Page 18 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 6-10-16
P. 18


                                                 Friday, June 10, 2016

Homes for Rent                    Furniture & Appliances             Wanted!!!                                            Exciting Career Opportunity
                                                                                                                                Immediate Openings
   Decatur/215 - 15 minutes            Basset sectional couch,       Protestant Parish Coordinator:
   from Nellis! Pool, 3 bdrm,     bought in BX, beige cloth: $250                                                             Attn: Military Spouses
 2 ba, 2 car garage, beautiful                                       This Chapel Tithes and Offerings Fund (CTOF)     Busy Financial Services office is looking
 stainless steel kitchen, hard-      (pd $1000) 702-685-9179         Non-Personal Service Contract is available       for Military Spouses for various positions
wood & tile, beautiful backyard              702-285-3081            for bid (June 3, 2016 - June 24, 2016). This     in our Las Vegas office. To qualify,
                                                                     contractor coordinates the Protestant Worship    you must possess the following traits:
       to entertain. $1250.              Announcements               Services at Nellis AFB. The contractor will      outgoing personality, great people skills,
        Call 702-349-1783                                            have strong administrative skills, experience    and a can-do attitude. Good personal
                                                                     leading people, and coordinating volunteer       credit, the ability to multitask and provide
      CENTENNIAL HILLS                 DONT FORGET!                  support. Statements of Work, bid schedule,       exceptional customer service is a must.
 20-Mins from Nellis/Creech!                                         and basis for award are available at the Chapel  These positions are filling up fast.
                                   CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE            Support Center, Bldg. 616, 4302 N. Washington    Please email your resume & cover letter
     3-Bedroom+Loft/Office                TUESDAY @ NOON              Blvd, Nellis AFB NV 89191. Interviews will be
          (Double Master)                    EACH WEEK!              scheduled prior to opening of bids on June 24,   
                                                                     2016 at 1600 at the Chapel Office Bldg. 616,    
     3.5 Bath, 2 Car Garage                Misc. for Free            conference table. Contract will be awarded
         Gorgeous Kitchen                                            using the “Best Value” award basis. The                        equal opportunity employer
                                   hardwood coffee table, unfin-      contractor also requires a background checks:
   Stainless Steel Appliances      ished hardwood butcher block      installation record check, federal & state
         Granite Counters!         table, antique white work desk    background check, and a childcare national
            $1150/Month                                              agency check and inquiries background check.
           702-349-1783                   free to good home.         For additional information please contact
                                           call 702-918-9413         Ch, Capt, David Jenkins at (702) 652-2950.
           *Pet Friendly*
   Rentals North & Northwest                   Services
 areas 2,3,4 bedrooms starting
                                      ULTIMATE BUNDLE from
       at $1000 per month.        DIRECTV & AT&T. 2-Year Price
      Call Cyndi for all your     Guarantee -Just $89.99/month
                                  (TV/fast internet/phone) FREE
        Real Estate needs          Whole-Home Genie HD-DVR
          (702)273-8793.          Upgrade. New Customers Only.

       Wardley Real Estate                      Call Today
                                            1- 800-609-0109
          Near NellisAFB
   4BR/2.5BA, 2 car garage,        Switch to DIRECTV and get a
 office, storage room, all appli-   $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-
    ances included. no pets.      Home Genie HD/DVR upgrade.

         $1000/mo + dep.            Starting at $19.99/mo. New
       1yr lease. Avail Now.      Customers Only. Don’t settle for

            Call for appt                   cable. Call Now
 702-994-3575 - Mrs. Hankins.               1- 800-609-0109

        Rooms for Rent                Garage & Yard Sales

ALIANTE(89084) FULLY FUR-           MOVING?...PCSing?
   $375.00 PLUS UTILITIES.
  INTERNET, CABLE TV, AP-            ******************************
PLIANCES AND MORE! CALL               Attract More Customers

   FOR APPT: 702-237-1467               With a Classified Ad!
                                          Call 877-247-9288
     Centennial Hills 89149
        Gated Community,              Aerotech News & Review

   room w/private bathroom.
  Access to entire house and
garage. Must like dogs, 2 shep-
  herds live here. $500/month

      contact 636-675-0270

Employment Opportunities                   Real Estate                                                                                                                                                                         Jacob Sanchez
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Diagnosed with autism
   LOOKING for the                   All real estate advertised
  BEST APPLICANT?                  in this publication is subject    Lack of speech is a sign of autism. Learn the others at
                                   to the Federal Fair Housing
  *****************************    Act of 1968, which makes it
         Place An Ad for
                                      illegal to advertise any
     Your Business Today!            preference, limitation or
         Aerotech News            discrimination based on race
          877-247-9288              color, religion, or national
                                     origin, or an intention to
        Cars & Trucks                 make such preference
                                   limitation or discrimination.
 SELL or BUY YOUR                  Real estate advertisements
    WHEELS HERE!                  that are in violation of the law
                                     shall not be accepted for
   Call Today, Place an Ad!          publication. All dwellings
         Aerotech News            advertised in this publication
          877-247-9288              are available on an equal

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