Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 2, 2021
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2   April 2, 2021  Commentary  Desert lightning news s. nevADA  Desert lightning news s. nevADA  news                                       April 2, 2021    3           
 Anytime is a good time for tea  Acting SeCAF visits Nellis

            Acting Secretary of the United States  Force Base, Nev., to learn what makes  outstanding Airmen. He was also joined
 by Maj. Christine Knieff and    Air Force John P. Roth visited Nellis Air  Nellis so great and to interact with our  by Congressman Steven Horsford.
 Chief Master Sgt. Russ Johnson
 Ramstein AB, Germany
 If you are a tea lover or have been
 around the tea culture, it should be no
 surprise to you when it comes to the so-
 cial significance placed on serving and
 having tea.
 Tea symbolizes hospitality, commu-
 nity and family tradition.                                                                                                     Acting Secretary of the Air Force
 Tea connoisseur Mary Lou Heiss once                                                                                            John P. Roth and U.S. Air Force Brig.
 said, “A simple cup of tea is far from a                                                                                       Gen. George M. Reynolds, United
 simple matter.” Having tea can mean                                                                                            States Air Force Warfare Center
 sharing joy and sorrow, solving familial                                                                                       vice commander, walk away from
 or business problems, or simply being                                               Acting Secretary of the Air Force John P. Roth   a briefing on the capabilities of the
 present and experiencing life completely.                                           speaks with U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael   Multi-Utilization Secure Tactical
 Although a seemingly simple act, sharing                                            Drowley, 57th Wing commander, and U.S. Air Force   and Network Ground Station
 a cup of tea is anything but.  It is inten-      Air Force photographs by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus  Brig. Gen. George M. Reynolds, United States Air   (MUSTANGS) at Nellis Air Force Base,
 tionally taking the time to connect and   Courtesy graphic  Acting Secretary of the Air Force John P. Roth and U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford meet with   Force Warfare Center vice commander, at Nellis Air   Nev., March 25, 2021. MUSTANGS
 address something important.    Airmen at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., March 25, 2021. Roth hosted the ‘Airmen’s Breakfast’   Force Base, Nev., March 25, 2021. Roth visited Nellis   were designed to provide secure
 Leading a team can be difficult, but it  facilitates trust and the communication  how things were going on the front lines.   Championship winning UCLA basket-  to allow Airmen to voice their experiences in the Air Force to him, while passing along   to learn more about the mission here and interact   data relaying capability throughout
 doesn’t have to be a complicated calculus  and absorption of ideas.  Even a few small  Something as simple as walking around   ball coach, would sweep his gym floor   knowledge from his own experiences.   with the Airmen.   the Combat Air Force.
 formula — basic algebra works just fine.  nonverbal signals — a nod, a smile, an  and connecting with his people built   every week. It was this act of self-service
 Too often we get caught up on think-  open gesture — can show people that  trust and credibility — he took the time   and humility that showed his players
 ing that we must read the latest leader-  you’re pleased to be in their company and  to show his concern.  that he was not afraid of doing the little   Acting Secretary of the
 ship books or take courses to improve  attentive to their concerns.  Prioritizing   Credibility starts with the words that   things to support the team, making a   Acting SECAF   Air Force John Roth,
 our organization and personal skills.  warmth helps you connect immediately  come out of your mouth and ends with   huge impact within.   is escorted into the
 Other times we find ourselves quoting  with those around you, demonstrating  the actions you take next. This is the very   You don’t have to have tea time with   17th Attack Squadron
 inspirational figures like David Gog-  that you hear them, understand them,  reason some of us would rather take out   people in your organization in order to   visits Creech  upon his arrival at
 gins, Jocko Willink or Simon Sinek to  and can be trusted by them.”   our own trash or take 30 minutes every   build trust and connect.  It can be check-  Creech Air Force
 plant seeds of ownership and confidence   Often times Chief Johnson and I hear  week “picking up brass” on foreign object   ing ID cards at the gate, picking up FOD   Base, Nev., March 25,
 within our followers so we can see whose  from our Airmen that they appreciate  debris walks with the Airmen. These   on the flight line, or sharing a meal. The   2021. Roth visited the
 eyes light up with bewilderment and  that we treat them like human beings  small actions are the building blocks to   point is to find something that helps you   Acting Secretary of the Air Force John Roth visited   Home of the Hunters
 inspiration.  and that we take the time to see them  creating an organization based on trust   connect with your team in a meaningful   Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 26, 2021.  to understand how
 Even though these resources can pro-  as a person.   and understanding.  Showing personal   way.  These simple acts are far from be-  “The Hunters are testaments to the enterprise and   the RPA Enterprise
 vide useful tools and additional insights,   Thinking back on a conversation I had  acts of humility can go a long way if done   ing simple — they can mean the world   platform they represent: Resilient, adaptable, watchful
 they don’t get to the root of connecting  with one of my Airmen over a year ago —  for the right reasons.  to someone.  and combat-ready,” said Roth. “Their vigilance, disci-  operates, and receive
 with our people. One sure fire way to  he told me that he finds it odd when lead-  John Wooden, a former National   But … tea is always a good idea.  pline and effectiveness in seeking out and defeating   mission updates on
 make a positive impact and connect  ers want their Airmen to automatically   threats to our nation is pivotal, and will remain so long    the advancements of
 with your team is to intentionally give  follow them when those leaders don’t   into the future.”                                         both MQ-9 Reaper
 your time with an open heart and open  take the time to get to know their Airmen   ATTeNTIoN ALL PeRSoNNeL  The 432nd Wing/Air Expeditionary Wing show-  and RQ-170 Sentinel
 ears. Sitting down to have a cup of tea, or  and build trust.  He said, “If I know you   cased the capabilities of the MQ-9, the RQ-170 and   Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Haley Stevens forces.
 coffee for those who don’t like tea, with  and your heart, I am much more likely to   the Airmen of the wing, along with the advancements
 someone offers a time to chat, connect  trust you and your vision.”  Our Airmen   The 99th Air Base Wing commander re-  they continue to make on behalf of the U.S. Air Force,
 and cultivate trust.  It provides a space  want to see us, share ideas with us and   gretfully announces the passing First Lt. Kyle   the nation and our coalition partners.
 in which the chaos can be put on pause,  get to know us!   A. Campbell of the 99th Logistics Readiness
 even if it is just for a moment.   Squadron.
 According to the article “Connect,  Talk the talk … then walk  Anyone having claims against, or indebted-
 then Lead” from the Harvard Business   ness to, the estate of Liutenant Kyle Campbell
 Review, there is a growing amount of   Abraham Lincoln was famous for his   should contact Capt. Lee Bussey, Summary
 research that suggests the way to influ-  walk and sees. He championed the idea   Courts Officer, at DSN: 652-6819 or at 561-

