Page 3 - Aerotech News and Review, February 19, 2021
P. 3

Aviators honored during Hoover presentation

          by Alyssa J. Cobb             the number of stall/loss-of-control acci-
          AOPA                          dents. He revolutionized the homebuilt
                                        world by designing composite aircraft,
           Courage, perseverance, and service   in part because he discovered that he
          — those characteristics are exempli-  could build and flight test a composite
          fied by the lives of the accomplished   aircraft within one year. The Long-EZ
          aviators the Aircraft Owners and Pilots   is one of Rutan’s popular designs, and
          Association honored Feb. 3 during the   more than 2,000 of them are flying.
          virtual, fifth annual R.A. “Bob” Hoover   “You gotta have some courage” to
          Trophy presentation: designer Burt Ru-  design and be the first to fly your own
          tan, retired U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen.   aircraft, Rutan said, while accepting
          Charles McGee, U.S. Air Force Lt. Col.   the honor.
          Kenyatta Ruffin, and BRS Aerospace   Rutan recalled the first time he met
          founder Boris Popov.          Hoover 47 years ago at a Reno Air
           Air show announcer Rob Reider   Race where Hoover agreed to fly the
          hosted the one-hour event with AOPA   Bede BD–5J, which had only made
          President Mark Baker, who dedicated   a couple of flights before that. Rutan
          the evening “to honor four remarkable   left viewers in suspense regarding
          aviators” who are following in the steps   Hoover’s first flight in the jet, saying
          of the legendary Hoover. The ceremony   that the full story will be included in
          celebrated the 2020 award winners be-  the memoir that he is currently writing
          cause that event was canceled last year   and will be available free for download
          by the coronavirus pandemic.  to everyone.
           “While he was a very humble man,   Because Rutan has been on the lead-
          Bob Hoover radiated a remarkable spir-  ing edge of aviation design and inno-
          it and overcame many obstacles in his   vation for decades, one viewer sought
          life’s journey to become an inspiring   his opinion on the eVTOL designs cir-
          and motivating, innovative pilot — not   culating in the aviation industry. The
          the least of which was surviving (and   roughly 150 eVTOL companies world-
          escaping) a POW camp during World   wide “are all doing it wrong,” Rutan
          War II,” Baker said. “It’s this spirit for   quipped, adding that he has an idea that                                                     AOPA Screenshot
          adventure, and for giving back to the   he believes will be “kind of cool.” If it   Burt Rutan speaks during the Feb. 3 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association virtual presentation of the 2020 R.A.
          aviation community, why this award   gets built, Rutan said, it will be his 50th   “Bob” Hoover Trophy.
          and this evening exists.”     research airplane.
           Rutan was bestowed the highest   Rutan joins Clay Lacy, Ford, Tucker,   men, McGee fought two wars at once   ple a first flight in a GA aircraft.  munication caused the boater to speed
          honor of the night, the R.A. “Bob”   and Hoover himself as recipients of the   during World War II, one against fas-  “Thank you so much, Mark, and a …   up instead of slow down, making the
          Hoover Trophy for exhibiting “the air-  annual award.       cism in Europe and the other against   special thank you to Brig. Gen. McGee.   hang glider pitch up dramatically.
          manship, leadership, and passion for                        racism in the United States. McGee,   Truly, you sir, have been an inspiration   Popov fell 500 feet and hit the water,
          aviation” that Hoover had, as well as   Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee   now 101, persevered to make the world   to me for so long, and it’s just unfath-  knocking the fillings out of his teeth.
          for having a “distinguished career as a   Aviation Inspiration Award  a better place, and he encourages others   omable that I would be here, receiving   He decided then to develop a parachute
          pilot and aviation advocate, while also                     to do the same. In a pre-recorded mes-  an award in your namesake,” Ruffin   safety device to help prevent similar
          serving as a source of inspiration and                      sage, he encouraged young people to   said. Ruffin explained that his mother   accidents. The concept expanded and
          encouragement for current and pro-                          follow four Ps: perceive, prepare with   taught him that “To whom much is   was approved for ultralights and exper-
          spective aviators.”                                         a good education, perform to the best   given, much is required, and General   imental aircraft. Later, it was approved
           Rutan has designed 49 aircraft, in-                        of their ability, and persevere despite   McGee has given me, has given us,   for installation on certified aircraft, and
          cluding Voyager, which flew around                          their circumstances.          and truly given the world so much that   now more than 30,000 GA aircraft are
          the world in 1986 and SpaceShipOne,                           “His 138 combat missions are just   there is no way that I could live my life   equipped with BRS parachutes. Cirrus
          which put the first civilian astronaut in                   one part of General McGee’s story,”   without honoring his gifts of freedom,   was the first manufacturer to install
          space in 2004.                                              Baker said. “He has been a trailblazer   service, and opportunity.”  the parachute as standard equipment
            Rutan is well known as an innova-                         for generations of aviators. He has en-                     on certified aircraft.
          tor, but he was also one of “Hoover’s                       abled thousands of enthusiasts to fol-  General Aviation Safety Award  Popov said the award was “a pre-
          Heroes,” actor, pilot, and aviation                         low dreams— who might not have had   “Safety is our DNA here at AOPA,”   cious tribute” to all who worked dili-
          advocate Harrison Ford and airshow                          a chance to climb into the cockpit.”  Baker said, introducing AOPA Air
          performer and aviation mentor Sean                            Baker also presented the award to   Safety Institute Senior Vice President   gently to help develop the BRS para-
          D. Tucker noted in special tributes re-                     another aviator and hero in the name of   Richard McSpadden, who presented   chute. More than 438 lives have been
          corded for the presentation. The late                       General McGee: Ruffin, an F–16 pilot   the 2020 General Aviation  Safety   saved to date, Popov said, asking view-
          Hoover admired Rutan and the aircraft   Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee  and commander of the 71st Operations   Award to Popov.  ers to imagine the families and busi-
          he designed.                                                Support Squadron at Vance Air Force   “We’ve been able to drive the gen-  nesses whose loved ones and employ-
            “He is someone I have admired for                         Base, Okla. Ruffin soloed a glider at   eral aviation safety accident rate down   ees were saved as well as the benefit to
          his many contributions to aviation over                     age 14; became a flight instructor;   year after year thanks to people like   GA through fewer fatal accidents.
          the years,” Baker said, announcing the   Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee, a   founded a flight school; helped found   Boris,” McSpadden said.  Van’s Aircraft’s Dick VanGrunsven
          award.                        member of the Tuskegee Airmen, was   a STEM summer camp; and founded   Popov designed the whole-airframe   and ForeFlight’s Tyson Weihs and
            One of Rutan’s goals that he   honored with the inaugural Aviation   Legacy Flight Academy, which works   parachute concept after he survived a   Jason Miller previously received the
          achieved was designing a stall-resistant   Inspiration Award that bears his name.  to preserve and grow the legacy of the   hang gliding accident. Popov was hang   award.
          airplane — the VariViggen — to reduce   As a member of the Tuskegee Air-  Tuskegee Airmen and gives young peo-  gliding behind a boat when a miscom-  © AOPA,
          SPACE FORCE. from 1

