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                                                                                                                                         and Review
                                                                                                                                  January 29,2021
          Black History month

          observed across nation

           February is Black History Month, and the   had celebrated together since the late 19th
          theme of the 2021 observance is “ The Black   century. Negro History Week was the center
          Family: Representation, Identity, and Diver-  of the equation. The thought-process behind
          sity.”                             the week was never recorded, but scholars
            The theme of the observance is set each   acknowledge two reasons for its birth: recog-
          year by the Association for the Study of Af-  nition and importance. Woodson felt deeply
          rican American Life and History.   that at least one week would allow for the
            Black History Month is an annual obser-  general movement to become something an-
          vance that originated in the United States,   nually celebrated. Also, after the 10-year-long
          where it is sometimes known as African-  haul to successfully complete his “Journal of
          American History Month. And while the   Negro History”, he realized the subject de-
          observance has received official recognition   served to resonate with a greater audience.
          from the U.S. and Canadian governments,   From the event’s initial phase, primary
          Black History Month is also observed in Ire-  emphasis was placed on encouraging the co-
          land, the Netherlands and the United King-  ordinated teaching of the history of American
          dom.                               blacks in the nation’s public schools. The first
            In the United Kingdom, Black History   Negro History Week was met with a luke-
          Month is celebrated in October. The first cel-  warm response, gaining the cooperation of
          ebration was in 1987 which marked the 150th   the Departments of Education of the states of
          anniversary of the Caribbean emancipation.     North Carolina, Delaware and West Virginia
          In Ireland, the first celebration took place in   as well as the city school administrations of
          October 2010 in the city of Cork.  In the 19th   Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Despite this
          century, Cork was a leading center of the aboli-  far from universal observance, the event was
          tionist movement. Leading anti-slave societies   regarded by Woodson as “one of the most
          welcome a number of Black abolitionists to   fortunate steps ever taken by the Associa-
          speak there, including Charles Lenox Remond   tion,” and plans for a repeat of the event on
          and Frederick Douglass. The Netherlands has   an annual basis continued apace.
          celebrated Black History Month, also in Octo-  At the time of Negro History Week’s
          ber, since 2015.                   launch, Woodson contended that the teach-
            The precursor to Black History Month was   ing of Black history was essential to ensure
          created in 1926 in the United States, when   the physical and intellectual survival of the
          historian Carter G. Woodson and the Associa-
          tion for the Study of Negro Life and History   race within broader society:
                                               “If a race has no history, it has no worth-
          (now known as the Association for the Study
          of African American Life and History) an-  while tradition, it becomes a negligible fac-
          nounced the second week of February to be   tor in the thought of the world, and it stands
          “Negro History Week.”              in danger of being exterminated,” Woodson
            This week was chosen because it coincid-  said. “The American Indian left no continu-
          ed with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln on   ous record. He did not appreciate the value of
          Feb. 12 and of Frederick Douglass on Feb.   tradition; and where is he today? The Hebrew
          14, both of which dates Black communities          See HISTORY, Page 2

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