Page 12 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 12-18-15
P. 12

12 December 18, 2015                  Health and Wellness                                                                                      BULLSEYE                                                                                        

                                                                                    model.                                      ABA Supervisor?

                                                                                    t:PVSDIJMEDBOHFU"#"TFSWJDFTGSPN t :FT

                                                                                    either or both.                             Supervisor is authorized to provide

                                                                                                                                ABA services for each beneficiary at
                                                                                    t 8IJDIFWFS NPEFM ZPV DIPPTF EF- a time. You may seek consultation

                                                                                    pends on the patient’s individual from another Authorized ABA Su-

                                                                                    needs and provider availability.            pervisor if your treating Authorized

By 99th Medical Group                 t 5IF &$)0 "VUJTN %FNPOTUSBUJPO In a sole provider model, your child                 ABA Supervisor lacks sub-specialty
                                        began in March 2008. This demo in- gets all applied behavior analysis                   expertise to treat a specific behavior.
Q: Does TRICARE cover applied be-       creased access to supervised services services from just one provider (Au-              When your primary Authorized ABA
    havior analysis?                    from Assistant Behavior Analysts thorized ABA with a Master’s degree                    Supervisor consults with another
                                        and ABA tutors (now called Certified or higher).                                        Authorized ABA Supervisor, your
A: TRICARE may cover Applied Be-        Behavior Technicians).                                                                  primary Authorized ABA Supervisor
    havior Analysis (ABA) or other                                                                                              remains responsible for the Treat-
    therapeutic services for benefi-  t*O"VHVTU
XFFYQBOEFEDPWFS-            In a tiered model, your child gets        ment Plan and is the sole provider au-
    ciaries with Autism Spectrum        age to non-active duty family mem-          ABA services from a team of providers       thorized to bill for ABA services. You
    Disorder. Visit the TRICARE         bers through the basic program and          lead by an Authorized ABA Supervisor.       can also request a referral from your
    Comprehensive Autism Care Dem-      the ABA Pilot.                              Here’s an example of the tiered model:      primary care physician for a second

onstration page for information on    t 0O %FD 
 BMM CFOFGJDJBSJFT  t :PVS DIJME DBO TFF CPUI UZQFT PG  opinion. Also, ABA may be delivered
how to get ABA care.                                                                  providers for different services:         as a team approach and therefore

How long has TRICARE covered ap-      using the ECHO Autism Demonstra-              Authorized ABA Supervisor for ap-           another Authorized ABA Supervisor
plied behavior analysis (ABA)?        tion or the ABA Pilot were fully tran-        plied behavior analysis assessments,        may provide ABA services as a team
                                      sitioned into the Autism Care Demo.           treatment plans and help for parents.       participant. However, the designated

t 8FWF DPWFSFE "#" GPS BDUJWF EVUZ What’s the difference between the sole   Assistant Behavior Analyst or Certi-          Authorized ABA Supervisor remains
  family members since 2005 through provider model and the tiered model,            fied Behavior Technician for direct           responsible and is the only one who
  the Extended Care Health Option and do I have to choose one option?               one-on-one ABA. In this scenario,             is authorized to bill for ABA services.
  (ECHO), and before that, through                                                  the Authorized ABA Supervisor
  the Program for Persons with Dis- t:PVEPOUIBWFUPDIPPTFCFUXFFOUIF         submits the bill.                           Can I file a complaint about an Au-
                                                                                                                                thorized ABA, Assistant Behavior
                                      sole provider model and the tiered Can we see more than one Authorized ___________ See DOC, on page 16

                                      expires 02.01.16

                                                                                                                                expires 02.01.16
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