Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, August 20, 2021
P. 8

8   August 20, 2021                                       veterans’ news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevADA                   Desert lightning news s. nevADA                                                                                                 August 20, 2021    9                                                                                                                                                      

   VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System launches improved website

     VA Southern Nevada Healthcare  • Parking and transportation informa-
   System is launching a new public-facing   tion
   website Aug.11 that will give veterans,  • Hospital and clinic hours
   families, caregivers and all other visi-  • Patient registration
   tors better service and an easier online  • Making appointments and refilling
   experience.                            prescriptions
     The new website will replace the cur-  Site visitors will find a new complete
   rent website which, like that of most VA  list of VA health services, social pro-
   medical centers, dated from almost a  grams, and care coordinators, including:
   decade ago.                          • Primary and specialty care
     Veterans, families and caregivers have  • Mental health care
   expressed that VA Medical Center web-  • Caregiver support and care coordi-
   sites are confusing to navigate, contain   nators for LGBT veterans, women
   outdated or missing information, and do   Veterans, returning service members
   not match their VA health care journey.   and more
   VASNHS listened, and in conjunction     Around half of our VAMC website
   with VA facilities around the nation, has  traffic is on mobile devices. VASNHS has
   made changes.                        built a mobile-first user experience that
     To better meet the needs of our website  gets visitors to all content and tools in
   visitors, VASNHS has built an all-new  just one or two clicks, including:
   website template for medical centers  • Online scheduling, prescription refills
   and other facilities. Veteran feedback   and access to medical records
   was used to develop a site that provides  • A new list of health services that uses
   everything that veterans, families and   patient-friendly names and descrip-
   caregivers need to prepare for a visit, get   tions                                                                                      Courtesy graphic
   care, and connect with the veteran’s VA  • New social and health program pages
   health care team:                      that make it easier to connect vet-   The new site has increased speed  to visit VASNHS’s new website. When
   • Directions to main medical centers   erans and their caregivers with care   and mobile features that allow users to  the change goes into effect, visitors will
    and associated clinics                coordinators to help them with their   call VA or get driving directions with a  automatically be redirected to the new
   • Phone numbers                        health care journey                 single click. No special action is needed  site when visiting

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