          ficially joined the Space Force.                  ship in his high school’s rocketry team that spurned his interest in   systems operations) Air Force Specialty Codes were identified as
           “I’ve always been a space nerd, and the chance to use that pas-  space.                            Organic Space career fields. Airmen in AFSCs common to the Air
          sion in a professional setting is awesome,” said Carlson, originally   “It is the foundation of my education and profession, past and   Force and Space Force such as cyber, acquisitions, engineers and
          from Boulder, Colo.. “I have a Master’s Degree in Space Systems   now future,” said Zeitler, 15th Test Flight Detachment 2, 53rd   intelligence may also apply to transfer.
          Engineering and I’ve always wanted to get involved in the space   Wing, Air Force Air Combat Command. “I was an Astronautical   “When this opportunity arose, I had no reservations about pur-
          community. Transferring into the USSF is a great way to do that.”  Engineering major at the Air Force Academy and have done work   suing it,” said Master Sgt. Sheldon Newton, Operations Flight Su-
           Besides transferring to the Space Force, Carlson was selected to   as a satellite engineer and orbital analyst. I enjoyed my time work-  perintendent, 412th Communications Squadron, 412th Test Wing.
          attend the Space Test Fundamentals course at the Air Force Test   ing with space systems as much as I do my time working Test &   Newton, originally from Watha, N.C., began his service with the
          Pilot School and also received an Education within Industry fel-  Evaluation. I hope to work some combination of the two in the   Air Force in 2005. He said he felt that the Air Force offered him an
          lowship with a civilian launch provider to further strengthen his   future. Encouragement and advice from close friends and family   opportunity to learn more about himself and to interact with people
          space career skillset.                            also helped.”                                     from around the world. Now as a Guardian in the Space Force, new
           Another future Space Test Fundamentals student, Capt. George   In May 2020, active-duty Air Force personnel in specified “Or-  challenges await him.
          Zeitler of Sunrise, Fla., said it was his father’s 20-year Coast Guard   ganic Space” career fields were able to officially apply to transfer   “This is a unique opportunity; a chance to get outside of my
          career that inspired him to join the military. But it was his member-  to the Space Force. The 13S (space operations) and 1C6 (space   comfort zone and to lead in an unfamiliar territory,” Newton said.
                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
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