Page 9 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Aerotech News and Review Nellis AFB Creech AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 9

The Tuskegee Bomber Pilots

          by Bob Alvis
          special to Aerotech News
           Many years ago, I came across a G.I.
          Joe doll that was out of the box and was
          a bit different than the usual G.I. Joes
          that came out over the years.
           The doll was a pilot and was Afri-
          can-American, so I just figured it was a
          Tuskegee Airman figure that was made
          to honor their heroic ranks from World
          War II.
           But this G.I. Joe did not sport the          Courtesy photograph
          gear of a fighter pilot, so I did some   The 477th Bombardment Group logo.
          research and the story unfolded about a
          group of Black airmen who ended up in
          a totally different training command, in   Air Corps School located in Lincoln,
          the quest to make them bomber pilots.  Neb. Upon their arrival in Nebraska,
           Here’s a bit of background about   the Tuskegee personnel were met with
          how the 477th Bombardment Group   derision. Many white officers and en-
          came into being in 1943, when the need   listed men were quite vocal in their re-
          for more bomber pilots focused atten-  sistance to African American bomber
          tion on the personnel available at the   pilots. However, the Tuskegee airmen
          Tuskegee Institute, where they quickly   were used to dealing with discrimi-
          enlisted some pilots for a new program.  nation and were determined to prove
           In 1943, with the Tuskegee fighter   themselves. Even though they were
          pilot program underway, the Air Corps   training with white pilots, their quarters
          began to develop plans for a bomber   were segregated and many of the off-
          group that would be comprised of   hours amenities were off limits to them.
          ‘negro’ pilots. Still uncertain about   They were obviously being subjected
          the outcome of the Tuskegee Experi-  to a different standard than their white
          ment, the Air Corps started to screen   counterparts. Still, the Tuskegee Cadets                                                        Courtesy photograph
          Black candidates for twin-engine train-  graduated with the highest record ever   Like all the other Bomber Crews in World War II, they just wanted to serve and be with those that shared their passion
          ing. Cadets received initial training in   achieved at the school. They moved on   for flying regardless of skin color.
          multi-engine Beechcraft AT-10s.  to advanced training in Buffalo, N.Y.
           It soon became apparent that the   In October 1943, the decision was
          addition of bombardier and naviga-  made to form the 477th Bombardment   prohibited Black pilots from using ex-  the Air Corps to reexamine and cor-  of overcoming adversity with skill,
                                                                                                                                  knowledge and determination that this
                                                                                                    rect some of its long-held policies of
          tion training programs, as well as the   Group. Once formed, the new group   isting white-only training centers. This   segregation. In the end, many of these   country could ever hope for. The Air-
          air traffic problem caused by the ad-  would join the 99th Fighter Squadron   delayed the training of many qualified   valorous Americans were promoted to   men serve as an object example of the
          ditional aircraft, would tax the limited   in North Africa. Tuskegee Cadets were   Black pilots and resulted in the 477th   positions of responsibility and author-  words of Martin Luther King, Jr., when
          resources available at Tuskegee. The   given transitional training in B-25s in   being activated just as hostilities were   ity. On July 26, 1948, President Harry   he looked toward a day when people
          Army Air Corps decided to schedule   preparation for the formation of the   coming to a close, too late to see active   Truman signed the Executive Order   “will not be judged by the color of
          bomber pilot training in existing flight   new bomber group. Though the Air   service.    that integrated our nation’s armed   their skin, but by the content of their
          schools located in different parts of the   Corps was in great need of pilots, it   Still the 477th scored some lasting   forces throughout the world, and many   character.”
          country. These other fields had previ-  was unwilling to expand the Tuskegee   victories. The character, determina-  of these amazing airmen stepped into   When teaching future generations,
          ously been used for white trainees only.  training facility. It was also not ready to   tion and perseverance displayed by   positions that for generations had only   we should seek to not judge a person
           One such flight school was the Army   remove the barriers of segregation that   the Tuskegee bomber pilots caused   been a dream of those who only wanted   by the color of their skin, but by their
                                                                                                    respect and to serve their country.  desire to be a leader and champion for
                                                                                                     I’m sure I speak for many when I   all those who believe that greatness is
                                                                                                    state my belief that the accomplish-  in the ability to persevere against all
                                                                                                    ments of the Tuskegee Airmen will   odds.
                                                                                                    always be one of the greatest stories   Until next time, Bob out…

                                                                                                                                                  Courtesy photograph
                                                                                                    We salute the Tuskegee Bomber pilots of World War II, and their commitment
                                                                                                    to excellence.

                                                                                      Courtesy photograph
           Tuskegee Cadets in training to become navigators.

                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
          January 29, 2021                     ........                                    9
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