Page 12 - Desert Lightning News 12-4-15
P. 12

12                                                                                                               December 4, 2015                                Desert Lightning News



Weight maintenance tips for holiday eating

Senior Airman Leticia Hopkins            traditionally a time to ‘eat it up.’”                                            in moderation.                         big a calorie saving, like cutting
                                            There’s a lot of eating and gath-
23rd Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                            Portion sizes have also increased,” away the fat on meat, limiting the
                                         ering during the holidays, so people
   MOODY AIR FORCE BASE,                 should focus more on not overeat-                                                according to the CDC, because of amount of butter used, and saute-
Ga.    --  Upon walking through the      ing, added the Airman. If the focus
door, the smell of fresh-out-of-the-     is on weight maintenance more                                                    larger portion sizes, people may eat ing or steaming vegetables,” said
oven, warm sugar cookies com-            than loss, they’re not as likely to
mand your attention. To the left is      be discouraged after the holidays if                                             more during a meal or snack, result- Airman Ostrowske. “Stay away
a table full of delectable desserts      they didn’t lose any weight.                                                     ing in increased calorie consumption.  from frying your foods, and in-
as your mouth begins to water you                                                                                            Eating healthy foods in the cor-
look a little farther down and there        “Recently, the magnitude of holi-                                             rect portion sizes help achieve and    stead of using cream, try skim or
sits a table set with all of the finest   day weight gain and its contribution                                             maintain a healthy weight, accord-     low-fat milk. 
holiday foods imaginable. You can        to annual weight gain were examined                                              ing to the CDC. 
feel your waist growing as you men-      in a convenience sample,” said Air-                                                                                        “With baked goods instead of
tally take note of all the foods the     man Ostrowske. “On average, weight                                                  Here are some ‘holiday eating’      frosting, use cool whip, fruit puree
holidays have to offer... leaving one     gain during the six-week winter peri-                                            guidelines:                            or powdered sugar. (As an alterna-
question, “Where do I begin?”            od from Thanksgiving through New
                                         Year averaged about a pound.                                                               - Try to stick with low fat foods, tive) to one egg, use two egg whites
   As Air Force members, the holi-                                                                                        like vegetable, fruit or deli meat trays  or cholesterol-free egg products to
days can be tempting and weight             “However, weight gain was great-
gain can be a problem long after         er among individuals who were                                                              - Try to stay away from food tables cut down on cholesterol. 
they’ve come and gone. With a few        overweight or obese, in which 14
healthy eating tips, it can be possible  percent gained more than five                                                     to help avoid unconscious nibbling  Another important tip pro-
to enjoy the holidays’ finest foods       pounds,” she added. 
while still maintaining your weight.                                                                                                - Limit trips to the buffet table  vided by Airman Ostrowske was
                                            While exercise is important to
   This can be accomplished by not       keep pounds down or off, watching                                                           - Try to limit alcohol, instead to eat before shopping since mall
over-eating, doing everything in         food intake, especially during the
moderation and by making small           holidays, is important also.                                                     switch it up with water or diet sodas  foods tend to be high in calo-
changes in recipes that yield a big-
ger calorie savings, said Senior Air-       According to the Centers for Dis-                                                       - Try something new          ries. Also bring a healthy snack
man Zarina Ostrowske, 23rd Aero-         ease Control, some foods are mar-
medical-Dental Squadron’s Heath          keted as healthy, low fat, or fat-free,                                                    - Try to get involved in conversations  to munch on while shopping, to
and Wellness Center diet therapist.      even though they may contain more                                                          - Sip on beverages 
                                         calories than the fat-containing                                                                                        help combat hunger. 
   “Holiday eating is a celebratory      food they are replacing. This makes                                                        - Stay away from egg nog 
time,” said Airman Ostrowske. “It’s      it important to read all food labels                                                                                    Shopping opens an opportunity
                                         for nutritional information and eat                                                        - Eat a variety of small portions to be active during the holidays, said
                                                                                                                          instead of large single servings 
                                                                                                                             - Eat a snack before attending the  the Airman. People should try to re-
                                                                                                                                                                 main active even if it’s just walking
                                                                                                                          party, this helps to curve appetites 
                                                                                                                                    - Try not to over-eat everyday foods  around to look at the neighborhood
                                                                                                                                    In addition to being aware of Christmas lights. 
                                                                                                                          calorie intake, altering food recipes Along with being conscious of
                                                                                                                          to make them healthier can help food intake, physical activity will

                                                                                                                          keep the amount of holiday weight help burn some of the unwanted ex-

                                                                                                                          gained down.                           tra calories the holidays often bring,

                                                                                                                                    “Small changes can mean a she added.


 Harry Schlosser,
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