Page 30 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 30


Homes for Rent                    Misc. for Sale                                                             Ride with the                         A&P EXAM PREP
                                                                                                             #1 car insurer
      3/4 Bedrooms house,             Sharp/Aquos 31x20 TV                                 in Arizona.                        ƕ$,5&5$)70(&+$1,&6:5,77(17(67,1*ƕ+$1'6212	335(3ƕ
   1 truck&1car garage, huge        $125.00. Suede Cinnamon                                                                                       ƕ$9,21,&6)&&*52/5$'$5ƕ,163(&7,21$87+25,=$7,21ƕ
                                  Couch 6’x35” $125.00. Round              TOGETHER,                         With competitive rates and
       fenced-in back yard.       42” Table w/4 chairs $125.00.       WE WILL CREATE A                       personal service, it’s no          $LU)RUFH1DY\&22/DSSURYHG
      8 minutes from Base.           Solid Maple Hutch 6’x48”          WORLD WITHOUT                         wonder more drivers trust               Ɣ9$9RF5HKDE&KDSWHUSDLGLQIXOOƔ
Nice neighborhood. $1,200/mo      $125.00. Burled Pecan China        TYPE 1 DIABETES (T1D)                   State Farm®.                       9HWVUHLPEXUVHGWHVWLQJIHHVIURPWKH9$
                                  Cabinet 8’ $200.00. 520-298-                                               Like a good neighbor,
        Or $800/mo AS-IS.                                                    A CFC participant.              State Farm is there®.                   Ɣ02%,/(75$,1,1*83215(48(67:,7+678'(176Ɣ
       4349 E Dover Strav.                        7305                  Provided as a public service.
Please call Harry 520-312-9975                                                                               CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7.                         AvTech Exams6LQFH

Rooms for Rent                    Misc. Wanted                                                               Dave Noel, Agent                               )OLJKW5RDG5LYHUVLGH&$
                                                                                                             7255 E Golf Links, E. of Kolb/KFC        &DOORU(PDLOLQIR#DYWHFKH[DPVFRP
2 Non Smoking Female house-       Wanted Mercedes-Benz                                                       Tucson, $=‡&ORVHWR'0
           mates needed                                                                                      'DYH1RHOE]GW#6WDWH)DUPFRP             ŏ ŏ
                                         Must have low miles                                                 www'DYH1RHOXV
 ~4 miles from Davis-Monthan.              and no accidents                                                  Find us on Facebook                Buying or selling a home in Tucson?
   Large BR w/bath $700/mo                 call Brian DeCook                                                 3K
                                             520-886-1311                                                                                        FREE Buyer Representation, from your initial
smaller BR $500/mo. Beautiful                                                                                     6WDWH)DUP0XWXDO Automobile         search through a successful closing.
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neighborhood. 520-777-5915                                                                                                                         (I am paid only by the seller after you close.)
                                               Services                                                          State Farm Indemnity Company
Furnished Room, Private Bath                                                                                              Bloomington, IL          If you’re selling, I list, too. My last listing sold in just 8 days.
  Pool, Kitchen Living area to              We Board Dogs                                                                                             Licensed for over 30 years, 55-year resident of Tucson.
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       Announcements                 All real estate advertised
                                   in this publication is subject
Tucson Strikerz 12U/14U Girls      to the Federal Fair Housing
Fastpitch Travel Team adding       Act of 1968, which makes it
 for ASA and USSSA Events.            illegal to advertise any          preference, limitation or
                                  discrimination based on race
 Girls Fastpitch Softball Team      color, religion, or national
 Tryouts . 12U &14U Players          origin, or an intention to
Welcome. Competitive Travel           make such preference
                                   limitation or discrimination.
     Team: Tucson Strikerz         Real estate advertisements
ASA and USSSA Tounaments          that are in violation of the law
                                     shall not be accepted for
       Call 530-770-1309             publication. All dwellings
                                  advertised in this publication
    DONT FORGET!                    are available on an equal

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