 ence and lead is to begin with warmth.  of getting out from behind his desk, talk-  685-065.
 “Warmth is the conduit of influence:  It  ing to the people and seeing for himself

 Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number
 published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Haley Stevens  Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Haley Stevens
 firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.  Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Willaim Rio Rosado  Acting Secretary of the Air Force John Roth, is briefed by   Acting Secretary of the Air Force John Roth, is escorted into
 Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
 Desert Lightning News Staff  are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include   Acting Secretary of the Air Force John Roth, laughs with   a 432nd Maintenance Group Airman on the capabilities   a hangar by Maj. Jennifer, maintenance operations officer
 Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  Airmen of the 432nd Wing during a visit to Creech Air   of the MQ-9 Reaper before meeting superior performers   for the 432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, at Creech
 Stuart Ibberson, Editor  the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   Force Base, Nev., March 25, 2021. While at Creech, Roth   at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 25, 2021. Roth   Air Force Base, Nev., March 25, 2021. During his visit, Roth
 Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout  members strive for accurac y each week .
 Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales  Air Force.  purchaser, user or patron.  If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert   learned about the missions of the 432nd Wing/432nd Air   recognized Airmen from across the Wing, who are a   said, “The Hunters are testaments to the enterprise and
 The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail
 CONtACt: editorial staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,   Expeditionary Wing, and how the Hunters are accelerating   testament to the array of specialties and talents needed   platform they represent: Resilient, adaptable, watchful
 For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider   change across the Remotely Piloted Aircraft enterprise.   to keep the U.S. ahead of the enemy.   and combat-ready.”
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