Page 10 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings Oct. 2 2015
P. 10

Desert Wings                     Community News                                                                                                                                               October 2, 2015


Civ-Mil lends hand to Hearts Apart
by Rebecca Amber                        RIWKH+DODXYROXQWHHUHGKHUWLPH            the resources be available to fami-                                                                                                              Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber
Staff writer
                                        to cook all of the food that evening.          lies every time one member de-                         The Friends of the Airman and Family Readiness Center accepted a
  The Friends of the Airman and           7KH SURJUDP LV QRW MXVW DERXW                                                                 GRQDWLRQRIIURPWKH(GZDUGV$)%&LYLOLDQ0LOLWDU\6XSSRUW*URXS
Family Readiness Center accepted                                                       ploys.                                                 GXULQJD+HDUWV$SDUWOXDXDWWKH$)5&6HSWOHIWWRULJKW--6WHZDUW
DGRQDWLRQRIIURPWKH(G-       KDYLQJ D JRRG WLPH EXW DERXW                                                                   $	)5&GLUHFWRU'DQQ\$%D]]HOO&LY0LOFRPPXQLW\OLDLVRQDQGPHPEHUV
ZDUGV$)%&LYLOLDQ0LOLWDU\6XS-                                                         All of the money put into pro-                       RIWKH)ULHQGVRIWKH$	)5&0DVWHU6JW'DPLDQ6SDLWV6HQLRU$LUPDQ
SRUW*URXSGXULQJD+HDUWV$SDUW       making connections. According to                                                                      5RQDOG-RQHV7HFK6JW$PDQGD(VSDU]DDQG6WDII6JW6WHSKDQLH$UWLOHV
luau at the AFRC Sept. 24. They         0DVWHU6JW'DPLDQ6SDLWV$	)5&              grams like Hearts Apart is raised
DOVRUHFHLYHGLQJLIWFDUGVIURP  UHDGLQHVV 1&2 WKH VSRXVHV RI-             WKURXJKWKH)ULHQGVRIWKH$	)5&                      DQG SHUVRQQHO RI (GZDUGV $)%    child will get a free pumpkin and go
WKH$QWHORSH9DOOH\0DOO                                                                                                                     &LY0LOVWULYHVWRHQVXUHDVWURQJ
                                        ten have an automatic connection.                'RQDWLRQVOLNHWKHRQHVUHFHLYHG                                                          in the petting zoo and bouncy castle.
  ³7KH&LY0LO6XSSRUW*URXSLV                                                                                                              community relationship with base
pleased to be able to provide this      Then when something does come                  at the luau mean “that we can pro-                                                             Upcoming events can be found in
small measure of assistance to the      XSIURPDOHDN\IDXFHWWRDEURNHQ                                                                  leadership and improving the qual-    WKH'HVHUW:LQJVRURQWKH(GZDUGV
families of our deployed service        GRZQFDUWKHIDPLOLHVNQRZWKH\              vide the level of service that I’m                     LW\RIOLIHRIWKRVHZKROLYHZRUN
PHPEHUV´VDLG'DQQ\$%D]]HOO                                                                                                                                                   AFB Facebook page.
&LY0LOFRPPXQLW\OLDLVRQ³,WLV      are not alone.                                 very keen on providing to our fami-                    and serve at our nation’s premier
fundamental that we not only rec-                                                      OLHV´VDLG6SDLWV³,ZDQWWRSUR-                ÀLJKWWHVWLQVWDOODWLRQ                For additional information about
ognize and applaud the service of         “There’s going to be someone that            YLGHRXWVWDQGLQJIRRGRXWVWDQGLQJ
RXUDFWLYHGXW\PHQDQGZRPHQEXW     WKH\FDQWXUQWRIRUKHOSWKDWPLJKW                                                                  1H[WPRQWK+HDUWV$SDUWIDPL-      Hearts Apart or to learn how to do-
that we also recognize the hardships                                                   service and outstanding entertain-                                                           QDWHWRWKH)ULHQGVRIWKH$)5&
DQGVDFUL¿FHVPDGHE\WKHLUIDPLO\     have even gone through that them-              PHQWWRRXUIDPLOLHV´                                 lies will take a trip to the pumpkin
members who are left here at home                                                                                                                                                   email or
to carry on the family’s day-to-day     selves and knows how to overcome                 7ULFLD(*UDQJHU$QWHORSH9DO-                     patch in Rosamond where each          FDOOWKH$	)5&DW
DFWLYLWLHV´                            WKDW´VDLG6SDLWV                            OH\0DOOGLUHFWRURIPDUNHWLQJVWDW-

  Hearts Apart is a program de-           7KH$	)5&DOVRKDVDFFHVVWRD              ed that their donation “is our way of
signed to offer support to the spous-
es and family members of deployed       wide range of resources to address             saying thank you. The service and
event or outing provides families       needs as they arise. This might in-            dedication that not only the service
the opportunity to share a meal and                                                    PHPEHU EXW WKHLU HQWLUH IDPLO\
socialize while the children play.      clude anything from a short-term               SURYLGHWRRXUFRXQWU\LVLPPHD-
September’s theme was a luau fea-       ILQDQFLDOFULVLVRUKRXVLQJLVVXHWR         VXUDEOH´
turing the Ka Ohana O Keolanani
Halau dance group.                      addressing stress factors in the home.           Hearts Apart is also open to all
                                                                                       spouses and families of personnel

                                        the children especially at a lot more          rated. This includes those sent on
                                                                                       a long-term remote assignment at
                                        ily life counselors and our family             DQRWKHUORFDWLRQRURQDQH[WHQGHG

                                        life specialist who is trained to help         temporary duty assignment.
                                        the children deal with the separation
                                        RIWKHSDUHQWEHLQJJRQH´                     $LU)RUFH%DVH&LYLOLDQ0LOLWDU\
                                          Spaits added that no deployment
                                                                                       nization that focuses 100 percent of
                                        is the same and it’s important that
                                                                                       its efforts in support of the mission

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