Page 15 - Aerotech 6-5-15
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People & Places NASA, foundation
Neilstock delivers to community
CZ-JOEB,$3FZOPMET with Roby Duron and Mitch Quinones started the event in 2004. issue challenge
staff writer
Anjeanine Brown and Steve Baker of Grace Resource Cen- to K-12 students
Music, art, Harleys and a whole lot of fun were had at the WHUVDLGWKDWWKHGLDSHUGRQDWLRQ¿OOVDJUHDWQHHGIRUWKHLU
11th annual Neilstock event May 16 Antelope Valley Harley NASA and the
Davidson, where many guests also donated diapers and baby clients.
wipes for Grace Resource Center and dog food for Coy Wolf American Soci-
Sanctuary. “Diapers are always in demand and we need a lot of them,”
ety of Mechani-
“Every year I’m blown away, not just by the talent of the said Brown. “We are always so thankful for the yearly support
musicians but the generosity of the guests who come to enjoy cal Engineers
the music and art,” said Neil “Bullfrogg” Werner, who along from Neilstock and the community.”
Foundation are
Grace Resource Center provides temporary help in coun-
challenging K-12
seling, food, clothing and job training for those in need. The
students to create
purpose of Grace is to help people get through a rough time
a model of a con-
and to help equip them so they can care for themselves.
tainer for space
Neil “Bullfrogg”
Werner and using 3-D model-
Liz Faulkner,
deliver diapers ing software.
to Anjeanine
Brown and Astronauts
Steve Baker of
Grace Resource need containers Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds
Center. of all kinds—
collected diapers from advanced
Resource Center
and dog food rocks or storing an astronaut’s food.
for Coy Wolf
Sanctuary during The ability to 3-D print containers in space and on demand, will let humans
the 11th annual
“Neilstock- venture farther into space. That’s why we are challenging students to start
Music and Art
Festival” at designing for space now.
Lancaster Harley
Davidson. Design entries could be for a container designed for microgravity on the
International Space Station or a container designed for future astronauts on
Mars! Space is a big place, but your imagination is even bigger. Multiple
prizes, based on age groups, are available. Entries must be submitted by Aug.
2, 2015.
The challenge is one of NASA’s commitments from last year’s White
House Maker Faire.
To sign up or for more information on the challenge, visit www.futu-
Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds
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Aerotech News and Review 15 ........