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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                        March 4, 2016
                                                                                                                                                        Vol. 16, No. 9

STORIES                                                                                                                                               Norway hits
                                                                                                                                                      100-sortie mark
„ Trip reduction survey, 3
„ SSgt finds right stage, 4                                                                                                                           Lt. Col. Martin Tesli, 62nd Fighter
„ Dudette surpasses                                                                                                                                   Squadron Norwegian instructor
                                                                                                                                                      pilot, passes his gear to Ello Puga-
    milestone, 7                                                                                                                                      Orozco, 62nd Aircraft Maintenance
„ Hill’s F-35s, 12                                                                                                                                    Unit crew chief, after completing
„ Special Olympics                                                                                                                                    WKHWKÀ\LQJKRXUPLOHVWRQHDW
                                                                                                                                                      Luke Air Force Base Feb. 26. By
    Bball, 19                                                                                                                                         2024, Luke is scheduled to have six
FEATURE                                                                                                                                               1RUZD\ZLOOKDYHVHYHQ)VVWD-
                                                                                                                                                      tioned at Luke.
                                                                                                       Senior Airman Devante Williams

                                                    Thunderbolts celebrate Black History Month

                       Senior Airman James Hensley                  by Staff Sgt.                      what I decided to do was use the term I’m      himself against a possible attack. He was
                                                                    GRACE LEE                          most comfortable with and that’s black.”       one of the people who participated in sit-ins
        TBOLTS RECOVER                                                                                                                                at demonstrations during the Civil Rights
                                                                     56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     Black History Month is celebrated in the    Movement. He was also one of the guys
                                       See Page 10                                                     month of February, Bruce said. The month       who was called Freedom Riders. Being a
                                                       Thunderbolts gathered to celebrate              allows all Americans to learn about the        Freedom Rider was extremely dangerous.
INDEX                                               Black History Month Feb. 25 at Luke Air            history behind the month and remember          They would get on buses, go down south,
                                                    Force Base to remember the achievements            the lives of those who made a significant      and sit at the lunch counter in white res-
Action line ............................. 2         made by African-Americans and recognize            and positive impact on American society.       taurants and sometimes get arrested by
Briefs..................................... 3       the central role they played in American                                                          the police. They were arrested for the act
Spotlight ................................ 4        history.                                              “Black history is rich in culture — it’s    of civil disobedience, breaking the rules of
Diversions ........................... 13                                                              art, sports, medicine, literature, educa-      segregation. My father said he remembered
Sports.................................. 19            This year’s theme, “Hallowed Grounds:           tion and engineering,” Bruce said. “Black      getting arrested, going to jail and being
                                                    Sites of African-American Memories” has            people have contributed immensely in the       afraid he would not come out alive. That’s
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                   been selected by the Association for the           American way of life and in every avenue.”     how dangerous it was.”
                                                    Study of African-American Life and History.
   “At all levels from the commander                                                                      Bruce expounded on famous black Ameri-         Bruce shared more personal stories be-
to the most junior supervisor, we are                  After the singing of the National Anthem        cans who served in the U.S. military.          fore coming to a close.
responsible for these details. The                  and the chaplain giving an invocation,
leader cannot and should not attempt                attendees partook in a southern-style bar-            “In 1770, Crispus Attucks was a Negro          “Thank you for letting me share some of
to be in all places at all times nor can            becue luncheon. Once attendees finished            sailor who became the first man to die in the  my thoughts on black history during the
he be the expert on all facets of the               eating, Ben Bruce, 56th Fighter Wing               Boston Massacre,” he said. “Seven Ameri-       building of America,” he said. “I’m very
mission. We do this through leader-                 ground safety manager and guest speaker,           cans were killed on the streets of Boston.     proud of each and every one of you. Re-
ship, delegation and trust.”                        came to the stage.                                 This killing fueled the Revolutionary War.     member, history makes us smarter, heritage
                                                                                                       Five thousand men of color served Gen.         makes us proud — be proud of yourselves
                Lt. Col. Michael Dunn                  “I have lived the last half of the twentieth    George Washington in this war. The British     and your history.”
             56th Training Squadron                 century, so for me that half is not really his-    stormed American shores and several black
                                                    tory because at one point in my life, it was       soldiers, such as Peter Salem and Caesar          For one Airman and National Anthem
WEATHER                                             today,” Bruce said. “But the most important        Brown received special commendations           singer of the event, Black History Month
                                                    reason I’m here this morning is because I          for their actions in the Battle of Bunker      is a month to be thankful.
                 Today                              love America.”                                     Hill. For the next eight years, all the way
                                                                                                       to the Battle of Yorktown, blacks served.         “I feel like Black History Month is a time
             86°/56°                                   Bruce continued to explain how the terms        Additionally, 180,000 blacks served in a       to reflect and be grateful for what our an-
                                                    used for African Americans changed with            nation-shaping event — the Civil War.”         cestors have done and what they had to go
                       Sunny                        time.                                                                                             through to get us to where we are today,”
                                                                                                          Once Bruce completed sharing military       said Senior Airman Timpson Brittany,
                                                       “Today, I’m not going to be politically cor-    history, he began to speak of his family       56th Civil Engineer Squadron operations
                                                    rect,” he said. “I’m not going to use the term     history.                                       management journeyman. “It’s also a time
                                                    African-American. See, when I was growing                                                         for Americans to learn what the month is
                                                    up I was Negro, then I went south and I               “As a child, I remember my father would     about and how it came to be.”
                                                    became colored, and then finally I was black       take us to church on Wednesday nights,” he
                                                    before turning back to African-American —          said. “I watched my father get on the floor,                                      See PHOTOS, Page 6
                                                    that’s a lot of changing,” he chuckled. “So        roll up in a ball and learn how to defend

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