people and provide them 0D\\RXU7KDQNVJLYLQJEHPDUNHGE\JUDWLWXGHDQG
Though this approach seems simple and straight forward, with the appropriate cognitive tools to reason and innovate. IDLWK7KDQN\RXIRU\RXUVHUYLFHDQGVDFULÀFH
it takes discipline and dedication to undertake it. This is
Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler
56th Fighter Wing Chapel
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