Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 11-13-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                                              News                                                                                                                            Nov. 13, 2015

JUSTICE REPORT                                                                                                                          STREET BEAT

   The following is a list of admin-   WK0LVVLRQ6XSSRUW                                The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled                                                             forces apprehended an active-duty member
istrative actions issued in October    Group                                             the following incidents Oct. 2 through 8 at Luke                                                         after reviewing security footage provided by
at Luke Air Force Base:                                                                  Air Force Base:                                                                                          loss prevention. The individual was released
                                          Administrative discharges                                                                                                                               WRWKHXQLWÀUVWVHUJHDQW
WK2SHUDWLRQV                          ‡ $ VWDII VHUJHDQW ZDV GLV-               7LFNHWV
Group                                  charged for drug abuse.                                                                                                                                       1RY6HFXULW\IRUFHVUHVSRQGHGWRDUHSRUW
                                          Administrative demotions                          Security forces issued citations for three                                                            of a verbal altercation in base housing. Secu-
   Administrative discharges              ‡$VWDIIVHUJHDQWZDVGHPRWHG                moving violations.                                                                                       rity forces made contact with the individuals
   ‡ $Q $LUPDQ ZDV GLVFKDUJHG     to the rank of senior airman for                                                                                                                           and determined there was no physical alter-
for minor disciplinary infractions.    IDLOXUH WR IXOILOO 1&2 UHVSRQVL-              Emergency responses                                                                                      FDWLRQ6HFXULW\IRUFHVFRQWDFWHGWKHXQLWÀUVW
   ‡$Q$LUPDQZDVGLVFKDUJHGIRU     bilities.                                                                                                                                                  sergeant, who directed the subject to stay in
drug abuse.                               ‡ $Q DLUPDQ ZDV GHPRWHG                      1RY  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHVSRQGHG WR D UH-                                                     a hospitality room at billeting. The response
                                       to the rank of airman basic for                   port of a medical emergency at Falcon Dunes                                                              was terminated.
56th Maintenance                       driving under the influence of                    Golf Course, Bldg. 2202. An individual was
Group                                  alcohol.                                          experiencing medical complications and was                                                               $ODUP$FWLYDWLRQV
                                          Punishments for similar of-                    transported to a nearby hospital.
   Articles 15                         fenses may vary from case to                                                                                                                                  Security forces responded to eight alarm
   ‡$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVUHFHLYHG    case based on the circumstances                      1RY  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHVSRQGHG WR D UH-                                                     activations on base.
nonjudicial punishment for disor-      of the offense and factors such                   port of a medical emergency in base housing.
derly conduct and drinking under       as an offender’s age, military                    6HFXULW\IRUFHVSURYLGHGÀUVWDLGWRDSDWLHQW                                                          7LSRIWKHZHHN
the legal age of 21. The individual    and disciplinary record, finan-                   experiencing chest pains before medical trans-
received a suspended reduction to      cial condition, and suitability                   ported the patient to a nearby hospital.                                                                    Keep vehicle doors locked at all times, even
DLUPDQ EDVLF IRUIHLWXUH RI   for continued service. To ensure                                                                                                                           if left for a brief time. It is enough time for
SD\SHUPRQWKIRUWZRPRQWKV      fair administration of justice                    Nonemergency responses                                                                                   someone to break in and take belongings.
days extra duty and a reprimand.       throughout the Luke AFB com-
   ‡$VHQLRUDLUPDQUHFHLYHGQRQ-     munity, the legal office reviews                     1RY6HFXULW\IRUFHVUHVSRQGHGWRDUHSRUW                                                                         Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere
judicial punishment for wrongful       all cases.                                        of shoplifting at the base exchange. Security                                                                                                                       56th SFS
use of marijuana. The individual
received a reduction to airman,                  Courtesy of the 56th Fighter Wing       LUKE                                           A.A.D.D.
forfeiture of $867 pay per month                                            /HJDO2I¿FH
for two months and a reprimand.                                                                                                         AIRMEN AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING

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