Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-5-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                               NEWS                                                                                       June 5, 2015

                        STREET BEAT                                                                            Chaplain’s thoughts ...

   The 56th Security Forces Squadron              civilian was denied entry and escorted                          Life can be scary …                        character trait, perhaps to change a
handled the following incidents May 25            RIIEDVH                                                      Last weekend I took 13 families on a       negative quality in our lives, or per-
through June 1:                                                                                                UHWUHDWLQWKHPRXQWDLQV'XULQJRQH         haps to overcome a fear that is holding
                                                     0D\6HFXULW\IRUFHVUHVSRQGHGWRD                   of our sessions we focused on an event        XVEDFN7KHUHDUHFRXQWOHVVUHDVRQV
Tickets                                           report of shoplifting by two minor depen-                    from both the Jewish and Christian            ZK\ EXW WKH WUXWK LV WKDW *RG ORYHV
                                                  GHQWV 6HFXULW\ IRUFHV H[DPLQHG $$)(6                   WUDGLWLRQV 'DQLHO LQ WKH OLRQ·V GHQ   XVOLNHDSDUHQW7KHUHIRUHVRPHWLPHV
   Security forces issued citations for eight     VHFXULW\ YLGHR WDSH DQG YHULÀHG WKH GH-                'DQLHOZDVWKURZQLQWKHOLRQ·VGHQE\       he allows us to be put in “deep water
PRYLQJYLRODWLRQV                                pendents departed without rendering full                     WKHNLQJIRUGRLQJWKHULJKWWKLQJ7KH      ZLWKRXW RXU ÁRDWLHVµ RU SODFHG LQ D
                                                  SD\PHQW7KHGHSHQGHQWVZHUHLVVXHGD                       OHVVRQ IRU WKH NLGV DQG SDUHQWV ZDV  OLRQ·V GHQ -XVW DV 'DQLHO OHDUQHG
7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                          GHEDUPHQWOHWWHUIRUDSHULRGRIWZR\HDUV                 that sometimes when we do the right           and our children, once we face that
                                                  *OHQGDOHSROLFHDUULYHGDQGWRRNFRQWURO                    WKLQJLWFDQEHVFDU\                      scary thing, we come out stronger in
   0D\6HFXULW\IRUFHVUHVSRQGHGWRD                                                                        I asked the kids, “Have you ever had       VRPHZD\6RWKHQH[WWLPH\RXIDFH
UHSRUWRIDPLQRUYHKLFOHDFFLGHQWDW%OGJ      Alarm activations                                            anything scary happen to you?” I love         DVFDU\VLWXDWLRQDVN*RG´:KDWDUH
SDUNLQJORW$QLQGLYLGXDOUHWXUQHG                                                                      WKHLUDQVZHUV2QHVDLGVLPSO\´*HW-         you trying to teach me?”
to the vehicle after shopping in the com-            6HFXULW\IRUFHVUHVSRQGHGWRÀYHDODUP                   WLQJVKRWVµ$QRWKHUUHVSRQGHG´*RLQJ
PLVVDU\ DQG VDZ LW KDG EHHQ GDPDJHG       DFWLYDWLRQVRQEDVH                                         LQWKHGHHSZDWHUZLWKRXWÁRDWLHVµ             One final reminder — not every
7KHUHZHUHQRLQMXULHV                                                                                           I believe we would all agree that          OLRQ·VGHQZHÀQGRXUVHOYHVLQLVSDUW
                                                  Tip of the week                                              WKHVHWKLQJVDUHLQGHHGVFDU\               RI*RG·VSODQ6RPHWLPHVWKH\DUHWKH
   0D\  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHVSRQGHG WR                                                                     I told the kids that those things were     FRQVHTXHQFHRIRXURZQDFWLRQVLHLQ
a report of a minor two-vehicle accident             While traveling away from the home,                       scary, but their moms and dads let            GHEWEHFDXVHRISRRUÀQDQFLDOPDQDJH-
DW %OGJ  SDUNLQJ ORW 7KHUH ZHUH QR   let a trusted neighbor know the travel                       those scary things happen because it          PHQW6RPHWLPHVWKH\DUHWKHUHVXOW
LQMXULHV                                         itinerary and leave a phone number to                        was for their own good; that they would       RIDQRWKHUSHUVRQ·VDFWLRQLHDGUXQN
                                                  EH FRQWDFWHG LI VRPHWKLQJ KDSSHQV $VN                 be healthy and that if they fell in the       GULYHUFUDVKLQJLQWR\RX7KHVHWRRFDQ
Nonemergency responses                            someone to pick up the mail and newspa-                      ZDWHUWKH\FRXOGVDYHWKHPVHOYHV            be learning experiences if we ask the
                                                  SHUVZKLOHJRQH                                                We all need to be reminded that            VDPHTXHVWLRQ´*RGZKDWFDQ,OHDUQ
   0D\  6HFXULW\ IRUFHV UHVSRQGHG WR                                                                  VRPHWLPHV*RGDOORZVXVWRJRWKURXJK        from this experience?”
a report of a warrant’s hit at Lightning                          Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Lance Housh           VFDU\WKLQJVIRURXURZQJRRG:K\"
*DWHLQYROYLQJDGHSHQGHQWIRUWKHRIIHQVH                                                                    Well, perhaps to strengthen a positive             Courtesy of Chaplain (Maj.) David Barns
RILVVXLQJEDGFKHFNVLQ:DVKLQJWRQ7KH                                                            56th SFS
                                                                                                                                                                                     56th Fighter Wing Chapel

Antioch Church of God in Christ                                           FREE BREAKFAST, SHUTTLE & INTERNET                     YGMJ=AFNAL=<&
                                                                                                                                           SUNDAYS AT 10:30AM
  9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345                                  GLENDALE COMFORT SUITES
                                                                                                                             12336 W Butler Dr, Ste 200, El Mirage, AZ 85335 (623) 935-3202
                         Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor                            9824 WEST CAMELBACK ROAD
                                Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady                        GLENDALE, ARIZONA, 85305         ?reat Childrens Ministrq;gfl]mhgrary Wgrk`ahRelevant Preaching

Phone: 623-486-9007        Service Times:          7:30 am              BY CHOICE HOTELS         PHONE: 623.271.9005                                                          BUTLER DRIVE         EL MIRAGE RD.
Fax: 623-486-0246          Sunday:                 8:00 am                                         FAX: 623.271.9808  Prayer                  9:45 am                                                          NORTHERN AVE.       Worship Service        11:15 am                      
                           Sunday School
                           Worship Service         6:30 pm                                 Just 7 miles from Luke AFB
                           Wednesday:              7:00 pm                                Ask for the “Luke AFB Rate”
                           Bible Study

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