Page 9 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, January 21, 2022
P. 9

8   January 21, 2022  veterans’ news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                  January 21, 2022    9           

 VASNHS announces COVID surge contingency measures

                                                                                         Dentistry For Children

 In the wake of the recent surge in CO-  Additionally, to reduce the exposure   Specializing in dentistry for children of all ages, including those with special needs.
 VID cases due to the Omicron variant,   of patients and staff, VASNHS is offering                                                        Special ServiceS
 VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System   to transition many face-to-face appoint-  Board Certified Pediatric Dentists                        • Nitrous Oxide
 is taking steps to ensure the proper alloca-  ments to virtual care appointments.   Dr. Jon P. Galea                                         • Sedation
 tion of manpower and resources.  VASNHS staff is working to contact           Dr. Elizabeth J. McGee                                     • Hospital Dentistry
 The following measures went into   scheduled patients to offer virtual ap-
 effect Jan. 10, in order to best serve our   pointments. Veterans who have face-  702-853-7322
 veterans.  to-face appointments in January at any                                                                                      Most insurances accepted.
 The North Las Vegas VA Medical Cen-  Primary Care Clinic are encouraged to  •  6365 Simmons St., Suite 100  •  North Las Vegas  •  Located at the SW corner of Aliante and Centennial Parkway
 ter will open a COVID Evaluation Tent in   request their appointment be converted
 order to reduce the recent stress on the  to a telehealth or a VA Video Connect by
 Emergency Department caused by the  calling 702-791-9024 or with MyHeal-
 influx of COVID-related visits. Veterans   theVet at
 coming to the VAMC for these issues   Those who wish to keep their face-to-face
 should first report to the COVID Evalu-  appointment may still do so at this time.  Creative Real
 ation Tent rather than the Emergency   Finally, VASNHS is postponing all   Estate Associates  JDRF is committed to   January
 Department. The tent will be located   elective surgical procedures for the  RENTAL HOMES IN   accelerating life-changing
 in the southwest corner of the VAMC  Courtesy photo  immediate future. Unfortunately, like  breakthroughs to
 campus, and easily accessible via Shelley   many health care organizations across   • North Las Vegas  CURE  PREVENT  TREAT
 Berkley Way.  erans with serious symptoms of COVID  limited to one visitor per patient. The  the country, the recent uptick in COVID   • Las Vegas  type 1 diabetes and   Clearance  LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1955
 Upon arrival, nursing staff will triage will be screened for further evaluation and  visitor must stay in the patient’s assigned   cases due to the Omicron variant has   • Henderson  its complications
 patients based on severity of symptoms.  admission if necessary. VASNHS will not  room during the visit. Visiting Hours for   created resources, staffing and logistics   Rents from $750
 Due to limited testing resources, visitors  test individuals who do not have symp-  the inpatient units will be from 8 to 10   challenges locally. Our clinical and sup-  Contact us  Provided as a public service.
                                             A CFC participant.
 who are experiencing only mild symp- toms of COVID-19 at this time.  a.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m. For outpatient  port staff are working diligently to ad-  702-450-5778  We’re Clearing Out Over
 toms will not be tested, but instructed   VASNHS is also changing its visitation  appointments, veterans that require a  dress these issues head-on in an effort to
 to quarantine at home, provided with  policy in order to reduce the risk associ-  caregiver may have one adult caregiver  minimize delays or interruptions to care.
 information about signs of serious infec- ated with increased traffic at the VAMC.  accompany them to appointments. Visi-  We kindly ask veterans and visitors to   $14 Million Dollars in Inventory!
 tion, and asked to follow-up after a period  Emergency department and inpatient  tation for the LVR3 and inpatient Mental   please be patient with the staff as we work
 of time if symptoms do not improve. Vet- visitors will be allowed in the facility but  Health is prohibited at this time.  to provide the best services possible.  HUNDREDS OF ITEMS IN STOCK NOW!

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