Page 6 - Aerotech News and Review, Oct. 18, 2019
P. 6

Stratolaunch under new ownership

     In a company statement issued Oct.
   11, Stratolaunch announced it has
   “transitioned ownership and is continu-
   ing regular operations.”
     At the same time, Scaled Compos-
   ites issued a statement announcing the
   transfer of the Stratolaunch aircraft to
   Stratolaunch Corporation.
     Scaled Composites was contracted
   in 2011 to design, build and test the
   world’s largest aircraft by wingspan.
     “Having accomplished these goals
   successfully, the Scaled team has tran-
   sitioned the vehicle and associated
   knowledge to the Stratolaunch team,”
   Scaled said in its own release Oct. 11.
   “Scaled wishes Stratolaunch success as
   it continues to work towards commer-
   cial operation of its launch system.”
     The announcement came a year af-
   ter the death of company founder Paul
     Few details about the change in
   ownership were available, including                                                                                                   Stratolaunch photograph
   who the new owners are.       The Stratolaunch aircraft lands at the Mojave Air and Space Port April 13, 2019, following its first flight. On Oct. 11, the company announced a “transition in
     The company did say, in its release,   ownership” but did not specify who the new owners are. The same day, Scaled Composites, who built the aircraft, announced they had transferred ownership
   that “Our near-term launch vehicle de-  of the aircraft to Stratolaunch LLC.
   velopment strategy focuses on provid-
   ing customizable, reusable, and afford-  flight-proven aircraft.”  death, and the first flight, there had   said early last that the company had   has flown 44 times since 1990. It’s
   able rocket-powered testbed vehicles   Vulcan Inc., Allen’s holding compa-  been media speculation that the com-  bought the two Pegasus rockets back   dropped from Northrop Grumman’s
   and associated flight services.  ny, was Stratolaunch’s previous owner.   pany’s assets were for sale, or that the   from Stratolaunch.  own carrier jet, a modified L-1011
     “As we continue  on our  mis-  The twin-fuselage aircraft com-  company was closing down.  Northrop Grumman is also the own-  named “Stargazer.”
   sion, Stratolaunch will bring the   pleted its first, and to date only, test   Previously, Stratolaunch had bought   er of Scaled Composites.  Stratolaunch had said its larger car-
   carrier aircraft test and operations   flight on April 13, 2019, over Califor-  two Pegasus XL satellite launchers   The flying launch pad is powered by
   program fully in-house.  We thank   nia’s Mojave Desert. Since then, it has   from Northrop Grumman, with plans   six engines and has a wing span of 385   rier aircraft could accommodate up to
   Vulcan Inc and Scaled Composites   been stored in a hangar at the Mojave   to conduct demonstration flights as   feet, or 117 meters.  three Pegasus rockets on a single flight,
   for turning an ambitious idea into a   Air and Space Port. Following Allen’s   early as 2020. Northrop Grumman   The air-launched Pegasus rocket   while the L-1011 carries one at a time.

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