Page 13 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, January 8, 2021
P. 13

12   January 8, 2021  Year in review   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa

 2020 ChAnges of CommAnd

 team signals the welcoming of a new one  Squadron, during a modest Assumption
 as Dyer, an F-15E pilot with more than  of Command ceremony at Nellis Air Force
 3,000 flying hours, takes the reins. Dyer will  Base, Nev. Col. Sean Carpenter, 926th Wing
 lead the 5,300 Airmen providing mission  commander, presided over the ceremony,
 assurance to six wings, 52 tenant units and  which was modified due to COVID-19
 14,000 personnel across the Nellis AFB and  social distancing restrictions. “I am looking
 Nevada Test and Training Range installation  forward to leading people, to working with
 complex. “As I take command today, my  my Airmen and seeing them get ready for
 vision and goal for the Airmen of the 99th  our mission,” said Kirk. “I’m looking forward
 is simple,” said Dyer. “Let’s continue to  to having them take ownership of the
 Jan. 31 — Col. Todd Tobergte, 926th   build relationships and execute at the level  squadron and to want to say ‘I’m a member
 Operations Group commander, hands   of excellence this wing is known for, while  of the 926th Security Forces Squadron.’”
 the 706th Fighter Squadron guidon to Lt.   creating an environment for our Airmen and
 Col. Michael Fisher, 706th FS commander,   their families to thrive. My family and I are
 during a change of command ceremony   excited to join such an amazing and diverse
 held Jan. 31, 2020, at Nellis Air Force Base,   group of Airmen, and I know that together   July 22 – Col. Cameron Dadgar assumed
 Nev. The 706th FS seamlessly integrates   we will advance the Nellis legacy.”  command of the Nevada Test and Training
 Reserve personnel into the United States   Range.
 Air Force Warfare Center’s test and training

 June 26 — Col. Sheila Wilds accepts
 command of the 926th Operations Group
 during a Change of Command ceremony,
 June 19 — Lt. Col. Arthur A. Thompson   June 26, 2020 at Nellis Air Force Base,
 accepts command of the 91st Attack   Nev. During the ceremony Col. Todd
 Squadron, June 19, 2020, Creech Air   Tobergte relinquished command to Wilds.
 March 31 — Col. John Gallemore, former   Force Base, Nev. The change of command   Wilds comes to the 926th OG from the
 57th Adversary Tactics Group commander   ceremony was modified to honor the   379th Space Range Squadron, where she   July 24 – Col. Dina Quanico, 432nd Mission
 receives the guidon from Brig. Gen. Robert   heritage of the passing of the wing guidon   served as commander. The COC ceremony   Support Group commander, receives the   Wherever we are,
 G. Novotny, 57th Wing commander as he   while maintaining current social distancing   was modified to honor the heritage of   first salute from her squadron commanders
 assumes command of the 57th Operations   guidelines.  the passing of the wing guidon while   during the assumption of command
 Group as Chief Master Sgt. Thomas Schaefer   maintaining current social distancing   ceremony at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.,
 II, 57th OG superintendent looks on, during   guidelines.  July 24, 2020. The 432nd MSG is comprised   we can change the world together.
 a change of command ceremony at Nellis   of two squadrons, the 432nd Support
 Air Force Base, Nev., March 31, 2020. The   Squadron and the 432nd Security Forces
 modest ceremony, adapted to support   Squadron, both providing innovative base
 social distancing initiatives, marked the   support for the Hunters.
 merger of the 57th Adversary Tactics Group   Extend your service and join the CFC community to do even more to help
 and the 57th OG,  placing both  group
 functions under the leadership of one
 commander.         those in need. As a member of the U.S. Department of Defense, you can give to

 June 19 — Col. John Powers, center, 432nd   the charities you care about through payroll allotment, sign up to volunteer,
 Operations Group commander, assumes   July 7 – Col. Brent Johnson assumed
 command from presiding official Col.   command of the 99th Medical Group,   and Be the Face of Change.
 Stephen Jones, left, 432nd Wing/432nd   taking over from Col. Afred Flowers.
 Air Expeditionary Wing commander,
 during the 432nd OG change of command
 ceremony at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.,
 June 19, 2020. Powers took over the group
 from Col. Eric Schmidt, right, who led the
 unit over the past two years.
 June 11 — Maj. Gen. Charles Corcoran,
 United States Air Force Warfare Center   Aug. 7 — The 57th Wing is officially under
 commander, returns a salute to Col. Todd   new management after a modest change
 R. Dyer, incoming 99th  Air Base Wing   of command ceremony Aug. 7, in the
 commander, as Dyer accepts command   Lightning Aircraft Maintenance Unit hangar.
 of the 99th ABW, June, 11, 2020, Nellis Air   Incoming commander, Brig. Gen. Michael
 Force Base, Nev. The Change of Command   “Johnny Bravo” Drowley took command of
 ceremony was modified to honor the   the wing from Brig. Gen. Robert Novotny   Show Some Love at
 heritage of the passing of the wing guidon   July 16 – Col. Barton Kenerson assumed   in a ceremony presided over by Maj. Gen.
 while maintaining current social distancing   June 24 — Lt. Col. Michael Kirk assumed  command of the 57th Maintenance Group,   Charles Corcoran, United States Warfare
 guidelines. The departure of one command   command of the 926th Security Forces  taking over from Col. Shane Henderson.  Center commander.
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