Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, October 2020
P. 10

10     October 2020                                              news                                                                 Thunderbolt                                                                                             11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       October 2020

                         Chaplain’s thoughts ...                                              foRCES                                       (from Page 2)
                                                                                              Both Russia and China are investing significantly to negate American
                                                                                              defenses, from the development of antisatellite weapons to standing
                            Can you             but due to my stubborn nature, I kept going for   up formidable antiaircraft networks.
                                                                                                U.S. Air and Space Forces are developing game-changing tech-
                                                another three miles only to black out, this time
                            help me             coming up bruised and bloody. Thankfully, I had   nologies, including artificial intelligence-driven systems, low-cost
                                                                                              “attritable” aircraft, and a real-time information-sharing network to
                                                a friend with me who helped me back to the car
                                                and to a refreshing bottle of water. It was then I   reinforce deterrence, expand defenses, and keep American military
                                by 2nd Lt.      realized, maybe I need to slow down, take a step   forces one step ahead of adversaries.
                                                                                                There is more to do. The Department of the Air Force is accelerating
                                VICTORIA        back, and breathe.                            innovation to equip U.S. Air and Space Forces to deter and, if necessary,
                                 REEVES                  What was going on in my head? Why was
                                                I so unable to slow down? So often in life we get   defeat aggression. The Department will collaborate with Congress to
                             56th Fighter Wng Chapel  caught up in the rocks, the hills, the sweat and for-  fund new systems and capabilities to deter future conflict in air, space,
                              Heart racing, feet   get to take a break. We think we are alone, fighting   and cyberspace and maintain peace.
      2nd Lt. Victoria Reeves  moving forward faster   for ourselves, fighting desperately for oxygen. Why   To respond effectively to the threats of tomorrow, the National
                            and faster, climbing   are we so afraid to open up to our teammate who   Defense Strategy requires us to accelerate force modernization today.
      up over the rocks, gasping for breath — does this   is there when we finally fall, bloody and bruised?
      hill ever end? Sweat drips down into my eyes as   I am guilty of shutting down and plowing through
      I push forward into the woods, watching every   until the end, but at my own expense. I see my
      step I take, careful not to trip over the rocks below   community around me cheering me onward, but
      my feet. “I have to get back to the trail head,” I   forget to pause and say, “Hey, I am tired. I am worn
      kept thinking to myself as I took one wrong turn   down. Can you help me?”
      after the next, longing to see my car and my cold   We are living in an extremely chaotic world,
      bottle of water. What was meant to be a five-mile   growing more isolated and divisive. Whether we
      run turned into eight as I struggled to fight the   are the ones growing weary or the ones ready with
      humidity and my own anxiety as cobwebs hit my   a refreshing bottle of water, it is important to pay
      face. And then it happened. Suddenly, I trip over   attention to those around us and to ourselves.
      what seemed like nothing, landing hard on my   It is okay if you’re worn out and feeling like you
      chest with my breath gone, looking around to make   have to push forward, but in my own experience,
      sure no one saw. Defeated, I rise brush myself off   if I don’t pay attention to those feelings, I usually
      and even more determined, race back to my car.   end up getting hurt. So, I ask you, what is holding
      What I did not realize was how depleted my fuel   you back from reaching out to your teammates?
      was, how frustrated I had become, and how little   What cobwebs are making you angry or anxious?
      aware I was of my surroundings. Soaked in sweat,   Pause and seek out a friend and encourage one
      dusty from my fall, I refused to slow down. I wish   another, remind each other that we are not alone
      I could say the story ends without another fall,   in this fight.

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              In an effort to continually improve our plans and designs, Woodside Homes reserves the right to make modifications in materials, plans and specifications without prior notice. Prices are subject to
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