Page 29 - Desert Lightning News 12-4-15
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Desert Lightning News                  December 4, 2015                                                                                        29


                                                              Publisher................................................................Paul Kinison
                                                                                                        Business Manager ................................................ Lisa Kinison
From CYBER, Page 16                                                From TRICARE, Page 22                Managing Editor.............................................. Stuart Ibberson
                                                                                                        Advertising Representative ..................................Diane Hasse
grams, such as MathMovesU. Raytheon executives sit on the boards   enrollment period. They must apply   Subscriptions and Delivery .................................Chris Ramos
of George Mason University and University of Central Florida, and  for marketplace coverage within 60   Editor .............................................................. Jennifer Vollmer
the company maintains academic and research partnerships with      day of losing their TRICARE cover-   Layout ....................................................................Emma Uribe
more than a dozen other top universities.                          age. You can find more information
                                                                                                                  Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.
   Ultimately, it will take businesses, government and the educa-                                                  	
tion systems to make a multipronged approach to making changes online at
to fix the situation. For a safer Internet for all, it’s a requirement, Don’t forget that the Affordable    Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Light-
                                                                   Care Act requires most Americans,    ning News. The editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brevity
not an option.                                                                                          or to conform to the Associated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force
                                                                   including TRICARE beneficiaries       style as required by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert
                                                                                                        Lightning News can be e-mailed to the editor at
From READING, Page 21                                              and DOD employees, have mini-        Submission deadlines are noon Monday’s for Friday’s publication. If submis-
                                                                   mum essential coverage. Most TRI-    sions are publishable, they run based on space available and priority. Desert
Through Reading longstanding partners of the armed forces.         CARE plans meet this requirement,    Lightning News uses information from the Armed Forces Information Service,
“We all are grateful for your service to more than 100,000         but if you want to explore health    Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, staff writers and other sourc-
beneficiaries and distributing more than 25,000 books to            care options outside of TRICARE,     es. All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review, 456 East Ave.
our military children,” Battaglia said. “You have allowed our      make sure to visit    K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA 93535. For business advertising, call (520) 623-
military families to stay more connected, more cohesive and        during open enrollment.              9321 or e-mail For classified advertising, e-mail
more complete.”                                                                                Military members must call the 355th
                                                                                                        Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office at (520) 228-3406 for all submission
                     Chapel Services                                                                    requests.
Catholic                               Evangelical Service, 9:50 a.m.
Desert Dove Chapel                     Gospel Service, 11:30 a.m.                                         Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a pri-
                                       Children’s Church will be available                              vate firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agree-
Daily Mass, Monday–Friday, 11:30 a.m.                                                                   ment with the 355th Fighter Wing. Contents of Desert Lightning News are
Saturday Mass, 5 p.m.                  Dorm Worship Service                                             not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,
Sunday Mass, 10 a.m.                   Sunday, Bldg. 3610 in “The Loft” (day room                       Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance
                                                                                                        of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not
Protestant                                on the second floor)                                          constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of
Sunday services, Hope Chapel           Home-cooked dinner, 5:30 p.m.                                    the Air Force or Aerotech News and Review, of the products or services ad-
                                       Worship, 6:30 p.m.                                               vertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available
                                                                                                        for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
                                                                                                        national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or
                                                                                                        any other non-merit factor of the purchase, user or patron.

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